Chapter 1: Academy Entrance Test

Holy Spirit City, Four Spirit Empire, Fallen Dragon Continent

The Fallen Dragon Continent , a land of breathtaking landscapes and diverse cultures. Thousands of tribes,dynasties,empires,cults,etc. fight for hegemony. In this vast realm lies the Four Spirit Empire, a kingdom known for its strict adherence to the law of the jungle, where strength and position determine one's place in society.

In the Four Spirit Empire, power is paramount. The strong dominate, and the weak serve the strong, creating a society where ambition and resilience are essential for survival. This harsh reality shapes the lives of its citizens, from the highest noble to the humblest merchant.

Spirit City, the bustling capital of the Four Spirit Empire, is a center of commerce, education, and power. Towering spires and ancient buildings reflect its rich history and the ambitions of its inhabitants. The empire's society is divided into rigid hierarchies. Nobles, scholars, merchants, and commoners each have distinct roles, with opportunities for advancement determined by one's abilities and achievements.

In this capital, a determined 15-year-old, sat at his small wooden desk, the dim glow of an oil lamp casting shadows across the room. The flickering light danced over stacks of scrolls and books, their pages worn from countless readings. His modest bedroom, filled with the scent of parchment and ink, was a testament to his dedication. The quiet of the late night enveloped him, broken only by the soft rustling of paper as he flipped through his notes. His brow furrowed in concentration, Ruchir's eyes were fixed on the intricate characters before him, each stroke bringing him closer to his dream of becoming a Grand Scholar.

Academy Entrance Test

The Academy Entrance Test is more than just an examination; it's a life-defining moment for many young aspirants. It serves as the gateway to the empire's most prestigious institutions.

Success can open doors to the Four Great Academies, where the best minds of the empire are nurtured and failure can lead to hmph, mediocre life.

Passing this test is a crucial step toward his goal of becoming a Grand Scholar, a position of great honor and influence.

He recall his determination and recalls his goal the title: Grand Scholar Ruchir.

A pipe dream for billions of people in the Empire.

This position determines power, status, wealth and everything the Empire has to offer. Even the emperor has to treat such person with caution. 

The day of the test dawns with a tense atmosphere. Hundreds of candidates, each with their own dreams and fears, gather at the examination hall.

The silence is palpable, broken only by the occasional nervous whisper. Ruchir takes a deep breath, his mind focused on the questions ahead, each one a stepping stone towards his dream.

Ruchir's parents, Raghav and Mira, accompany him to the examination hall.

"Ruchir, you've worked so hard for this," his father says, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Remember, no matter what happens, we are proud of you." Mira nods in agreement, her eyes filled with both hope and worry. "You are destined for great things, my son," she adds, her voice soft but firm.

As Ruchir stands among the candidates, he overhears snippets of conversations:

"I heard the test this year is particularly challenging," says a boy from a noble family. "But I've trained with the best tutors. I must succeed."

"My family sold our farm to pay for my studies," a commoner girl whispers to her friend. "I can't let them down."

"Becoming a scholar is my only way out of poverty," murmurs a young boy. "The Four Great Academies are my only hope."

"I will bring honor to my household," declares another noble, determination etched on his face.

"I've dreamed of this day for years," says a middle-class merchant's son. "The academies are the path to greatness."

During the test, a man in a black cloak and a woman in a green silhouette watch the candidates from a distance. They are evaluating the potential of the young aspirants.

"Do you think there will be any surprises this year?" the man asks, his voice low and contemplative.

"Maybe," the woman responds, her eyes scanning the determined faces. "These candidates come from various backgrounds, each with their own story and potential. One never knows where the next Grand Scholar will come from."

The Academy Entrance Test was grueling, stretching over eight intense hours. The air was thick with tension, and the atmosphere crackled with the unspoken fears and hopes of the candidates.

Each question was more challenging than the last, testing their knowledge, resilience, and wit to the limit. The room was silent, save for the scratching of quills on parchment and the occasional, stifled sigh of frustration. 

Ruchir's heart pounded in his chest, each tick of the clock amplifying his anxiety. He could feel the pressure mounting with every passing minute.

The stakes were high; his entire future depended on this exam. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, trickling down his face as he concentrated fiercely on the questions. 

Around him, other candidates shared his struggle. Some bit their lips in concentration, while others glanced nervously at the clock.

The weight of their dreams bore down heavily on their shoulders, making the air feel almost suffocating. Every stroke of the quill was a step closer to their destiny, a chance to change their lives forever.

Finally the test was over.

The week following the test was a whirlwind of emotions for Ruchir. He constantly swung between hope and doubt, endlessly replaying his answers in his mind. Every moment felt agonizingly slow, the anticipation almost unbearable.

Although he tried to maintain his confidence, nagging doubts kept creeping in. "Did I perform well enough? Were my answers correct?" he questioned himself repeatedly. Amidst this sea of uncertainty, a small flicker of hope persisted. He clung to the belief that he had given his best effort.

One evening, as Ruchir sat quietly in his room, staring blankly at his study materials, his father, Raghav, entered. "Ruchir," he said softly, placing a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder, "you've done all you could. Worrying now won't change the results."

Ruchir sighed, looking up at his father. "I know, Father, but I can't help thinking about all the things I might have done wrong."

His mother, Mira, joined them, her presence warm and comforting. "Ruchir," she said gently, "you have worked so hard. No matter what happens, we are incredibly proud of you."

Ruchir nodded, feeling a bit better but still anxious. "Thank you, Mother. I just hope it's enough."

Mira smiled softly. "Believe in yourself, Ruchir. You've always been diligent and dedicated. Those qualities will see you through."

With a final nod from his parents, Ruchir decided to take a break from his restless thoughts. He moved to the window of his small room and looked out at the horizon.

The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over Spirit City. The vibrant colors painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, slowly blending into the deep blue of the approaching night.As he watched the sun dip below the skyline, a sense of calm washed over him. The world seemed to pause, offering him a moment of peace amidst his turmoil.

Ruchir took a deep breath, absorbing the beauty of the sunset. "Maybe everything will be alright," he whispered to himself. "I've done my best, and that's all anyone can do."

His father's voice broke the quiet again. "Remember, Ruchir, this is just one step on your journey. Regardless of the outcome, you have a bright future ahead."

"Thanks, Father," Ruchir replied, feeling a little lighter. "I'll try to focus on that."

Mira added, "And no matter what, you have us by your side. We're a family, and we'll face everything together."

Ruchir felt a warmth spread through his chest. His parents' support meant the world to him. As the last rays of the sun disappeared, he let go of his worries for a moment, finding solace in the love and reassurance of his family.

Finally, the day of the results arrived.

The Scholar Hall was adorned with vibrant banners, and the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and anxiety.

Families and candidates crowded the entrance, their eyes fixed on the large wooden doors. Among them stood Ruchir's family, their expressions a mix of hope and nervousness.

Ruchir's father, Raghav, had lines of worry etched on his forehead, his hands clasped tightly together. Mira, his mother, kept smoothing her dress, a nervous habit she couldn't shake. Ruchir himself felt his heart pounding in his chest, his palms sweaty with anticipation.

The doors creaked open, and the 3rd-grade official of the Empire stepped out. He was an imposing figure, dressed in elaborate robes that signified his high status. His presence commanded attention, and his stern gaze swept over the crowd, ensuring silence and order.

Flanking him were two Qilin Heaven Guards, their armor gleaming in the sunlight. The Qilin Guards were legendary, known for their unwavering loyalty and formidable strength. Responsible for the protection of the palace, their presence signified the importance of the occasion.

As the official unfurled the scroll with the results, the tension in the air became palpable.

Ruchir could hear his own heartbeat, a rapid drum in his ears. His sister, Leena, clutched her mother's hand, her eyes wide with anticipation.

The crowd leaned in, every individual hoping to hear a name they recognized.

The official began to read out the names, his voice clear and authoritative. With each name, gasps and murmurs rippled through the crowd.

Ruchir's family held their breath, their hopes pinned on this moment. Raghav's jaw tightened, and Mira's eyes glistened with unshed tears, her fingers crossed tightly.

"And finally," the official announced, "Ruchir of Holy Spirit City."

A moment of stunned silence followed before it was broken by jubilant cries. Ruchir's family erupted in joy, their nervousness replaced with overwhelming pride and relief.

Raghav hugged his son tightly, while Mira's tears of worry transformed into tears of happiness. Leena jumped up and down, cheering for her brother. The Qilin Guards stood stoically, their watchful eyes ensuring the celebration remained orderly.

"You did it, Ruchir!" Raghav shouts, lifting his son in the air. "We're so proud of you!" Mira, tears streaming down her face, holds him tightly. "You've made all our sacrifices worth it, my dear."

Around them, other families shared similar moments of joy and heartbreak. "My son made it!" a noblewoman exclaimed, her voice trembling with pride. She hugged her son tightly, tears of joy streaming down her face. Nearby, a commoner family embraced each other, their eyes wet with happiness. "We did it," the father whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "Our sacrifices were worth it."

Yet, not all were so fortunate. A noble boy stood with his head bowed, his mother's face pale with shock and disappointment. "How could this happen?" she murmured, her voice barely audible. "We had such high hopes."

A commoner boy, who had studied day and night, stood in stunned silence, his dreams shattered. His family tried to console him, but their faces were etched with sorrow. "It's not the end," his father said, though his own voice wavered with uncertainty.

In contrast, some candidates were shouting with joy, their voices rising above the crowd. "I passed! I passed!" one girl screamed, jumping up and down. Her friends gathered around her, cheering and congratulating her on her success.

The atmosphere was a whirlwind of emotions, a poignant mix of triumph and despair. Ruchir looked around, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for his own success amid the sea of mixed reactions.

In that moment, all of Ruchir's doubts melted away. He had made it. The journey had just begun, but this victory was theirs to savor.

After pinning the results, the official steps forward and announces, "The examination for the Four Great Academies will commence next week on Monday. Prepare well, young scholars, for this is only the beginning of your journey."

After pinning the results, the official stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of everyone gathered.

The crowd fell silent, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. "The examination for the Four Great Academies will commence next week," he announced, his voice resonating with authority. "Prepare well, young scholars, for this is only the beginning of your journey."

The announcement hung in the air, a declaration that marked the climax of this momentous day. Banners fluttered in the breeze, and the sun cast a golden glow over the Scholar Hall, enhancing the grandeur of the occasion.

The Qilin Heaven Guards stood tall and vigilant, their imposing figures adding to the sense of importance.

Ruchir's heart swelled with a mix of excitement and determination. His family beamed with pride, their earlier anxiety replaced by hopeful anticipation. Around them, other families shared their emotions—some faces lit with joy, others shadowed by disappointment, but all united by the promise of a new chapter.

As the crowd slowly dispersed, Ruchir took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his dreams and the expectations of those he loved. The journey ahead was daunting, but this victory had fueled his resolve. He was ready to face whatever came next.