Chapter 21: First Mission- Head to Tensura City

The grand hall of Rainbow Academy glittered with anticipation as Principal Liang ascended the stage, her robes flowing in a spectrum of colors that matched the academy's vibrant spirit.

Students and faculty alike held their breath, awaiting the announcement of this year's tournament champions.

"Welcome, esteemed students and honored guests," Principal Liang's voice boomed, carrying a tone of pride mixed with admiration.

"Today, we gather not only to celebrate the prowess of our young talents but also to acknowledge their dedication and spirit."

The audience erupted in applause as Principal Liang began to announce the winners.

"In first place, for her exceptional skill and unwavering determination, we congratulate Anna!" The hall echoed with cheers as Anna stepped forward, her demeanor as icy as her blade, yet the pride in her eyes unmistakable.

Accepting her prize—a high-grade mortal artifact and a generous supply of healing and revitalizing pills—Anna's expression softened momentarily before retreating into her composed facade.

She acknowledged the applause with a nod, then retreated to the side, where other top performers awaited their accolades.

"Securing second place, we have Alaric and Sarif," Principal Liang continued, and the spotlight shifted to the duo.

Alaric, known for his fiery temperament and formidable techniques, accepted his middle-grade artifact and pills with a smirk that betrayed his satisfaction.

Beside him, Sarif, quieter and more reserved, held his prize with a modest nod, his gaze already looking ahead to future challenges.

"And in third place, the valiant Raoul," Principal Liang declared, prompting another round of applause.

Raoul, despite his defeat, stood tall, his demeanor reflecting both disappointment and a fierce determination to improve.

As the formalities concluded, Principal Liang turned to acknowledge additional commendations for creativity and strategic prowess. "To Ruchir, Jack, and others who demonstrated exceptional ingenuity in their battles, we commend your unique approaches and contributions to the tournament's spirit."

Ruchir, known for his sharp intellect and adaptability, accepted his recognition with a nod, his mind already processing strategies for future encounters.

Jack, whose raw energy and determination had earned him admiration despite his defeat, grinned broadly as he received his accolade, soaking in the applause from his peers.

Throughout the hall, conversations buzzed with excitement and congratulations.

Students mingled, sharing tales of battles fought and lessons learned, while faculty members exchanged nods of approval and subtle discussions on the emerging talents.

In the midst of the celebration, Principal Liang's voice once again rose above the din. "Let us remember that while victory is sweet, it is the journey of growth and camaraderie that truly defines our academy's spirit. Each of you has contributed to that spirit today."

With those words, the ceremony drew to a close, but the echoes of pride and determination lingered in the air.

As students dispersed, carrying their prizes and newfound experiences, Rainbow Academy remained a beacon of aspiration and excellence in the eyes of its students and the broader martial world.


At night.

In the tranquil confines of Thousand Leaves Academy's dormitory, Ruchir sat at his desk, meticulously examining the low-grade mortal artifact he had received—a sleek ink brush imbued with the essence of nature, its bristles fine and resilient. Beside him, Garret lounged on his bed, his usual irreverent humor cutting through the calm atmosphere.

"So, Ruchir, how does it feel to wield the mighty power of an ink brush?" Garret quipped, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he swung his legs off the bed.

Ruchir chuckled, running his fingers along the brush's smooth handle. "It's not about the power, Garret. It's about the craftsmanship. This brush has a finesse that I can appreciate."

Garret rolled his eyes dramatically. "Ah, yes, the finesse of painting the town with calligraphy," he teased, pretending to scribble in the air. "Watch out, world, Ruchir's armed with an ink brush!"

Ruchir shook his head, smiling despite himself. "It's more than just a brush, you know. It symbolizes recognition of our efforts, our progress."

"True," Garret conceded with a grin. "But still, I can't help but envy you. All I got was a bag of those low-grade pills. Useful, sure, but not exactly something to brag about."

Ruchir chuckled softly, setting the brush down on his desk. "You'll find a use for them, I'm sure. Maybe they'll give you the stamina to keep up with my artistic endeavors."

Garret feigned offense, clutching his chest dramatically. "Ah, Ruchir, always the artiste. While I, a mere mortal, struggle to stay awake through the lectures of Saturn's philosophy marathon."

Their banter continued, filling the room with a camaraderie that transcended their differences.

As evening descended outside the dormitory windows, the echoes of their laughter mingled with the rustling of leaves in the academy grounds, a testament to friendships forged in the crucible of challenges faced and victories celebrated.

The peaceful ambiance of Ruchir and Garret's dormitory at Thousand Leaves Academy was abruptly shattered as the door burst open with a resounding crash. Startled, Ruchir looked up from his desk to see a striking girl with fiery red hair standing in the doorway, her presence commanding attention and curiosity in equal measure.

Garret, on the other hand, sprang to his feet with an indignant expression. "Hey! What do you think you're doing? This is a violation of men's privacy, a sacred realm protected by the ancient code of... well, decency!"

Ruchir couldn't help but stifle a laugh at Garret's melodramatic protest, amused by his friend's exaggerated sense of propriety. The red-haired girl, Alice, simply raised an eyebrow at Garret's outburst, ignoring his comments entirely. Instead, she casually tossed a folded piece of paper onto Ruchir's desk.

"Mission assignment," Alice stated bluntly, her voice carrying an air of confidence that matched her unconventional entrance. With a playful grin directed at Garret, she turned on her heel and began to leave the room, her steps light and purposeful.

Garret's frustration reached a new height. "Hey, you can't just barge in here, throw paper at us, and leave like that! It's... it's outrageous!"

Alice paused at the doorway, her gaze flickering over her shoulder. "Consider it payback for your ink brush comments," she teased, before disappearing from view, her laughter echoing faintly down the corridor.

Garret's face turned beet red, a comical tantrum building within him as he clenched his fists in mock fury. "This is unacceptable! I demand justice! And respect! And... and a less chaotic life!"

Ruchir, meanwhile, unfolded the paper Alice had left behind, his expression thoughtful as he scanned the mission details. Ignoring Garret's theatrics, he absorbed the contents carefully, his mind already processing the implications of their next assignment.

Garret slumped back onto his bed, deflating like a punctured balloon. "I can't believe it... even my one and only friend ignores me now."

Ruchir glanced up from the paper, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "She didn't ignore you, Garret. She just has a unique way of showing her affection."

Garret groaned dramatically. "Oh, great. Affection through chaos and door-smashing. Just what I always wanted."

The room fell into a comfortable silence, broken only by the rustling of the paper in Ruchir's hands and the occasional muttering from Garret, still grumbling about privacy violations and the unpredictability of red-haired intruders.

The next morning, the tranquility of Thousand Leaves Academy's mountain gate was disrupted by the arrival of Ruchir and Garret, their footsteps echoing softly on the path. As they approached, they spotted Alice waiting for them, her red hair a vivid contrast against the greenery.

Garret's irritation was palpable as he eyed Alice. "Oh, it's you again," he muttered, his tone tinged with exasperation.

Alice met Garret's gaze with a playful smirk. "Good morning, sunshine," she quipped, unfazed by his grumbling.

Ruchir, curious about their assignment, spoke up. "Alice, what's the plan for today?"

Alice turned to Ruchir, her expression serious now. "We're teamed up for a mission. I'll be your partner," she explained, her voice confident and assured.

Ruchir nodded, absorbing the information. "And do we have an instructor guiding us?"

Alice's smirk returned as she glanced at Garret. "Ah, the mysterious instructor," she began, her tone teasing. "Garret, do enlighten us. Who's our guide today?"

Garret faltered, caught off guard by the question. "Well, um... you see..." he stammered, unable to come up with an answer.

Alice chuckled softly. "Exactly," she said, turning back to Ruchir. "Looks like it's just the three of us figuring things out."

Before their banter could continue, footsteps approached from behind them.

A tall, middle-aged man with a stern face emerged, carrying a sheathed sword at his side. His presence commanded attention as he stopped before them, his gaze assessing.

"Are you the students assigned to this mission?" he asked abruptly, his voice firm and commanding.

Ruchir, Garret, and Alice exchanged glances before nodding in unison.

"Good," the man said briskly, wasting no time on pleasantries. "Follow me."

With that, he turned on his heel and began to descend the mountain path, his strides purposeful and assured. Ruchir, Garret, and Alice exchanged curious looks but followed silently, respecting the instructor's no-nonsense demeanor.

As they walked, the morning light filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.

The instructor led them deeper into the wilderness, his figure a steady guide against the backdrop of towering trees and winding trails.

The morning air was crisp as their appointed instructor, led Ruchir, Garret, and Alice down the mountain path with purposeful strides.

His serious demeanor and the weight of his presence set a somber tone, indicating the gravity of their mission.

After a while of walking in silence, the instructor finally spoke, his voice deep and commanding. "I am Scholar Dwayne," he began, his tone brooking no nonsense.

"We are heading towards Tensura City. Our mission is to apprehend a dangerous criminal who has escaped from prison and is now causing havoc, kidnapping innocent people within the city."

Ruchir's brows furrowed in concern, understanding the seriousness of their task.

Garret, on the other hand, began to sweat profusely at the mention of a criminal who had broken through his limits in the Mortal Realm.

"Hold on," Garret interjected nervously, wiping his forehead with his sleeve. "If Anna, without breaking her limits, could crush everyone in the competition, how dangerous is this person who actually broke through theirs?"

Alice, always quick with a retort, chimed in with a playful grin. "Oh, Garret, my dear," she teased, "I'm just a weak woman. I'll need you to be my meat shield on this mission. Kindly sacrifice yourself for the greater good."

Garret's face turned beet red with frustration. "Meat shield? Sacrifice? This is preposterous! I have a name, you know!"

Ruchir couldn't help but chuckle at their banter, finding amusement in Alice's teasing and Garret's overreaction.

He glanced at Scholar Dwayne, who remained stoic and focused, unaffected by their exchange.

Scholar Dwayne continued, unperturbed by the antics of his students. "This criminal is indeed formidable."

"Breaking through the limits in the Mortal Realm indicates great power and potential danger. Our task is to apprehend them swiftly and ensure the safety of Tensura City's residents."

Garret, still sweating and visibly agitated, blurted out, "But what if this criminal is like, I don't know, ten times stronger than Anna? Are we even prepared for that?"

Alice rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, Garret, always the worrywart. Don't worry, I'll protect you," she teased, earning an indignant huff from Garret.

"I don't need protection! I'll have you know I'm quite capable," Garret protested, trying to sound confident despite his nerves.

Ruchir smiled, appreciating the dynamics between his companions.

As they descended further into the forested path, the gravity of their mission settled over them like a cloak.

Each step brought them closer to the unknown dangers awaiting in Tensura City, yet Ruchir felt a sense of camaraderie amidst the challenges ahead.

The journey continued, their footsteps echoing against the backdrop of nature's symphony, as they ventured towards Tensura City—a city on edge, awaiting justice and the resolution that only they could bring.