Chapter 6

Destiny is something you can enjoy only if you accept it. Those who cannot accept destiny will either have to change their destiny, or they can only perish in their destiny. I have no choice but to accept this, so I can only try my best to watch Fei'er's sacrifice and hurry up. Time and my beloved wife enjoy each other's love.

The wound finally healed.

Despite all the unpleasantness on the train and in the hotel, the following period was a rare time for my wife and I to be alone together. We tried our best to forget those stains. The last two days of our hot spring trip with Mayfair were, in general, It seemed like I had a pretty good time.

The beautiful wife in the hot spring tried her best to please me with her fragrant body. No matter how uncomfortable the position was, as long as she saw my happy expression, Mayfair would insist on finishing it until I vented it.

Seeing my sweet wife Xianghan Linlin working so hard for me, the jealousy and dissatisfaction I had accumulated when I saw Fatty Chen and Feier having sex all disappeared, because I know that Feier loves me from the bottom of my heart. still me.

However, life is not only about happiness. To be more precise, there are many more regrets and disappointments. On the first day after returning from the hot spring trip, Mayfair made a new suggestion to me. For the sake of my health, it is best to take the next day or two. I'll ask Fatty Chen to do it again to avoid searching for magic energy every time I reach the critical point, which can easily cause permanent damage to my body.

Originally, I really didn't want to give up my beloved wife to that ugly fat man so soon, but when I saw the concern for me in Mayfair's narrow and beautiful eyes, how could I really have the heart to reject Mayfair? He nodded helplessly and agreed to his wife's request without saying anything.

But beyond our expectations, Fatty Chen received a call from Fei'er and actually used the excuse that he was too busy to come on a date this time. "Humph, this stinky fat guy really thought that I would get carried away after I gave him a few good looks."

Feier's eyebrows were raised, and her little mouth was pursed in a cute curve. She probably didn't expect that Fatty Chen would actually resist the temptation of her beauty and reject her.

"Then... let's... talk about it later."

"No, my husband's health is very important. We can't go looking for magic power every time it starts to fester. That would be too dangerous."

Mayfair pursed her lips and rejected my proposal to delay. Her blue eyes rolled, and she probably thought of a new idea, "Honey, let's go directly to that small restaurant. I want to see what that damn fat guy is doing." "

Mayfair seems to be quite angry this time. Probably in her impression, Fatty Chen is just a captive of her exquisite appearance and beautiful body. He actually dares to reject Mayfair so easily this time, which makes my lovely wife feel a little sad. Unwilling to do so.

"Fei'er... you're... not just out of anger... or... you really like to be with him..."

"Hmph, I like your size. Go to hell, husband, stinky husband, bad husband. Go to hell, Fei'er, and I will never pay attention to you again."

Feier was a little irritated by my words. She grabbed the pillow and threw it at me. In a blink of an eye, she turned her pink face away and never looked at me again. Only then did I realize that I had gotten into trouble and misunderstood Feier's meaning. I hurriedly followed her smiling face and hugged her behind. I stayed with my beloved wife until I said "I love you" fifty times in Mayfair's ear. Only then did Mayfair smile and hit me lightly with her pink fist to forgive me.

After finally appeasing Fei'er, the couple made preparations again. In order for me to better accept the magic energy, Fei'er prepared a special small mirror so that she and Fatty Chen could enter in case of inconvenience. I can also directly observe when doing it in a closed space, because Mayfair said that only when I see her having sex with the target person can I better let her pass on the magic power. To be honest, when I do it with my wife, she wants to have an affair with someone else. Get ready, this feeling really makes me feel weird. Perhaps sensing my inner depression, Feier took advantage of me not paying attention and kissed me. She held her snow-white hands behind her back, bent down slightly and smiled seductively. Kiss your husband, kiss your master, Mayfair, your favorite is your husband. For you, husband, Mayfair will do anything, so husband, no matter what happens, I will stay with Mayfair forever, forever. together"

Seeing the words of deep love coming out of my beautiful wife's lips, I could no longer care about Fei'er. I slowly stood up and hugged my beautiful wife into my arms. At this moment, I just wanted to kiss her completely. The delicate lips of Fei'er, sucking the tenderness of the beautiful wife's tongue to their heart's content... Hiding the reluctance, she mustered up her courage and finally came to the small restaurant that Fei'er had not seen for a long time. But when she entered the store, there was that For a moment, I really felt that Fatty Chen was right. The noisy crowd crowded the small shop. It was probably because the business was so good that Fatty Chen, who has never been a generous man, turned on the air conditioner. Otherwise, in this weather, With so many people packed into a small shop, everyone was probably suffocated before the food was served.

It's rare that the customer at the table where I usually sit just got off the table and vacated the seat. He pulled Fei'er and sat there. He actually waited for four or five minutes. Fatty Chen, who was so busy, didn't notice our "new guests" Fei'er. Finally, he got tired of waiting. When Fatty Chen was busy serving the dishes, he coughed violently. The frightened Fatty Chen almost threw the plate over.

" is it you..."

Fatty Chen didn't understand why at first. When he saw the beautiful Fei'er sitting on the side looking at him with a slight anger, he blurted out his wife's name. But suddenly he saw me next to him and couldn't help but notice. After all, in front of me, Fei'er and Fatty Chen have never spoken. He called Fei'er's name in such an affectionate way in front of Fei'er's husband. He has been working hard in society for a long time. Fatty Chen's mentality was also turbulent, and he was afraid that I would taste the weirdness in it.

After being stunned for three to five seconds, and seeing that my face was a little dark and I didn't seem to think deeply about what I just said, Fatty Chen put on a fat smile on his face, and handed the dishes to the diners on the table next to him. He said hello to me, "Oh, Brother Chen, I haven't been here for a while. Why are you free today?"

"Ah, I just came back from a business trip."

Seeing my lukewarm reply, probably because of a guilty conscience, Fatty Chen glanced at Fei'er and hurriedly said to me, "Um...Brother Chen, I'm really busy today, haha." , I wonder what Brother Chen wants today?"

"Still the same as before"

"Okay, okay, then I'll go to the back and get ready."

Today, Fatty Chen was extra attentive to me. He nodded and bowed to say hello, and then hurried to the kitchen at the back to prepare the dishes I liked before. In fact, he didn't know that my dark complexion was just a normal physical condition. It's just a degeneration. Although the physical body has not rotted since the last time I absorbed magic energy, as soon as I woke up this morning, Mayfair noticed that my skin had begun to turn gray. This was a sign that the physical body had exhausted its spiritual energy and was preparing to decay.

Seeing Fatty Chen's slightly embarrassed exit, Fei'er showed a contemptuous smile, turned her head and looked around, as if saying sorry in her charming eyes, handed the small bag to me, then raised her beautiful buttocks and stepped forward with her long legs. He also followed.

I took a deep breath, and felt cramps in my heart. I had to accept that humiliating scene again, but I no longer had time to lament my fate. My beloved wife has sacrificed everything for me. I just have to accept it. Being able to muster up the courage to bear it all like a man, I guessed that Mayfair had reached the predetermined step, so I took out the plane mirror from the small bag and followed her.

In Fatty Chen's small restaurant, the outer hall is where small private rooms and individual guests are located. Inside, there is a kitchen and a bathroom around a corner. This is also a common layout for small restaurants. After walking around the corner, I found that there was only one chef and one waiter inside. Busy, there are fewer people in the restaurant than usual. It's no wonder that Fatty Chen, a small boss who works in the field, has to go into battle himself. He is really too busy.

However, seeing that the waiters and chefs in the kitchen were extremely busy, there was no trace of Fatty Chen and Feier. I was wondering where Feier had gone when I suddenly heard a noise in the toilet. I understood something and took a few steps. Entering the toilet room, sure enough, one of the two toilet stalls was locked. I hurriedly entered the other stall and locked it as well. While eavesdropping, I stretched out the plane mirror and prepared to observe what was going on inside. Humph, Brother Chen is really heartless, has he really forgotten Fei'er?"

From the other side of the toilet cubicle, Mayfair's deliberately low-pitched voice sounded. Sure enough, the two of them were here. I thought to myself that I had guessed well. Through the gap between the cubicle and the wall, I used a reflective mirror to see the other person clearly. one side.

Mayfair deliberately dressed very seductively today. She wore a sleeveless black gauze cardigan on her upper body, slightly revealing a black lace bra, and tight hot pants and long black stockings on her lower body. Even her beautiful arches were covered with a pair. Black ultra-high-heeled sandals, the black color contrasts with the pale pink face, making her look even more charming.

At this moment, the lovely wife was slowly drawing circles on Fatty Chen's chest with her slender white hands. Her plump lips painted with red lipstick couldn't help exhaling a seductive breath. She seemed to be scolding Fatty Chen for his ruthlessness, but in fact she was teasing. The animal desires deep in Fatty Chen's heart.

"'m not busy..."

In response to Mayfair's questioning, Fatty Chen sweated profusely on his fat face, but his fat hands were not honest and directly touched Mayfair's beautiful buttocks wrapped in black hot pants, exploring restlessly.

"Hmph, isn't it just a matter of having a few more guests and just forgetting about Fei Fei?"

"Haha, Feifei, I can't help it. If this store can't survive, I won't even be able to eat."

"Don't listen, don't listen, I don't want to hear it, I will find these reasons to mess with Feifei."

Fei'er's deliberately unreasonable behavior made Fatty Chen feel itchy. Sometimes flirting can excite a person more than direct sexual stimulation. However, from the perspective of me who was observing next door, this kind of active flirting by my lovely wife To me, every word of this conversation was as painful as a sharp sword thrust into my heart. Perhaps I felt that Fei'er's voice was a bit loud. Fatty Chen quickly hugged Fei'er and blocked his wife's small mouth with his big hands, begging, "Fei Fei, keep it down." Order, there is a chef in the kitchen, besides, you...your husband..."

"Humph, are you afraid of my husband?"

"'m just afraid that he will see the two of this..."

"Huhu, it's okay. My husband is outside and won't come in. Now... Master... do you want to have sex with Feifei?"

Mayfair's pink face was slightly red, probably knowing that I might be watching from the sidelines, but she still used a seductive tone and took the initiative to use the title "Master" to seduce the pudgy man who hugged her delicate body completely. Think at the pace you set, "Is't you afraid?"

Fatty Chen has been fascinated by Mayfair's charm, but he is still struggling to resist in his mouth. However, through the reflection of the plane mirror, I also know that Fatty Chen will never escape the temptation of his lovely wife's beauty. It was only a matter of time before he surrendered to Mayfair's temptation.

"Hmph, can't you? Why is it so hard there?"

Faile's long and narrow beautiful eyes made Fatty Chen feel a little ashamed of himself. While he was lowering his head and not daring to raise his eyes, his sweet wife's snow-white hands suddenly opened Fatty Chen's big pants and directly grabbed the stubby one. He stroked his penis a few times quickly, "Huh, Master also said, isn't it already hard here?"


Before Fatty Chen could finish sighing, Feier suddenly put her small mouth directly on him, and took the initiative to kiss Fatty Chen with tongues. Seeing Feier becoming more and more active, a strange feeling slowly filled my heart at this moment. On the one hand, he felt sorry for his beloved wife's dedication, but on the other hand, he was moved by the obscene flirtation between Fei'er and Fatty Chen. He habitually inserted one hand deep into his crotch, and once again watched his beloved wife having sex with another man. started masturbating.

"Hmm... sizzling... um..."

The two people's hot breaths were intertwined, and their tongues couldn't help teasing and playing with each other. Fei'er's delicate lips pressed tightly against Fatty Chen's big mouth, and they exchanged saliva with him unscrupulously, as if they had completely forgotten that they had just met each other in less than a month. A few meters away, her husband was still observing all this with a plane mirror.

" is so hot..."

Fei'er let go of her delicate lips, panted slightly and looked at Fatty Chen with seductive eyes. The short and fat man, whose lust was completely aroused to the extreme, didn't care much at this time. He nodded without saying anything and just said a word. With only one fat hand, he lifted Mayfair's beautiful stockinged legs in the air. He took out his cock from his pants and waved it in front of Mayfair. Then he moved forward and pressed his plump body tightly against Mayfair's soft and fragrant body. The cock suddenly pressed against Fei'er's wonderful butterfly hole. Fei'er breathed hot air onto Fatty Chen's fat face, smelling the sweet scent of his sweet wife. Fatty Chen's face turned red with excitement. , a lot of smelly sweat began to break out on his forehead, he probably calmed down, and after whispering "I'm coming", he thrust that stubby ugly thing into Feier again directly in front of me. "Ah...Master's...comes in..."

Hearing Mayfair's charming voice, my cock was stimulated to grow bigger. I also began to hate my perversion in my heart. I actually became excited when I saw Mayfair being violated. However, the numbness of being at the scene many times changed my mind. This is the result. Even if I resist such behavior in my heart, my lower body is still in a stiff state, and my instinctive reaction is higher than the feeling of my soul. This is perhaps the saddest thing for me.

" are always so tight there..."

Trying to lower his voice, turning his rough gasps of desire into low sighs, Fatty Chen, less than one meter away from me, began to hold one of my beautiful wife's beautiful legs face to face, using his stubby hand It was a bit hard for Feier to support her body with only her beautiful legs. After a while, her white face began to secrete layers of fragrant sweat with a low moan. The middle of her cardigan was already wet. After being disturbed by Fatty Chen's big hand, the dirty fat hand broke through the defense of the clothes and began to molest Mayfair's firm and plump big breasts wantonly, allowing the beautiful breasts to change into any shape in his hands.

"Ah... don't... touch it like that..."

"Haha, Feifei... um... you just get wet after being touched like this... I find... every time I touch your breasts... you get wet easily."

The joint between Mayfair and Fatty Chen only lasted a hundred or so times, and the sound of gurgling water was clearly audible. Mayfair's body has always been sensitive. In fact, it was not just touching her breasts, but even just stroking her thighs and beautiful back. From her earlobes to even her thin waist-length black hair, Mayfair's lower body will unconsciously flow out clear juice of desire. Mayfair has such a sensitive physique.

Feier's two pink arms had already gone around the back of Fatty Chen's thick neck and were intertwined to hold her body in place. When she heard Fatty Chen's teasing, Feier's slender eyes were half-squinted and she was still doing something with her little mouth. The final struggle "It's... it's not... Feifei's water... not much at all... ah..."

As if he was deliberately refuting Feier's words with his actions, Fatty Chen suddenly pushed his cock hard against Feier's vagina. With a clear squeaking sound, Feier let out a long and charming cry that could not be suppressed, and directly hit Feier. His body collapsed into Fatty Chen's arms, "Hahaha, you said there isn't much water?"

Fatty Chen kissed his sweet wife's side face, and while he was triumphantly thrusting into Feier's vagina, he teased Feier's self-esteem.

The hand holding the reflector was shaking slightly. I wonder if it was thisThe anger of shame is still transmitted excitedly in the lower body. At this moment, my mind is entangled and torn between two contradictory emotions. It seems that I am no longer me, and something else has occupied my body, with a trace of relish. The attitude reflects the debauchery between the beloved wife and other men.

The moans and groans from the room next door became louder and louder, the messy snorting, heavy breathing, sighs of relief, and the charming whisper of the charming wife with a hint of shyness. These symbols that were originally evidence of my shame have now turned into The stimulant was sniffed into my nose. It was the sweet and fishy smell mixed with Mayfair's semen. It stimulated the original desire of my lower body. The hand that was stroking my cock could already clearly feel the prostate fluid flowing out of my cock. , the battle between my beloved wife and others actually made me so excited.

" so tight..."

" comfortable..."

Fei'er hid in Fatty Chen's arms, feebly slapping in the air the gracefully curved calf that Fatty Chen was holding in his hands, staring at her beautiful feet in black high-heeled sandals, and her toes began to bounce slightly, looking pretty and cute. Through the thin black stockings, the human body was telling me about Mayfair's gradually arousing lust.

The lovely wife in black silk stockings was still being held in Fatty Chen's arms, raising her beautiful legs and fucking her wantonly, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. Before the three people in the bathroom could react, there was a rapid knock on the door. "?...?...?..."

"Who is in the toilet? Why haven't you come out for so long..."

An aunt-like voice sounded, frightening Fei'er and Fatty Chen as they hugged each other but did not dare to speak. However, Fatty Chen's cock was not honest and was still moving slowly in Fei'er's pussy intentionally or unintentionally. The poor wife could only suppress her gasps and didn't dare to make a sound.

Feier's pretty face flushed, her slender eyes dripping with the temptation of desire as she looked at the short and fat man in front of her, her red lips trembling slightly, as if begging him not to continue to ravage her delicate and sensitive lower body, but Fatty Chen With a wicked smile on his face and a malicious excitement, he continued to stir the honey juice with his cock and make trouble in Mayfair's secret passage. Damn fat man, aren't you afraid of being discovered!

"What does it smell like? It's not healed inside yet?"

The aunt seemed to smell something unusual and kept urging her, but of course neither I nor Phil would answer the aunt.

There were a few more knocks on the door, but when there was no response from the toilet, the anxious aunt had no choice but to mutter something angrily and hurried outside to find the toilet.

Hearing the distant footsteps, Fei'er and Fatty Chen sighed and relaxed almost at the same time. Fei'er's narrow beautiful eyes were filled with resentment, and her little hand went around behind Fatty Chen's neck and patted his big fat head, while bearing the pain. Fatty Chen continued to push forward and whispered, "Bad master... ah... actually... bullied... Feifei like this."

" held it so tightly...but...just now...Feifei...were you excited too?...Look at the water below's much more than before. Too few..."

"Stop...stop talking...ah..."

As if Fatty Chen was proving something, there was another burst of accelerated thrusting, and the sound of gurgling water became louder and louder, mocking Fei'er, and also seemed to be mocking me who was peeping. Suddenly Fei'er let out a long low moan, and was moved by this. The charming sound stimulated me, so I speeded up the cock a few times, and ejaculated my semen right next to where my wife was being humiliated.

Once again, I watched my beloved wife having sex with another man, masturbating and ejaculating. A sense of shame enveloped my heart for a long time and would not go away. But the people next door could not feel my state of mind. No matter Fatty Chen or Fei'er, they were panting at this moment. The sounds became increasingly messy and mixed, which meant that the two of them had completely entered the final stage of passion.

"Ah... Master... Master... Ah... Mayfair... Mayfair is going... Ah... cum in... Let's go... together..."

Feeling Fatty Chen's hotness, Feier tightened her beautiful black stocking legs and tightly clamped the base of Fatty Chen's penis with her beautiful pink butterfly hole. Her beautiful eyes drooped, her red lips parted, she exhaled the breath of desire, and gasped lustfully. All of this is to seduce the short, fat, ugly man in front of him to use his semen to stain his womb, in order to extract magical energy and supply it to his husband.

Fatty Chen was so excited at the moment that he couldn't say anything. He clenched his teeth and stared with a pair of mouse eyes. He pushed his lower body upwards desperately, without caring about Fei'er's feelings. He just wanted to vent his ugly animal desires quickly and have a good time. He filled his sweet wife's tight cavity with semen and said, ""

Feier made a quick and messy sound of love, completely ignoring whether anyone heard her. As Fatty Chen lifted his waist heavily, Feier was lifted up and the toes of her beautiful feet on her beautiful legs were gathered together, and the beautiful arches of her feet were stretched tightly. There was a line, a splash, and a large amount of semen poured out. Even though Fatty Chen's thick penis blocked the hole, he still couldn't suppress the lustful sight of the semen splashing everywhere. In the next room, Fatty Chen held Fei'er in his arms, and his plump buttocks burst. With a quick burst of squirming, and the contraction of her testicles, I used my cock to shoot all the hot semen straight into Mayfair's compact and muddy vagina... Once again, I had to watch my beloved wife being fucked by someone else in front of me. The man was creampied... While the two of them were resting, Fei'er squeezed out the magic energy. After successfully converting the psychic energy, I secretly left the toilet and returned to the dining table. I took a few bites of the delicious food and waited slowly. Come back with your sweet wife and that disgusting fat man.

There were still quite a few people in the store. After a while, Fei'er slowly walked back to the table. Probably because Fatty Chen's movements were too intense, Fei'er obviously frowned with an expression of discomfort when she sat down.

"Husband... I... am back..."

Feier knew that the lewd scene between her and Fatty Chen had been witnessed by me. Even though it was not the first time, Feier's face was still full of embarrassment as the redness had not faded away.

After a while, I saw Fatty Chen walking out of the kitchen triumphantly. His fat face was full of satisfaction and conquest after possessing Feier. With my tender little hands, I left the hotel and went straight home in a fit of anger... What followed behind me was just Mayfair's cry-like begging voice and the scattered sound of high-heeled shoes... After that, my heart was empty for the next few days. Recently, I have been a little... I don't know how to face Fei'er, and I don't know what I think about her. I am confused all day long, thinking about our future, but I don't know what to think every time.

Maybe Mayfair also noticed that my heart was getting more and more chaotic since the hot spring hotel, so she always tried her best to please me. But after eating my lovely wife's delicious food and enjoying Mayfair's extreme charm in bed, I still I still can't break free from the chains of sorrow, but the rope becomes tighter and tighter.

The only thing I don't need to worry about is that because I have absorbed more magic recently, Fei'er doesn't have to look for that Fatty Chen these days. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will really go crazy!

"Honey, what would you like to eat today?"

When I woke up in the morning, Fei'er hugged me and asked me sweetly. Seeing my charming wife leaning in my arms and acting coquettishly, I felt a small sense of happiness in my heart, but before I could reply, a harsh voice came out. When the phone rang, Feier looked a little panicked, but she still pressed the call button on her phone. It turned out that the call was to Feier. I was wondering about the source of the call, but my wife's conversation almost made my lungs explode with anger. " Master...Master...Good morning..." Who the hell is Fatty Chen? He called me so early to harass Fei'er? But when did he know Mayfair's mobile phone number? Before I could think about this problem clearly, Feier started biting her lips again, trying to lower her voice and said ugly love words to Fatty Chen, "Well... he is on a business trip... he is not here..."

" can't be comes..."


"No...Master...I'm so shy..."

My face started to twitch with anger, and Fei'er seemed to be aware of the volcano next to me. She begged me to endure it with her slender eyes, but she continued to say obscene words that made me jealous, "Well, that time ...Fuck Feifei so comfortable..."

"Yes...the master is so awesome...Feifei likes it the most..."

"Feifei's little originally...the master's..."

I really couldn't listen anymore, so I suppressed the urge to throw away Mayfair's phone, but I still pushed my sweet wife away, got out of bed, simply put on my clothes and pants, and went out directly.

Even though Mayfair sped up her tone to end the obscene cell phone call, it still didn't stop me from going out and wandering around. My mind began to become a mess. It was already September and the weather was finally not so hot. Only then did I Thinking about it, it seems that I should go to work in a few days.

The family doesn't seem to have much money.

But now, what makes me feel more irritated than money is my relationship with Mayfair. I know mentally that everything Mayfair is doing now is just to help me maintain my body. This morning's lewd phone call, It's just a last resort to stabilize Fatty Chen, but, I just can't calm down. No man in the world can calm down when he sees his wife flirting with other men with lewd words next to him.

I don't know what to do mentally. Every time I see Mayfair with other men, I have to wonder if Mayfair is acting or if she is serious. This kind of painful torture makes me feel depressed day by day. Know when it will be the end.

For about a morning, I spent almost all my time thinking about these things. I felt a little hungry before I knew it. I felt in my pocket and ran out without even taking any money, only the keys to my home.

Fortunately, I still have the key to my home, otherwise I wouldn't have anywhere to go at this time. Although it might be a little embarrassing to see Fei'er when I go back, I thought about it and decided to go back. Is it possible to never see my beloved wife again? Yao finally returned uneasily. When I got home, I entered the door and found that Feier was not at home. On the shoe rack at the entrance was a note full of Feierjuanxiu's handwriting. The main message was to tell me that she went to find me and asked me to contact her when I came back. Fei'er still cares about me, and she feels moved in her heart. She also feels that her anger is a bit unnecessary. Since she has been returned to the world by the devil, she should accept this condition on her behalf. Before Fei'er said anything, she got angry again and again. , this is too inappropriate.

Apologizing, I touched my cell phone. Just as I was about to make a call, there was a knock on the door, "Who is it?"

I agreed and opened the door. This city is not my hometown. I don't have much contact with my neighbors. I don't have too many friends, classmates, or relatives. It's strange that someone would come to visit me on such a day. .

Opening the door, a beautiful figure that was both familiar and unfamiliar to me stood in front of me. When the name of the owner of this beautiful figure came to my mind, my mouth was knotted, and I couldn't speak clearly. "Xiao...Xiao Ruo?"

Xiaoruo, this was the nickname I used to call my first girlfriend. Her real full name should be Xiao Yaruo.

"Haha, hello, Chen Fang."

Xiao Yaruo had a smile in her almond-shaped eyes, exuding a mature charm. Yes, after all, she is only two years younger than me, and she is already in her mid-twenties this year.

But she is even more beautiful now than when we broke up.

The blond hair that was originally due to mixed blood was now beautifully styled into curls that were tilted to the left. Although the pale purple eyes looked a bit haggard, they were still so beautiful after being held by a pair of big almond eyes. charming.

With a tall and delicate nose bridge, moderately plump lips, and in terms of appearance, Xiao Yaruo is only one or two points inferior to Fei'er. She can be called a super beauty.

However, the pair of big breasts on her chest did not disappoint Fei'er at all, especially when she was wrapped in a white professional skirt, they looked even more obvious, and she looked even more erect and enchanting.

Beneath the waist and hips are graceful long legs, wearing black silk stockings, and a pair of beautiful feet are hidden in black high heels, but such a concealment makes people want to move. After so many years, Yaruo's innocence Although it's not what it used to be, her sexiness is getting stronger and stronger. It can be said that any man on the street will definitely make a seductive beauty want to take a second or third look at her.

After being looked at by me for a long time, Xiao Yaruo felt a little embarrassed. Her snow-white pink face was stained with a delicate red, and her little mouth started to scold me: "Don't keep staring at her. I'm so sorry. It's not like I'm not naked." Seen"

This familiar smile stirred up my memories. The lakeside next to the school, the dense woods, the small hotel near the university, the deserted library, all the experiences Xiaoruo and I had passed through me like a revolving door. I walked through it all before my eyes, the throbbing of holding hands for the first time, the excitement of the first kiss, the madness of having sex for the first time, all mixed together, gradually welling up in my heart, allowing me to taste all kinds of different flavors.

"What? You don't invite me in?"

Xiao Yaruo stood outside the door for a long time, looking at me without saying a word, and started to ask with a light laugh, "Ah... of course... of course..." I welcomed Xiao Yaruo into my home with some embarrassment. At this moment I may not know that it was this action that once again changed the gears of my future life, changed its rotation speed, and brought me into a completely different world.

Mayfair may still be looking for me outside me, but in my own home, looking at Xiao Yaruo's pink face, it seems that I am also thinking about what I am looking for...