Chapter 24: A Fatal Encounter

With a renewed sense of determination, Ruchir, Garret, Alice, and Scholar Dwayne set out to investigate the criminal activities plaguing Tensura City.

They divided the city into sectors and began their meticulous search, each equipped with their unique skills and strengths.

Alice and Garret moved through the northern sector, the air between them filled with a mix of seriousness and their usual banter. 

"Garret, you need to take this seriously," Alice chided, though a hint of a smile played at the corners of her mouth. 

"I am serious," Garret replied, feigning indignation. "This is my serious face." 

Alice rolled her eyes, but her expression softened. Despite the danger, their camaraderie provided a semblance of normalcy.

As they moved deeper into the city's labyrinthine alleys, Alice's keen observational skills kicked in.

She scrutinized every shadow and corner, searching for any clue that might lead them to the fugitive.

After an hour of fruitless searching, something caught her eye—a faint trail of disturbed dust leading into a narrow alleyway.

"Garret, I think I've found something," she whispered, her voice tinged with excitement and apprehension. 

Garret, who had been examining a seemingly innocuous wall, turned to her, his expression immediately serious. "Lead the way."

They moved cautiously down the alley, the oppressive atmosphere heightening their senses. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and the dim light barely penetrated the darkness. As they reached the end of the alley, Alice froze. 

There, in the shadows, stood a figure cloaked in darkness. His eyes gleamed with malice, and a sinister smile curled his lips. The fugitive.

Alice's heart pounded in her chest as the fugitive's gaze locked onto hers. She remembered Instructor Dwayne's warning about engaging the criminal directly. The cold, deadly aura emanating from the man was a stark reminder of their difference in power.

Without a second thought, Alice turned and fled, pushing her body to its limits as she raced through the alleys.

The sound of her own footsteps echoed in her ears, a frantic rhythm that matched her heartbeat.

She could hear the fugitive behind her, his presence a dark shadow that loomed ever closer.

Her breath came in ragged gasps, and fear clawed at her insides.

She could feel him gaining on her, his malevolent aura growing stronger with each passing second.

Just as she thought she might escape, a flash of movement signaled the fugitive's arrival.

He closed the distance between them in a heartbeat, his hand outstretched to strike.

Alice's world seemed to slow as she saw his fist hurtling towards her.

The aura of death enveloped her, and she knew there was no way she could avoid the blow.

Despair filled her heart, and she closed her eyes, bracing for the impact.

A powerful force collided with her, but it wasn't the fugitive's fist.

Garret had thrown himself in front of her, acting as her shield just as he had promised.

The impact was brutal, and Garret coughed up blood, the force of the blow reverberating through his body.

"See, Alice?" Garret managed to say with a strained smile. "Didn't I tell you I'd be your shield?"

Alice, tears streaming down her face, hugged Garret tightly. "You idiot! Why did you have to be so reckless?"

Garret chuckled weakly, his breath coming in pained gasps. "Couldn't let you face that alone, could I?"

The fugitive laughed, a cold, cruel sound that sent shivers down their spines. "You saved her from one attack, but how many more can you withstand?" His eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure. "Let's see how long you last."

As the fugitive prepared to strike again, a powerful presence descended upon the alley. Captain Braxton, the city's military captain, arrived in a blur of motion, his expression grim and determined. He placed himself between the fugitive and the two friends, his sword drawn and ready.

"That's enough," Braxton said, his voice a low growl. "You're not harming anyone else today."

The fugitive's smile widened. "So, the captain finally decides to show up. This should be interesting."

Without another word, the two men clashed. The alleyway became a battleground, the air filled with the sound of clashing steel and the crackle of energy.

Braxton fought with skill and precision, each movement a testament to his training and experience. But despite his best efforts, it was clear that the fugitive was not an ordinary opponent.

The fugitive moved with a fluid grace that belied his deadly intent. His strikes were powerful and precise, each one designed to exploit any weakness in Braxton's defense.

The captain found himself on the defensive, struggling to keep up with the relentless assault.

Braxton's brow furrowed in concentration as he parried a series of rapid blows. "How is this possible?" he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. "I've broken through my limits twice. How can he be this strong?"

The fugitive laughed again, a sound filled with dark amusement. "Your information is outdated, Captain. I've broken through my limits three times now. You're no match for me."

The revelation sent a shockwave through Braxton. He redoubled his efforts, but it was clear that the gap in their abilities was too great. The fugitive began to overpower him, each blow driving him further back.

Garret and Alice, still recovering from their earlier encounter, watched in fear as the battle unfolded.

The realization of their own helplessness in the face of such power was a bitter pill to swallow. They could only hope that Braxton could hold his own long enough for them to regroup and come up with a new plan.

With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker. The alley seemed to shrink around them, the walls closing in as the fight raged on. Braxton's movements became more desperate, his strikes more reckless.

The fugitive, sensing victory, pressed his advantage, his attacks growing more ferocious and relentless.

"Is this all you have, Captain?" the fugitive taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "I expected more from the city's protector."

Braxton gritted his teeth, refusing to give in. "I won't let you win," he said, his voice strained but resolute. "I won't let you harm anyone else."

The fugitive's smile widened. "Then die trying."

With a final, powerful strike, the fugitive sent Braxton crashing into the alley wall.

The captain slumped to the ground, blood trickling from a wound on his forehead. He struggled to rise, but his strength was nearly gone.

"Garret, Alice," Braxton called weakly. "You must retreat. Find Scholar Dwayne. He'll know what to do."

Garret, still in pain but fueled by determination, helped Alice to her feet. "Come on, Alice. We need to go."

Alice hesitated, glancing back at Braxton. "But what about him? We can't just leave him here."

Garret's grip tightened on her arm. "We have to trust him. Scholar Dwayne will know how to handle this. Now, let's move."

Reluctantly, Alice nodded, and they began to make their way out of the alley. The fugitive watched them go, a dark satisfaction in his eyes. "Run all you want," he called after them. "You can't escape me forever."

As they fled, the weight of their situation bore down on them. They had witnessed firsthand the true power of their enemy, and it was a sobering experience.

The fugitive was not just a criminal; he was a force of nature, a monster who thrived on chaos and fear.

They needed a new plan, a new strategy. And they needed it fast.

Back in the alley, Braxton struggled to his feet, his vision blurred by pain and fatigue. The fugitive loomed over him, a dark silhouette against the dim light.

"Your efforts are futile," the fugitive said, his voice low and menacing. "You can't stop me."

Braxton met his gaze, defiance burning in his eyes. "I won't give up. As long as there's breath in my body, I'll fight you."

The fugitive's smile faded, replaced by a cold, merciless expression. "Then let's see how long you last."

The battle resumed, but it was clear that Braxton was fighting a losing battle. The fugitive's strength and skill were too much for him to handle alone. He needed help, and he needed it now.

As the fight continued, Garret and Alice made their way through the city's winding streets, their minds racing with fear and determination.

They needed to find Ruchir and Scholar Dwayne, and they needed to do it quickly.

The city's shadows seemed to close in around them, the sense of danger growing with each passing moment.

They could only hope that they would find their friends in time, and that together, they could find a way to defeat the fugitive and save Tensura City.

The morning light barely penetrated the dark alley where Captain Braxton fought for his life. His breath came in ragged gasps, his body screaming in pain with every movement.

The fugitive's relentless assault had driven him to the brink, but he refused to give in.

With a final, desperate effort, Braxton lunged at the fugitive, his sword aimed at his opponent's heart.

But the fugitive sidestepped the attack with ease, his counterstrike sending Braxton sprawling to the ground.

"You're persistent, I'll give you that," the fugitive said, his voice filled with dark amusement. "

As Captain Braxton lay on the cold, hard ground, his strength waning, the fugitive loomed over him, a sinister grin spreading across his face.

"This is the end for you, Captain," he sneered, raising his fist for the final blow.

Just as the fugitive's fist began its deadly descent, a blinding flash of steel interrupted the moment. In an instant, the fugitive's hands were severed, blood spraying from the stumps. He staggered back, eyes wide with shock and pain.

"What the—" he started, but his words were cut off by a calm, authoritative voice.

"Steel Arc Sword Technique: First Form—Arc Cut," the voice declared.

The fugitive's eyes darted to the source of the voice, and his face paled. Standing before him was Scholar Dwayne, his sword still gleaming from the recent strike. The fugitive's fear was palpable as he stammered, "Supernatural Powerhouse…"

Dwayne's expression remained stoic, his eyes cold and unyielding. "You don't need to understand the power of the Supernatural Realm," he said, his voice low but carrying an undeniable weight.

The fugitive's fear turned into a crazed laugh. "I was a fool to underestimate the powers of the Supernatural Realm," he said, his voice echoing through the alley.

"But I won't make the same mistake twice."

At that moment, Ruchir, Garret, and Alice arrived at the scene. Ruchir immediately moved to Braxton's side, forming a protection sign to shield him from any further harm. Alice and Garret stood by, their faces a mix of relief and determination.

"Are you okay, Captain?" Ruchir asked, his voice filled with concern.

Braxton managed a weak nod. "I'll be fine," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just... be careful."

The fugitive, his hands still bleeding profusely, reached into his mouth and swallowed a blood-red crystal. Dwayne's eyes widened in alarm. "No!" he shouted, lunging forward to stop him. But it was too late.

A red mist began to emanate from the fugitive's body, swirling around him like a malevolent aura. His eyes glowed with an unholy light, and a dark smile twisted his lips.

"He's stepping into the Supernatural Realm," Dwayne said, his voice grim.

The transformation was swift and terrifying. The fugitive's wounds closed, and his body seemed to grow stronger, more menacing. The blood mist condensed around him, forming a tangible aura of power. His laughter grew louder, more maniacal, echoing off the walls of the narrow alley.

"You think you can stop me now, Scholar Dwayne?" the fugitive taunted, his voice resonating with newfound strength. "I've transcended the limits of mortal."

"From now on , I will rule over this city."

"Ha Ha ha."

Dwayne's grip on his sword tightened, his gaze unwavering.

"Borrowed Power alone won't save you," he replied calmly. "It's how you use it that matters."