Chapter 41: Breaking the Deadlock: Sky Piercing Arrow!

Marquis Raynes' laughter echoed through the chamber as he observed the students conversing with Scholar Dwayne amidst the chaotic battle.

"You really think those twerps can succeed in such a short time?" he mocked, his voice dripping with contempt.

Dwayne, battling fiercely, managed a retort, "Confidence in my students is a natural quality of a teacher. They possess the potential to surprise even the most seasoned adversaries."

Raynes sneered, his eyes gleaming with malicious amusement. "There's no need for you to worry about them, Dwayne. Rather, you should be concerned about yourself."

"It seems your body is in a disastrous state. How much have you truly battled for it to be this weak?" He taunted, adding with feigned pity, "I almost feel sorry for you."

Dwayne's grip tightened on his sword, and with a determined glint in his eyes, he responded, "A true teacher does not falter when faced with adversity. The strength of my will and the depth of my experience guide my blade, not the condition of my body."

Raynes chuckled darkly, then launched his next attack, "Blood Realm Magic: Blood Torrent!" A massive wave of blood surged toward Dwayne, crimson and viscous, intent on engulfing him.

Dwayne countered swiftly, "Steel Arc Sword Technique: First Form—Arc Cut!" His blade carved a crescent through the air, slicing through the torrent and dispersing it into droplets.

But Raynes was relentless. "Blood Realm Magic: Armament Slash!" He swung his blood-red blade, a weapon formed entirely from his dark magic, directly at Dwayne's midsection.

"Steel Arc Sword Technique: Second Form—Stainless Slash!" Dwayne parried the blow, his blade shimmering as it met Raynes' dark magic.

Sparks flew, and the impact resonated through the chamber. The force of Raynes' strike pushed Dwayne back, his feet skidding across the ground.

"Is that all you've got?" Raynes taunted, summoning another spell. "Blood Realm Magic: Blood Hammer!" A massive hammer materialized, swinging down toward Dwayne with deadly force.

"Steel Arc Sword Technique: Third Form—Giant Steel Spikes!" Dwayne shouted, slamming his blade into the ground. Steel spikes erupted from the floor, meeting the blood hammer with a thunderous clash.

The hammer shattered the spikes, but the force of the impact weakened its descent, allowing Dwayne to narrowly dodge the blow.

Raynes' eyes narrowed, a mix of frustration and respect flickering in their depths. "You're more resilient than I thought, Dwayne. But resilience alone won't save you."

Dwayne coughed, blood splattering the ground. "My students will succeed, and so will I," he declared, his voice unwavering. "Steel Arc Sword Technique: Fourth Form—Giant Steel Pillars!" He summoned his most powerful technique, creating towering pillars of steel that struck out toward Raynes.

Raynes grimaced as the pillars advanced, but with a swift incantation, he countered, "Blood Realm Magic: Blood Spikes!" Jagged spikes of blood shot out, piercing through the steel pillars and reaching toward Dwayne. The clash of energies was intense, the chamber trembling under the force of their conflict.

Every time Dwayne used his fourth form, his body paid the price. Blood dripped from his mouth, and his skin grew paler.

Yet, he stood firm, his eyes burning with determination. "Steel Arc Sword Technique: Fourth Form—Giant Steel Pillars!" He summoned the technique again, his body shuddering with the effort.

Raynes, though at an advantage, was visibly impressed. "You're pushing yourself to the brink, Dwayne. But it's futile. Blood Realm Magic: Blood Wave!" He unleashed a massive wave of blood, crashing down upon Dwayne.

Dwayne met the wave head-on, "Steel Arc Sword Technique: Fourth Form—Giant Steel Pillars!" The pillars rose once more, but this time, the wave was too strong. It broke through, slamming into Dwayne and sending him flying backward.

Coughing blood, Dwayne struggled to his feet. "I won't... give up..." he muttered, his vision blurring.

Raynes approached, a cruel smile on his lips. "It's over, Dwayne. You've fought well, but your body is failing you. Blood Realm Magic: Blood Chains!" Chains of blood wrapped around Dwayne, constricting him and sapping his strength.

Dwayne gritted his teeth, his mind racing. He had to find a way to break free. "Steel Arc Sword Technique: Second Form—Stainless Slash!" He cut through the chains, but the effort drained him further.

Raynes laughed, "You're only prolonging the inevitable. Blood Realm Magic: Blood Spear!" A spear of blood materialized, hurtling toward Dwayne.

"Steel Arc Sword Technique: First Form—Arc Cut!" Dwayne deflected the spear, but the force knocked him off balance. He fell to one knee, panting heavily.

Raynes loomed over him, his victory all but assured. "Any last words, Dwayne?" he asked mockingly.

Dwayne looked up, his gaze unwavering. "My students... they will stop you. And so will I." Summoning the last of his strength, he stood, his sword glowing with a faint light. "Steel Arc Sword Technique: Fourth Form—Giant Steel Pillars!" He struck the ground once more, the pillars rising in a final desperate attack.

Raynes' eyes widened in surprise. "You're still fighting? Impressive. But ultimately futile." He unleashed his final spell, "Blood Realm Magic: Blood Eruption!" Blood erupted from the ground, clashing with the steel pillars in a cataclysmic explosion.

The chamber shook, debris falling from the ceiling. When the dust settled, Dwayne was on the ground, his body battered and broken. Raynes stood over him, breathing heavily but victorious. "You fought well, Dwayne. But in the end, the darkness prevails."

Dwayne's vision faded, his last thoughts of his students and their potential.

Meanwhile, The battle with the blood chimera and blood servant was fierce and unrelenting. The air crackled with tension, the ground trembled under the force of each blow, and the atmosphere was thick with the stench of blood and sweat.

Ruchir, Alice, and Garret stood their ground, facing the monstrous chimera and the menacing blood servant with steely determination. The chimera's grotesque form shifted and twisted, its three heads snarling and snapping. The blood servant, with his malevolent aura, seemed almost invincible.

Ruchir tightened his grip on his sword, the blade glowing with a righteous energy that seemed to hum with anticipation.

He took a deep breath and began his attack, his movements fluid and precise. "Celestial Calligraphy: Dragon's Stroke!" he shouted, his sword slicing through the air with a brilliant arc, leaving trails of golden light. The energy from his stroke slashed into the chimera, causing it to roar in pain.

Garret, always the joker, couldn't help but make light of the situation. "Rock Solid Technique: Boulder Bash!" he yelled, slamming his fists into the ground. Massive boulders erupted from the earth, hurtling towards the chimera.

The impact was immense, but the creature seemed to absorb the blows, its body disfiguring and reforming with each hit.

Alice, her eyes narrowing with focus, invoked the Wind God Manual. "Wind God Manual: Air Slash!" She swung her blade, and a razor-sharp gust of wind sliced through the air, cutting deep into the chimera's flesh. The creature howled, its form contorting in agony.

The blood servant, not to be outdone, countered with his own dark magic. "Blood Magic: Crimson Blade!" he hissed, his sword gleaming with a malevolent red aura. He swung it toward Ruchir, the force of the blow creating a shockwave that sent Ruchir stumbling backward.

But Ruchir was undeterred. "Celestial Calligraphy: Phoenix's Rebirth!" he called out, his sword flaring with righteous energy.

He slashed through the air, his blade burning with the fiery essence of a phoenix. The energy collided with the blood servant's blade, creating a dazzling explosion of light and darkness.

Garret, ever the comedian, attempted another of his rock techniques. "Rock Solid Technique: Stalagmite Surge!" He thrust his hands forward, and sharp stalagmites erupted from the ground, aiming for the chimera's legs. "Take that, ugly!" he taunted, but the chimera's body disfigured again, evading the attack.

Alice, sensing an opportunity, invoked another wind technique. "Wind God Manual: Wind Obeys!" she commanded, and the winds seemed to bend to her will. She directed a powerful gale toward the chimera, pushing it back and giving her companions a moment's respite.

The chimera retaliated with a horrific move. "Blood Magic: Body Dismemberment!" Its body twisted grotesquely, limbs elongating and sharp claws extending toward the trio. The attack was swift and brutal, slashing through the air with deadly precision.

Ruchir countered with another calligraphy technique. "Celestial Calligraphy: Tiger's Roar!" His sword vibrated with power as he unleashed a shockwave that echoed like a tiger's roar. The energy clashed with the chimera's attack, holding it at bay.

Garret, determined to land a hit, used another of his rock techniques. "Rock Solid Technique: Earthquake Fist!" He pounded the ground with his fists, causing a localized earthquake that shook the battlefield. "This better work!" he muttered, but the chimera seemed unphased, its body continuing to disfigure and reform.

Alice, her frustration mounting, invoked a new technique. "Wind God Manual: Cyclone Fury!" She spun her blade in a circular motion, creating a cyclone of wind that engulfed the chimera. The winds tore at the creature's flesh, causing it to writhe in agony.

Meanwhile, the blood servant pressed his attack. "Blood Magic: Crimson Barrage!" he cried, launching a series of rapid, blood-infused sword strikes at Ruchir. The speed and ferocity of the attack were overwhelming.

Ruchir, though bloodied and bruised, refused to back down. "Celestial Calligraphy: Serpent's Strike!" He moved with the agility of a serpent, his sword striking with pinpoint accuracy. The blows connected, but the blood servant seemed to shrug them off, his resilience unnerving.

Garret, always ready with a quip, used another technique. "Rock Solid Technique: Stone Shield!" He created a massive shield of stone, blocking an incoming attack from the chimera. "This is getting old, fast!" he grumbled.

Alice, sensing the need for a decisive move, focused her energy. "Wind God Manual: Tempest's Wrath!" She summoned a massive whirlwind, directing it toward the chimera. The force of the tempest tore through the creature, but it still stood, its body disfiguring and regenerating at an alarming rate.

The battle was grim, but then something incredible happened. In the midst of the chaos, Alice felt a surge of power within her. Her eyes widened in realization. "I... I did it!" she exclaimed. "I broke through the limits of the Mortal Realm!"

Garret, ever the joker, couldn't help but comment. "Oh, great! Another cheater!" he said comically. "First Ruchir with his righteousness energy, and now you? What's next, I get wings?"

Alice smirked, her newfound power radiating around her. "Wind God Manual: Sky Piercing Arrow!" She summoned a massive arrow of wind, its tip gleaming with a fierce light.

She launched it at the chimera, the arrow piercing through its heart. The creature let out a final, agonized roar before collapsing, its body dissolving into a pool of blood.

Ruchir, inspired by Alice's breakthrough, summoned his own strength. "Celestial Calligraphy: Divine Sword!" His sword glowed with a righteous energy, the power within him surging to new heights. He combined it with his calligraphy technique, creating a strike of unparalleled precision and power.

Garret, not to be left out, used his final rock technique. "Rock Solid Technique: Granite Fists!" His fists turned to granite, and he pummeled the blood servant with relentless force.

The combined might of their attacks overwhelmed the blood servant. Ruchir's sword slashed through the air, imbued with righteousness energy, while Garret's granite fists pounded relentlessly.

The blood servant, despite his resilience, could not withstand their onslaught. With a final, desperate cry, he fell, his body disintegrating into dust.

Garret, seeing the enemy finally dead, laughed and celebrated. "Take that, you ugly blood servant!" he teased the dead enemy. 

"Finally the end , ha"