Chapter 5: Ink that Splashes Eternity

The scene at the pavilion was electric with the energy of awakened spirits, each unique and powerful in its own right. Yet, amid the displays of prowess and talent, one spirit caught the attention of the old man on the distant peak, his eyes subtly flashing with amusement and curiosity.

As a veteran scholar with profound insights into the mysteries of heaven and earth, he had seen many extraordinary manifestations of spirit. However, the spirit that now held his gaze was unlike any he had encountered.

It was an ink painting—a seemingly simple and unassuming object. To the untrained eye, it appeared ordinary, almost mundane. The painting depicted a serene landscape, with a tranquil river winding through a lush forest, mountains standing majestically in the distance, and a sky painted with soft, ethereal clouds.

At first glance, there was nothing about it that seemed particularly remarkable. It lacked the immediate awe of the Ice-Blue Sword or the fierce presence of the Ferocious White Tiger. But for those who knew how to look deeper, the painting held secrets that spoke of profound depths.

As the old man studied the ink painting, he felt a sense of calmness and serenity wash over him. The tranquility of the depicted scene seemed to extend beyond the confines of the painting itself, creating an aura of peace that contrasted sharply with the palpable energy in the pavilion.

It was as if the painting embodied the very essence of stillness, capturing a moment of timeless beauty that defied the chaos of the world.

Yet, there was something more to it—something that eluded easy explanation. Beneath the surface of serenity lay an undercurrent of profound emptiness, a sense of nothingness that was paradoxically filled with meaning.

The painting did not merely depict a scene; it seemed to transcend the boundaries of form and matter, reaching into the very essence of existence. It was as if the ink itself was imbued with the spirit of eternity, capturing not just a moment in time, but the endless flow of time itself.

The old man's breath caught as he realized the true nature of this spirit. Despite the overwhelming presence of the Ice-Blue Sword, which suppressed many other spirits with its chilling aura, the ink painting showed no sign of subservience.

It stood unaffected, its calmness unwavering and its serenity untouched. It was not a spirit that sought to dominate or compete; instead, it existed in harmony with the world around it, embodying a quiet strength that spoke of infinite resilience.

"Interesting," the old man murmured to himself, a note of exclamation in his voice. "This ink painting belongs to that boy. It embodies righteousness, extreme will, and a strong heart."

This painting indeed belonged to Ruchir.

His thoughts raced as he considered the implications of such a spirit. The ink painting was a manifestation of Ruchir's inner essence, reflecting his profound sense of justice and unwavering determination.

It was a spirit that did not need to assert its power through force or spectacle; its strength lay in its quiet dignity and its ability to endure. In the face of adversity, it remained calm and composed, drawing on an inner reservoir of strength that was both subtle and immense.

For those who would later see the painting, it might appear unremarkable at first glance. But to those with the eyes to see and the hearts to understand, it was a revelation. It was a spirit that hinted at boundless potential, a wellspring of creativity and resilience that could weather any storm.

The painting, with its serene landscape and timeless beauty, was a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit—a power that could transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

As the candidates and spectators in the pavilion continued to react to the various awakened spirits, the old man's thoughts remained fixed on Ruchir's ink painting.

He imagined the surprise and admiration that would follow when others came to understand the true nature of this seemingly simple spirit. It was a spirit that spoke of hidden depths and limitless possibilities, a spirit that embodied the very essence of eternity.

Ruchir stood before the altar, his expression calm yet determined. He had placed his hand on the token, and the ink painting had emerged as his awakened spirit. He felt a deep connection to it, recognizing it as a reflection of his own inner strength and values.

Despite the initial feeling of dejection when only one star had lit up for his aptitude, he now felt a renewed sense of purpose. His spirit was unique and profound, a testament to his journey and his unwavering resolve.

The old man's eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and admiration as he continued to watch. The young lady beside him noticed the change in his expression and turned her gaze toward the ink painting. She, too, felt the subtle yet powerful aura emanating from it, a sense of calmness and eternity that resonated deeply.

"This boy" the old man mused, "he holds within him a spirit that transcends the ordinary. His path will be one of quiet strength and profound impact."

The air was thick with anticipation and excitement as Elder Tian stepped forward, his commanding presence drawing the attention of every participant. He raised his hand, calling for silence, and with a voice that resonated through the pavilion, he declared, "The Four Great Academy Test is now officially over. Each of you can wait in your respective courtyards where you will be informed of which Academy has chosen you. If more than one Academy selects you, then it is your choice to decide which Academy you wish to attend."

As his words sank in, the pavilion erupted in a buzz of conversation. Candidates, their faces alight with a mix of relief and exhilaration, began discussing their prospects and the unique specialties of each Academy.

"I can't believe it's finally over!" exclaimed a tall, lanky boy with bright eyes. "Now we just have to wait and see which Academy chooses us."

A girl with curly hair and an excited grin turned to him, her eyes sparkling. "I've heard that the Destiny Academy is the most prestigious. They specialize in heavenly secrets and are ranked number one. Imagine being able to predict the future or understand the deeper mysteries of the universe!"

Nearby, a burly boy with a serious demeanor nodded thoughtfully. "True, but the Rainbow Academy, ranked second, is also incredible. They focus on freedom and creativity. They say it's a place for madmen, but I think it's more about breaking boundaries and exploring new ideas."

A slender girl with an air of grace interjected, "The Pure Heart Academy is my top choice. They're ranked third and focus on achieving unity with heaven and earth. It's all about balance and harmony, something I deeply resonate with."

In a corner, a group of boys huddled together, one of them speaking with animated gestures. "Don't forget about the Thousand Leaves Academy! They're ranked fourth but are known for their emphasis on mental fortitude and resilience. They believe hard work can achieve anything, and their training is rigorous."

The tall, lanky boy frowned slightly. "Yeah, but haven't they been last in the rankings for the past few years? I heard they're on the decline with no real future prospects. It's almost like a punishment if you end up there."

As the discussions continued, the atmosphere in the courtyard grew more vibrant. Each candidate shared their hopes and preferences, their excitement palpable. The courtyard itself was a bustling sea of hopeful faces, each person eager to discover their future path.

"I wonder how the Academies make their choices," mused a boy with sharp features, adjusting his glasses. "Do they base it solely on our performances today, or do they consider other factors as well?"

A girl with a thoughtful expression replied, "I think it's a combination of both. Our spirits, our determination, and how we handled the tests all play a role. The Academies are looking for specific qualities that align with their philosophies."

As they spoke, a tall figure with a commanding presence entered the courtyard, drawing everyone's attention. Elder Tian had returned, his stern gaze surveying the excited candidates. He raised his hand for silence once more, and the courtyard fell quiet.

"Remember," Elder Tian began, "each Academy has its own unique strengths and philosophies. Choose wisely, should you have the option. Your future will be shaped by the path you take. Reflect on what resonates with you, and where you see yourself growing the most."

The candidates nodded, absorbing his words. As Elder Tian left, the buzz of conversation resumed, even more animated than before.

"I can't wait to see which Academy picks me," said the curly-haired girl. "Destiny Academy would be a dream come true, but I'd be happy with any of them."

The burly boy grinned. "Rainbow Academy is where I belong. I want to push the limits and see what I'm truly capable of."

The slender girl clasped her hands together. "Pure Heart Academy is perfect for me. I want to find that balance and achieve true harmony."

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the courtyard, the candidates continued to share their dreams and aspirations. The atmosphere was electric with hope and determination. They had completed the tests, and now, they eagerly awaited the next chapter of their journey.

Hours passed, and as the night fell, messengers from the Academies began to arrive, each bearing letters of acceptance. The excitement reached its peak as the candidates gathered in their courtyards, eagerly awaiting their fates.

"Here they come!" someone shouted, pointing towards the messengers making their way through the courtyard. The candidates watched with bated breath as the messengers handed out the letters, one by one.

A boy with wide eyes and a trembling hand opened his letter. "I got into Rainbow Academy!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe, despite having hoped for Destiny Academy.

A girl nearby jumped up and down, clutching her letter to her chest. "Pure Heart Academy chose me! I can't believe it!" She had been dreaming of Destiny Academy too, but her joy was still genuine.

The slender girl with an air of grace received her letter and smiled serenely. "Pure Heart Academy. Just as I hoped."

The burly boy let out a frustrated sigh as he read his letter. "Why am I chosen only by Thousand Leaves Academy?" he muttered, his disappointment clear. "I wanted to push my limits, not end up in a declining academy."

As the courtyard filled with shouts of joy and cries of surprise, the candidates congratulated one another, their bonds of friendship strengthened by the shared experience. The air was filled with a sense of accomplishment and the promise of new beginnings.

In the midst of the celebrations, Ruchir stood quietly, his letter unopened in his hand. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment. He had given everything he had in the tests, and now it was time to see where his path would lead.

With steady hands, he broke the seal and unfolded the letter. As he read the words, a mix of emotions washed over him. His spirit had been recognized, and he knew that his journey was just beginning, even if it wasn't the journey he had hoped for.

"Thousand Leaves Academy," he whispered to himself, trying to find solace in the fact that he had been chosen at all. Despite its declining reputation, he resolved to make the most of the opportunity.

The courtyard buzzed with excitement and anticipation as the candidates continued to discuss their futures. The rankings of the Great Academies were a hot topic, and everyone had their opinions on which one was the best fit for them.

"The current Prime Minister hails from Destiny Academy," said a boy with an air of authority. "He's known for his exceptional wisdom and foresight. They say he can see through any political intrigue and plan ten steps ahead of everyone else. His ability to navigate the complexities of our kingdom's politics is legendary."

A girl with a mischievous grin chimed in, "But don't forget the Crown Prince. He's a student at Rainbow Academy. They call him the 'Free Spirit Prince' because of his unconventional ways and creativity. He's always pushing the boundaries of what's possible, whether it's in arts, strategy, or even diplomacy. His innovative thinking has already brought about significant changes."

Another candidate, with a serene expression, added, "The current Saintess of the Four Academies hails from Pure Heart Academy. She's revered for her incredible balance and harmony with the world. Her teachings and actions inspire unity and peace. People say her very presence can calm storms and mend disputes. Her connection with heaven and earth is unmatched, making her a beacon of hope and tranquility."

"And then there's Thousand Leaves Academy," said the burly boy, his voice tinged with disappointment. "They believe in hard work and mental resilience. Their training is tough, but... they've been last in the rankings for so long. I wanted to be somewhere with a brighter future."

The tall, lanky boy frowned slightly. "Yeah, it does feel like a punishment if you end up there. But maybe we can turn things around?"

A pale faced boy, his voice tinged with disappointment, muttered, "And then there's Thousand Leaves Academy. They might be ranked last, but their focus on resilience and mental fortitude is something. The graduates are tough and can endure anything, even if they don't have the prestige of the others."

The tall, lanky boy frowned slightly. "Yeah, but ending up there feels like a setback. We all want to make a name for ourselves, just like the Prime Minister, the Crown Prince, or the Saintess."

As the conversations continued, the atmosphere in the courtyard grew more vibrant. Each candidate shared their thoughts on these illustrious figures, their excitement palpable. The courtyard buzzed with hopes and dreams, each person eager to discover where their future would lead.