Chapter 34: Marquis Raynes & The Divine Scholar

The man in the black suit and red eyes introducing himself with a chilling smile. "I am Marquis Raynes," he announced, his voice resonating with a sinister elegance that sent shivers down the spines of everyone present.

The name "Marquis Raynes" caused an immediate wave of tremor in the hearts of all who heard it.

Garrett's face turned ashen, Alice's usual composure faltered, and even Scholar Dwayne, who had faced countless dangers in his life, felt a deep, paralyzing fear. This was no ordinary adversary; this was a legend standing before them.

Seventy-five years ago, a city within the empire called Rudrafield City was completely destroyed and captured by the man now known as Marquis Raynes.

The events of that day were etched into history, remembered as the Blood Moon Festival. It was a night of horror and power, a night that showcased the true capabilities of Raynes.

Rudrafield City had been a prosperous and bustling hub within the empire, known for its strategic location and vibrant culture.

It was a place where commerce thrived and people lived in relative peace. But that peace was shattered when Raynes arrived.

That night called as Blood Moon Festival was supposed to be a celebration, a time of joy and festivity. Instead, it turned into a nightmare.

Marquis Raynes, at the time, was already a figure shrouded in mystery and fear. His reputation as a formidable warrior and a master of dark arts preceded him, but what he did in Rudrafield cemented his place in history.

With the appearance of the blood moon, Raynes unleashed his full power, laying waste to the city with terrifying efficiency. His control over blood magic was unparalleled, allowing him to manipulate the very life essence of his enemies.

He stood against armies and powerful cultivators, cutting them down with ease. His blood spikes pierced through the strongest of defenses, and his blood mist suffocated any who dared to resist.

The city's protectors, brave as they were, fell one by one, unable to withstand the overwhelming force that was Raynes. Buildings crumbled, streets ran red with blood, and the cries of the dying echoed through the night.

Raynes did not simply destroy; he captured. He took Rudrafield City as his own, marking his territory with the blood of its former inhabitants. His power was such that even the empire's most seasoned warriors hesitated to challenge him directly.

It was said that his strength was just a step below the Phenomenal Realm, placing him among the top powerhouses of the age. His abilities in combat, coupled with his mastery of dark magic, made him a nearly invincible force.

The aftermath of the Blood Moon Festival was a scene of utter devastation. Rudrafield City was no more, its once lively streets now silent, its buildings reduced to rubble.

Raynes had left his mark, and the empire was forever changed. The legend of Marquis Raynes spread far and wide, a cautionary tale of the dangers of unchecked power and the terror one man could unleash.

For the past seventy-five years, Raynes' name had been spoken in hushed tones, a reminder of the horrors he was capable of. He had become a symbol of fear, a legend that lived in the nightmares of those who had heard of his deeds.

And now, that same legend stood before Dwayne, Ruchir, Alice, and Garrett.

Dwayne, who had faced many formidable opponents in his life, found himself truly terrified for the first time in years.

This was not a foe to be underestimated. Marquis Raynes was a living legend, a testament to the destructive power of dark magic and sheer will.

His presence alone was enough to instill fear, and his reputation as a super powerhouse made it clear that this battle would be unlike any they had faced before.

The legend of Marquis Raynes was not just a story; it was a grim reality standing before them, a reminder of the true horrors that could exist in their world.

The Blood Moon incident stands as a dark patch on the empire's history, a nightmarish event that remains vivid in the collective memory of its people. When Marquis Raynes took over Rudrafield City, the empire was shaken to its core.

The devastation was so extensive that the empire's response was immediate and severe. They issued an AAA-ranked mission to kill Raynes, recognizing the immense threat he posed.

Reclaiming the Rudrafield City itself was designated as an S-rank mission, highlighting the near-impossibility of reclaiming it from such a powerful adversary.

As they faced the Marquis Raynes, Scholar Dwayne took a moment to inform his students about the gravity of the situation.

"The Blood Moon incident," he began, his voice grave, "is remembered as one of the darkest nights in our history. Marquis Raynes not only destroyed Rudrafield City but claimed it with a terrifying ease. The empire's best warriors have tried and failed to defeat him."

Garrett, baffled and trying to process the information, muttered to himself, "AAA and S-rank missions... those are one of the highest danger levels. This is serious."

The weight of their challenge became crystal clear, and the trio realized they were up against an almost insurmountable foe.

Seeing the terrified expressions on the faces of those before him, Raynes laughed smoothly, his voice dripping with sinister amusement. "You all look so frightened," he said, his tone almost mocking.

"Let me share a little secret to ease your minds." He paused for dramatic effect, savoring their fear.

"My true form is still in Rudrafield City. No, no," he corrected himself with a smirk, "it should now be called Bloodfield City."

The realization dawned on them, and Ruchir felt a chill run down his spine. Raynes continued, "Didn't you notice? The one standing before you is just a clone of mine, created out of sheer boredom."

Garret's mouth dropped open in disbelief. "A clone?" he whispered, feeling the weight of hopelessness settle in.

Alice clenched her fists, anger mixing with her fear. "Even a clone is this powerful..." she muttered.

Dwayne, ever the scholar, masked his terror with curiosity. "A clone... how is that possible?" he thought aloud, trying to analyze the situation.

Raynes' laughter echoed through the room. "Oh, little ones, the night is still long, and the true festival is just beginning," he said, his eyes gleaming with malevolent delight.


Meanwhile, in the bustling tavern of Spirit City, the capital of the Four Spirit Empire, the air buzzed with lively chatter and clinking mugs. A young man and his elderly companion sat in a corner, listening intently to the gossip swirling around them.

"Did you hear about the Sayy family young lady?" one man exclaimed, leaning in towards his friends. "She broke her limit twice in the Spirit Realm! Unbelievable!"

"That's nothing!" another man interrupted, waving his hand dismissively. "Did you hear about Jack? He slayed a giant demonic wolf that had broken through its limit twice! And Jack's only broken through the realm once himself. Now that's impressive!"

The group erupted into a chorus of agreement and laughter, but another voice soon cut through the noise.

"Well, let me tell you about Sarah," a woman chimed in, her eyes wide with excitement. "He tried to climb the Bamboo Mountain again. Can you believe it? Everyone says it's impossible, but he keeps trying!"

The young man at the corner table couldn't help but smirk. The elderly companion beside him chuckled, shaking his head. "They sure do like their stories," the old man muttered.

"Oh, and did you hear about the crown prince?" another voice joined the fray. "He impressed everyone in today's court session with his Great Plan for construction in the northeast! Even the Emperor was pleased!"

"Ha!" a burly man laughed, slapping his knee. "The crown prince? Impressing the court? Now that's something I never thought I'd hear!"

The tavern erupted into laughter again, and the young man raised an eyebrow at his companion. "The crown prince, eh?" he murmured. "Seems like he's finally stepping up."

His companion nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "About time, too."

"Speaking of impressive," a new voice piped up, this one belonging to a young woman with bright eyes. "The Saintess at the Academy reached perfection in her divine powers! Can you imagine that? Perfection!"

"Perfection, you say?" another man replied skeptically. "Sounds more like a fairy tale to me."

"It's true!" the young woman insisted, her voice rising with excitement. "I heard it from my cousin's friend who works at the Academy. She said the Saintess can now perform miracles!"

"Miracles, eh?" the skeptical man replied, shaking his head. "I'll believe it when I see it."

The young man in the corner leaned back, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Miracles," he said softly. "Interesting times we're living in."

"And don't forget about Alaric," yet another voice chimed in, this one belonging to an older man with a long beard. "He destroyed a mountain bandit village! The head bandit had mastered the Ghost Blade technique, but Alaric took him down like it was nothing."

"Alaric? Destroying bandits?" a middle-aged woman asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "He probably just got lucky."

"Luck had nothing to do with it," the bearded man insisted. "I heard it was an epic battle. Alaric's flame techniques against the bandit leader's Ghost Blade. They say the mountain shook with the force of their fight!"

"Sounds like a tall tale to me," the skeptical man from earlier chimed in again, earning a round of chuckles from the crowd.

The young man and his elderly companion exchanged a glance. "Seems like everyone has their own version of events," the young man said, shaking his head.

The old man smiled, his eyes twinkling. "That's the way of the world, my boy. Everyone loves a good story."

The chatter in the tavern continued, each tale more fantastical than the last. The young man leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips as he listened. The stories might have been exaggerated, but they were a testament to the vibrant, ever-changing world he was a part of.

The lively chatter in the tavern was suddenly interrupted as the door burst open, and a young errand boy, breathless and wide-eyed, barged in.

He shouted at the top of his lungs, "The Divine Scholar has returned!"

For a moment, there was stunned silence. Then, the entire tavern erupted into eager, excited, and enthusiastic heated discussion. They chatted like never before.

"The Divine Scholar? Are you sure?" one man demanded, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"Absolutely! I saw him with my own eyes!" the errand boy insisted, nodding vigorously. "He's back in the capital!"

"By the spirits, this is incredible news!" an elderly woman exclaimed, her hands trembling. "The Divine Scholar has been gone for so long!"

"I heard he was on a quest to the farthest reaches of the Fallen Dragon Continent," another patron added, his voice hushed with awe. "What could have brought him back?"

"Does this mean the rumors about the ancient artifacts are true?" a young woman speculated, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Maybe he found them!"

The young man and his elderly companion exchanged a glance, the gravity of the moment sinking in.

The Divine Scholar was not just a renowned figure; his presence had the power to shift the tides of politics, influence, and even the fate of the empire.

"I can hardly believe it," the young man murmured, his eyes scanning the animated faces around him. "The Divine Scholar, back in Spirit City."

The old man nodded thoughtfully. "This will send waves through the capital, no doubt about it. Nothing will be the same now."

As the excited discussions continued to swirl around them, it was clear that the return of the Divine Scholar was a monumental event that would reshape the very fabric of the empire.

The air was thick with anticipation and speculation, each person eager to see what changes this unexpected return would bring.