Mark Wayles

The underground ruins of Willowcrest stretched like a forgotten labyrinth beneath the weight of centuries.

Mark Wayles, his flashlight cutting through the thick veil of darkness, navigated cautiously through narrow corridors and crumbling archways. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and the faint echoes of distant water droplets.

Each step reverberated softly against the ancient stone, creating a ghostly rhythm that seemed to resonate with the whispers of forgotten voices.

Mark had ventured into these ruins on a rumour—a tale spun by seasoned scavengers about an ancient artefact hidden deep within the bowels of Willowcrest. He hoped that this artefact would be his ticket to a better life for himself and his younger sister, Clara.

The thought of Clara, waiting anxiously in their small, dimly lit rundown cottage, spurred him onward through the dark passages.

However, even after hours of continuous search, it seemed fruitless.

He quickly grew tired due to his malnourished condition. At 21, under normal circumstances, he should have been a healthy young man, but that was impossible in this world—a world full of oppression and scarce resources.

"The reason is simple: humanity. And to make matters worse, the mysterious calamity that struck a century ago has only exacerbated the situation."

With loose, unkempt black hair, and a skinny body, Mark looked like a homeless beggar.


"That's what you get for following some stupid old folklore and those stupid rumours."

"I am so stupid," Mark muttered in frustration. "Time to head back. This place is very creepy with its deathly aura all around it. It's giving me the chills. I don't wanna stay here any longer."


"The rumours aren't wrong, kid. But it is waiting for its destined individual to arrive."

Just as Mark turned a corner to leave, a sudden deep voice made his heart race erratically.

Where did that sound come from? He had been alone in this labyrinth from the very beginning. Who could have followed him here?

He turned his flashlight to search for the owner of the voice, but he saw nothing there. Only some skeletal remains were scattered on the floor, so old that a slight breeze could turn them into specks of dust. He couldn't tell if the skeletons were from humans or some other animals.

"Hey, I'm above. Why are you looking on the ground?"

"Huh! Above? Who could be above?"

Mark turned his flashlight to the ceiling, only to find out, a mysterious little bat was hanging diagonally on the ceiling.

The little bat flashed a creepy smile at Mark.


Mark stumbled backwards, getting the scare of his life.

"Ah, Not again!" The bat was exasperated. "Why do humans always get scared to see me? See, I'm just a handsome old bat."

"And don't turn on that flashlight again," the bat warned, clearly not fond of the light...

Mark somewhat calmed down, suppressing his inner turmoil. He didn't turn the flashlight back on.

"Isn't it strange to see a talking bat out of nowhere? Since when has it become normal for a bat to speak in human language?" Mark retorted.

"Oh, I see. It looks like you haven't seen the real world yet, Mark."

"Huh, What do you mean? And how do you even know my name?" Mark's voice became hoarse with the rising chaos in his mind.

"Hahaha. It's a funny question indeed. Not only do I know your name, but I also know your entire life history. It's written clearly on your face. You're 21 years old, your parents died in an unfortunate accident, and you have a little sister named Clara."

Mark was astonished, yet suspicious. "Who exactly are you?"

"Me? I am the keeper of the treasure you're looking for."

"You mean the treasure is with you?" Mark's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Can you give it to me?"

"No, I can't. It's not with me," the bat poured cold water on his enthusiasm.

"But you just said that you're the Keeper of the treasure. What about that? Was it all a lie?"

The mysterious bat shook his head. "I didn't say it is with me, I said I am its keeper. Even I don't have access to the treasure; it is destined to get into the hands of the fated one."

Mark nodded in understanding, even though he didn't quite grasp the concept of destiny and fate.

"What is that treasure exactly?" Mark asked, curious.

"I don't know either. But I know it can change your destiny altogether."

"Do you want to try for it? But remember, if you fail to obtain the treasure, you will be dead just like those people," the mysterious bat warned seriously, pointing towards the skeletal remains.

"Does that mean they also tried to get the treasure? And died as a result of the failure?"

The bat nodded. "So, think carefully before you make any decision."

Mark began to think about it seriously. "If he fails here, he will be dead forever. In the worst-case scenario, not even his ashes would reach his little sister."

"But thinking about the unfairness of life in society, Mark began to hesitate. Maybe obtaining the treasure could change their lives for the greater good.

Eventually, after giving it a lot of thought, he decided to give it a try. What else bad could happen? In the best scenario, his sister would just lose her useless brother. She might cry a little, but eventually move on with her own life, not clinging to a brother like him.

"I want to do it," Mark said through gritted teeth.

The bat smiled, a sigh of relief escaping unknowingly from his mouth.

"You sure?"


"Then, follow me." The bat led him through a secret passage that descended deeper underground.

Mark followed without hesitation.

As they traversed the dark passage, they arrived in front of a large stone door.

"I can't go any further, Mark. Just go inside, and if you're the fated person, you will surely obtain the treasure."

"Oh, okay."

Mark cautiously reached out and touched the door, which began to open automatically.

As Mark entered the room, he found himself in a brightly lit environment surrounded by white walls.

In the centre of the room stood an altar, upon which rested a strange, ancient square-shaped metal box enclosed within a transparent barrier. The barrier was intricately connected to seven pillars around the room, forming unknown and ancient runic patterns.

"What should I do? Should I just go and grab it? No tests, nor trials?" Mark wondered, finding the situation magical and surreal.

Without guidance, he stepped forward towards the barrier. This was the moment—if he failed here, the barrier would surely turn him into ashes. One step, two steps... Finally, his body touched the barrier, but nothing happened. Nothing at all.

"Does this mean I passed the test? That was too easy," Mark mumbled, exhaling a breath of relief. He immediately touched the small metal box and stowed it in his pocket.

Suddenly, the entire area began to shake violently, as if hit by an earthquake of magnitude 10 targeted specifically at the location.

"Rumble!" The ground started to collapse around him.

"What's going on? Did I not pass the test?"

As this thought crossed his mind, he got teleported from the spot in an instant.

As the underground chamber collapsed into ruins, the mysterious bat stared at the scene with melancholy, muttering some incomprehensible words.

"It's finally time! It has been several millennia since then. Lord, I have done as you asked. I have finally found your successor. But it is with great sadness that I couldn't speak to him more."

"But the time will come soon enough. I will undergo reincarnation and absolve all my sins to serve my new master. Lord, please, your humble servant seeks your blessing."

Soon, the bat was enveloped in a radiant white glow, his body beginning to disappear little by little.

"My new lord, please wait for me. I will come to serve you soon."

"This is my absolute promise. And this promise shall never be broken."