Chapter 3: Aptitude Test: Trials of Young Dragons and Phoenix

Elder Tian's voice rang out, commanding and authoritative. "Well done to those who have passed the Will Test. Your journey does not end here. Follow me to the location of the next test: the Aptitude Test."

The candidates, filled with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, walked, the landscape around them began to change. The dense forest gave way to rocky outcrops and steep inclines. The path was flanked by towering cliffs and jagged boulders, creating a dramatic and imposing atmosphere. The air grew cooler, and the sky above was now overcast, adding a sense of urgency and foreboding to their journey.

The candidates moved with a renewed sense of determination. They knew that the Aptitude Test would be a crucial step in their quest to join the Four Great Academies.

Each step they took brought them closer to their dreams, and despite the physical and mental fatigue, they pressed on with unwavering resolve.

As they walked, Elder Tian spoke about the nature of the Aptitude Test.

"Aptitude is something believed to be predetermined by birth. It reflects the innate potential you possess. While some rich tycoons can alter their aptitude through the acquisition of rare Heaven and Earth treasures, such instances are exceedingly rare. Most of you will be judged purely on your natural potential."

They emerged from the grove to find a majestic structure rising before them. The Dragon-Phoenix Pagoda stood tall and imposing, its nine levels each adorned with intricate carvings of dragons and phoenixes intertwined in a celestial dance. The pagoda's golden roof glimmered in the sunlight, while the walls seemed to pulse with a soft, ethereal glow.

The pagoda's base was surrounded by lush gardens filled with vibrant flowers and ancient stone statues, giving it an aura of timeless elegance. As the candidates gazed upon the magnificent structure, hushed whispers filled the air.

"It's breathtaking," a boy with sandy hair murmured, his eyes wide with awe. "I've never seen anything like it."

A girl with her hair in a tight braid nodded. "The carvings are so detailed. Look at how the dragons and phoenixes seem to come alive."

Another candidate, with dark hair and a serious expression, added, "This place feels... sacred. You can almost feel the power emanating from it."

Ruchir stood silently, absorbing the grandeur of the pagoda. "This is where our aptitude will be tested," he thought, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "The Dragon-Phoenix Pagoda. It's as if it holds the weight of our destinies within its walls."

Elder Tian's voice broke through their reverie. "This, aspirants, is the Dragon-Phoenix Pagoda. It will determine your aptitude, ranking it from the lowest of one star to the highest of nine stars. The test will reveal the innate potential within you, a measure that can greatly influence your future path."

He continued, his tone grave and informative. "The stars represent your potential to harness the energies of Heaven and Earth. Those with higher stars possess a greater affinity and capacity for cultivation, leadership, and scholarly pursuits. This is not something you can train for; it is a measure of your inherent capabilities."

Elder Tian gestured towards the pagoda. "You will each place your hand on the Dragon-Phoenix Pagoda. The pagoda will assess your aptitude and illuminate the stars in accordance with your potential. Remember, this is a reflection of your inner self, not something to be influenced or changed by external efforts."

As the candidates gathered at the new location for the Aptitude Test, they found themselves standing before a towering pagoda, its walls adorned with intricate carvings of dragons and phoenixes. At the base of the pagoda stood a large crystal orb, glowing with an ethereal light. Elder Tian explained that each candidate would place their hand on the orb, which would then measure their aptitude and light up stars to indicate their score.

One by one, the candidates approached the orb.

A boy with sandy hair stepped forward and placed his hand on the orb. After a moment, three stars lit up. He exhaled in relief. "Three stars. Not bad, I guess," he murmured, stepping back into the crowd.

A girl with a tight braid approached next. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before placing her hand on the orb. Five stars illuminated, and a collective gasp rose from the candidates. "Five stars!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief and pride. "I did it!"

Another candidate, a boy with dark hair and a serious expression, stepped up. He placed his hand on the orb, and after a tense moment, six stars lit up, shining brightly. The crowd erupted in awe and admiration. "Six stars!" someone whispered. "He must be a genius."

Ruchir watched as his peers took their turns, his own heart pounding with anticipation. But then, something unexpected happened. A noble girl named Priya, who had always been praised for her beauty and charm, approached the orb. She placed her hand on it, but no stars lit up. Her face paled as she tried again, pressing her hand harder against the orb. Still, nothing happened.

"This can't be right!" a girl exclaimed, her voice rising in panic. "The device must be faulty! I know I'm better than this!"

Another boy, experienced the same fate. He placed his hand on the orb, but it remained dark. "There must be something wrong with this thing," he protested, frustration evident in his tone. "I've studied so hard. This can't be correct!"

The murmurs of discontent grew louder as a few more candidates also failed to light up even a single star. Accusations and doubts filled the air.

Elder Tian stepped forward, his piercing gaze silencing the crowd. "Enough," he said, his voice calm but commanding. "The Pagoda of Stars is a sacred device, crafted by the greatest Scholars and blessed by the heavens. It is infallible in its judgment."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "The stars reflect your true aptitude. If the orb did not light up for you, it is not because of a fault in the device. It is because you have not yet reached the level required. This is not the end of your journey, but a call to reflect and improve."

Elder Tian's gaze softened slightly. "Remember, the path to greatness is not always smooth. Failure is but a step on the way to success. Use this experience to grow stronger and wiser."

The candidates fell into a thoughtful silence, absorbing Elder Tian's words.

Ruchir stood at the edge of the group, his heart pounding as he watched the other candidates place their hands on the orb. The tension in the air was palpable, each star that lit up bringing cheers, gasps, or cries of frustration. As the line dwindled and his turn approached, he took a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever result awaited him.

Finally, it was his turn. He stepped forward, his steps heavy with a mix of anticipation and dread. He placed his hand on the orb, feeling its cool surface beneath his palm. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, a single star lit up, casting a faint glow around him.

Ruchir felt a wave of dejection wash over him. One star. It was far from the five or six stars that some of the other candidates had achieved. He glanced at the faces around him, seeing a mix of pity and relief that they were not in his position. His heart sank, the weight of disappointment pressing down on him.

But then he thought of his family. His father's steady encouragement, his mother's tearful pride, and his sister's wide-eyed admiration. Their words echoed in his mind. "Stay focused and give it your all." "We believe in you, Ruchir." "Show them what you're made of!"

Drawing strength from their unwavering support, Ruchir lifted his head, determination flickering in his eyes. One star did not define his worth or his potential. It was merely a step on his journey, a challenge to overcome. He knew he had the resilience and the willpower to rise above this setback.

He stepped back from the orb, his spirit renewed. He would not let this single moment determine his fate. With his family's love and his own determination as his guiding light, Ruchir resolved to face the next challenge with all the strength he could muster. This was only the beginning, and he was ready to prove himself, one step at a time.

But no one noticed at that moment that the single star was slowly shifting to black and white.

As Ruchir stepped back, still reeling from his own test, a hush fell over the crowd. Heads turned and whispers rippled through the candidates as a girl with silver hair glided forward. She wore flowing blue robes that seemed to shimmer like the surface of a tranquil lake, the fabric rippling gracefully with each step. Her beauty was ethereal, as if she had stepped out of a dream or descended from the heavens themselves.

Her silver hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of moonlight, catching the sunlight and creating a halo effect around her serene face. Her eyes, a striking shade of sapphire, held a calm, penetrating gaze that seemed to see into the very soul of those she looked upon. Her delicate features were framed by her lustrous hair, and her presence exuded an aura of grace and nobility.

The candidates couldn't help but murmur amongst themselves.

"Who is she? I've never seen anyone so beautiful," one boy whispered, his voice filled with awe.

"She looks like she belongs in a painting," another girl remarked, her eyes wide with admiration.

Even Elder Tian, usually composed and unreadable, showed a flicker of surprise. He murmured to himself, "Is she the young lass from the Sayy Family?"

The girl approached the orb with an air of quiet confidence, her every movement graceful and deliberate. As she placed her hand on the orb, a collective breath was held, the anticipation almost tangible.

The orb reacted immediately. Stars began to light up, one after another, their glow intensifying with each passing moment. The candidates watched in stunned silence as the count rose higher and higher. Four stars. Five stars. Six stars. The glow continued to grow until, finally, eight stars blazed brightly, casting a radiant light that seemed to illuminate the entire area.

Gasps of astonishment erupted from the crowd. 

"Eight stars!" someone exclaimed. "I've never seen anything like it!"

"She's a real phoenix," another whispered, their voice filled with reverence. "This is beyond extraordinary."

Elder Tian's eyes widened slightly, a rare expression of shock crossing his face. "A true phoenix indeed," he murmured, his voice barely audible but filled with awe. "Her potential is unmatched."

The silver-haired girl stepped back, her face calm and composed despite the amazed reactions around her. She had proven her brilliance, her presence and achievement leaving an indelible mark on the minds of all who witnessed it. As the candidates continued to marvel at her display, it was clear that they had seen something truly remarkable, something that would be remembered for years to come.

After the stunning display by the silver-haired girl, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of awe and anticipation. The candidates watched eagerly as the next group stepped up to take the test, hopeful yet apprehensive about who might follow in her remarkable footsteps.

First, a tall and strikingly handsome young man with sharp features and a confident demeanor approached the orb. He wore the distinctive green robes of the prestigious Jade Family. His dark hair was tied back neatly, revealing a face with high cheekbones and piercing emerald eyes that seemed to reflect his determination. His posture was erect and proud, exuding an air of noble arrogance that came naturally to someone of his lineage.

As he placed his hand on the orb, whispers filled the air. "That's Raoul from the Jade Family. They say he's been training since he could walk," one candidate murmured. "I heard he's as smart as he is skilled," another added.

The orb responded quickly, lighting up with seven brilliant stars. Gasps and exclamations echoed through the crowd. "Seven stars! Another prodigy!" someone shouted.

Next, a boy with a serious expression and composed demeanor stepped forward. He was the son of the Left Minister, a position of great influence and power. His dark hair was impeccably groomed, and his attire was elegant and refined, reflecting his high status. His eyes were a deep brown, intelligent and thoughtful, suggesting a sharp mind behind them.

As he placed his hand on the orb, the candidates whispered among themselves. "That's Alaric, the Left Minister's son. He's known for his strategic mind," one said. "I've heard he's destined for greatness, just like his father," another remarked.

The orb lit up with seven stars, and the crowd reacted with awe and respect. "Another seven stars! Truly remarkable," someone commented.

Finally, a commoner stepped up to the orb, his presence drawing curious glances and whispers. Unlike the previous candidates, he wore simple but neat clothing, and his demeanor was unassuming yet quietly confident. His skin was sun-kissed, a testament to hard work and determination. His hair was a chestnut brown, slightly tousled, and his eyes were a warm hazel, filled with a calm intensity.

As he placed his hand on the orb, the crowd fell into a hush, watching with bated breath. "Do you think a commoner can achieve the same?" one candidate whispered doubtfully. "He looks determined. Maybe he has something special," another countered.

To everyone's surprise and admiration, the orb lit up with seven stars. The reaction was electric. "A commoner with seven stars? Incredible!" someone exclaimed. "He must be blessed by heavens," another candidate commented.

The commoner stepped back, his expression calm but his eyes shining with pride. The display of his achievement alongside those of noble birth earned him deep respect from the crowd, proving that talent and determination could shine through regardless of one's background.

As the murmurs and exclamations of the crowd continued, it was clear that the candidates had witnessed the emergence of three extraordinary talents, each one bringing their unique strength and potential to the forefront.

As the final candidate stepped away from the orb, the excitement and murmurs began to settle. Elder Tian stepped forward, his commanding presence drawing everyone's attention. His eyes swept over the crowd, taking in the varied expressions of awe, pride, and determination.

"Candidates," Elder Tian began, his voice resonating across the gathering."To those who lit up the stars, whether one or eight, remember that this is but one step on your journey. Your true potential lies not only in your aptitude but in how you cultivate and apply it. For those who did not achieve the results they hoped for, take this as a challenge to push yourselves further. The path to greatness is not linear, and every setback is an opportunity for growth."

Elder Tian's gaze lingered on the crowd, his expression both stern and encouraging. "You have faced the test of will and the test of aptitude. Ahead lies the Righteousness Spirit Test. The next test will commence at dawn. Until then, I expect each of you to prepare both mentally and physically for what lies ahead."