Chapter 46: Enter Thousand Inheritance Forest Again!

Under the shade of a venerable oak tree in the academy's tranquil courtyard, Great Scholar Zhang stood before his attentive students. His voice carried a weight of authority as he addressed them, the sunlight filtering through the leaves dappling the ground.

"In one month's time, you will begin the Advancement Exams," Scholar Zhang announced, his gaze sweeping over the assembled students. The news sparked a murmur of excitement and curiosity among the crowd.

"What's that?" someone called out from the back, prompting Scholar Zhang to elaborate. "In the four great academies," he continued, "advancing to the next year requires passing this rigorous exam. It tests your knowledge, skills, and growth over the past year. It is a crucial step in your academic journey, so prepare yourselves accordingly."

The students exchanged eager whispers, discussing the implications of the upcoming challenge. Garret, never one to miss an opportunity for humor, interjected with his trademark wit.

"Well, well, looks like I'll finally get to show off my exceptional sleeping skills in an official capacity," Garret quipped, earning a playful roll of the eyes from Alice and a chuckle from some of the others.

Alice, always quick to keep Garret in check, retorted, "If only sleeping were an exam skill, Garret, you'd be top of the class."

Scholar Zhang continued to address the gathering, outlining the importance of diligence and preparation in the weeks leading up to the exams. His words resonated with determination and purpose, setting the tone for the intense period of study and practice that lay ahead.

cholar Zhang's words echoed under the sprawling oak tree as he emphasized the upcoming challenges in the Thousand Inheritance Forest. His gaze shifted among his students—Ruchir, Alice, and Garret—each filled with varying degrees of anticipation and excitement.

"Now, those of you who have broken through your limits may venture deeper into the forest," Scholar Zhang instructed, his voice carrying a hint of caution. "But remember, safety first. The deeper regions can be perilous."

Ruchir's eyes gleamed with determination, nodding solemnly at the reminder. Alice, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist teasing Garret.

"Garret, my dear friend," Alice began with a mischievous grin, "you barely scraped through to qualify for the deeper ventures. Luck must truly favor the shameless."

Garret chuckled unabashedly, raising his hands in mock surrender. "What can I say, Alice? I've tried everything under the sun this past month—except for actual breakthroughs. And lo and behold, just yesterday I break through, and today Scholar Zhang grants us this opportunity. Clearly, the heavens are smiling upon me."

Ruchir joined in the laughter, shaking his head at Garret's shameless boasting. Alice, not one to let Garret off easily, continued to jest, her words laced with playful sarcasm.

"Well, Garret, I suppose even the heavens have a sense of humor," Alice quipped, earning a playful eye-roll from Garret. "Let's hope your luck holds out in the forest, where your shamelessness might just be your saving grace."

The trio bantered good-naturedly as they prepared mentally for the challenges ahead. Scholar Zhang observed their camaraderie with a faint smile, knowing that amidst the trials and seriousness of their studies, moments like these were essential for bonding and morale.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the distant depths of Fallen Dragon Continent.

Deep beneath the surface, in a secluded, dimly lit underground room, an eerie stillness hung in the air. The only sources of light were the flickering lamps strategically placed around the room, casting long, ominous shadows on the cold stone walls.

At the center of the room lay a sinister-looking coffin, its presence dominating the space with an unsettling aura. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, as if the very stones of the room whispered secrets of ancient malevolence.

The walls of the underground chamber were adorned with gruesome murals, their artistry depicting a horrifying tale. In one mural, humanoid figures were mercilessly slain, their twisted forms sprawled across a blood-soaked battlefield.

The detail was hauntingly realistic, capturing the agony and despair in their lifeless eyes. Another mural portrayed humans kneeling in subjugation, their faces contorted in worship and fear as they prostrated before a dark altar.

The altar itself was adorned with symbols of chaos and destruction, hinting at the dark rituals that once took place within these walls. The murals told a story of conquest, subjugation, and the relentless hunger for power.

The oppressive silence was shattered by the echoing sound of footsteps. An unexpected visitor had arrived, their identity obscured by the darkness and the shroud of mystery that surrounded them.

The figure moved with deliberate grace towards the altar, each step causing the surrounding energy to shift. The very air seemed to change color, pulsating with dread as if the fabric of reality itself recoiled at their presence.

Shadows danced and twisted on the walls, mirroring the sinister energy that filled the room.

As the visitor reached the altar, the oppressive atmosphere intensified. The surrounding energy crackled with malevolence, a palpable force that seemed to resonate with the ancient power sealed within the coffin.

The visitor knelt before the coffin, their form still indiscernible. They spoke in a voice that carried the weight of dark intent, "All work has been arranged as per your majesty's order."

For a moment, there was nothing but silence. Then, the coffin began to glow with an eerie, otherworldly light. The radiance was a sickly hue, casting an unnatural glow that seemed to seep into the very walls of the chamber.

The light pulsed, growing brighter and more intense, as if the coffin itself was coming to life. An oppressive energy filled the room, a sense of dread that pressed down on everything within.

After a few moments, the light dimmed, and the room returned to its former darkness. The visitor rose, a satisfied smile playing on their lips. Without another word, they turned and left the chamber, their footsteps echoing through the oppressive silence.

As the visitor's presence faded, an eerie stillness settled over the room once more. The oppressive atmosphere lingered, but now there was something different about the murals on the walls. If one looked closely, they might notice a change.

The painted figures, once frozen in their depictions of violence and worship, seemed to shift ever so slightly. The eyes of the slain appeared to glisten, as if tears were forming. The faces of the kneeling worshippers contorted with an even deeper sense of despair.

It was as if the very essence of the murals had absorbed the dark energy that had filled the room, bringing them to a grotesque semblance of life.

The silent cries of the painted figures added a new layer of horror to the already nightmarish chamber, a testament to the ancient evil that still lurked within.

Meanwhile , In the three days leading up to their journey into the Thousand Inheritance Forest's deeper reaches, Ruchir, Alice, and Garret prepared diligently. Ruchir honed his martial techniques with focused determination, while Alice meticulously packed essential supplies, her organizational skills on full display. Meanwhile, Garret, ever the jester, turned preparation into a comedic affair.

"Ah, the forest awaits my triumphant entry," Garret proclaimed theatrically, holding a stick like a sword. "Behold, trees, for I, Garret the adopted son of heaven, come prepared with wit and snacks aplenty! Who needs skill when you have charm?"

Alice rolled her eyes, Ruchir chuckled, and together they ensured their gear was ready for whatever lay ahead.

As the trio walk towards the entrance of forest, the excitement about their upcoming venture into the deeper parts of the Thousand Inheritance Forest grew palpable. Alice, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, turned to Garret with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"So, Garret," she began, leaning in conspiratorially, "what exactly have you prepared for our adventure into the forest? Surely, you've got some grand plans."

Garret puffed out his chest, a smug grin spreading across his face. "Oh, I've got everything we need, Alice. You'll be impressed. I've packed snacks, extra clothes, a blanket for naps, and even a small tent in case we need to camp. And don't forget the bug spray, can't have those pesky bugs bothering us, right?"

Ruchir couldn't help but chuckle, and Alice raised an eyebrow, fighting back laughter. "Garret, are you planning a children's picnic or an actual adventure into one of the most dangerous forests in the realm?" she teased.

Garret frowned, not catching the joke. "What do you mean? These are essentials!"

Alice shook her head, trying to keep a straight face. "Essentials for a day out in the park, maybe. But we're heading into the deeper parts of the Thousand Inheritance Forest, not some backyard picnic. Did you bring any survival gear? Medical supplies? Anything to help in case we encounter wild beasts or, I don't know, a deadly trap?"

Garret's face fell slightly. "Well, I figured we'd handle those things as they came. You know, improvise."

Alice rolled her eyes, but there was a playful glint in them. "Garret, you do realize this isn't a trip to the local playground, right? We're talking about one of the most treacherous places known. If you think bug spray and snacks will save us, you're in for a surprise."

Ruchir laughed, joining in on the fun. "Maybe Garret plans to befriend the beasts with his snacks."

Garret, now realizing the gap in his preparations, scratched his head sheepishly. "Okay, okay, I might have overlooked a few things. But hey, at least we won't go hungry."

Alice patted him on the shoulder, smiling. "Don't worry, we'll make sure we're ready. But next time, maybe leave the picnic basket at home."

As they approached the entrance to the Thousand Inheritance Forest, the trio was met by a senior sister who stood guard. She was tall and imposing, with sharp eyes that seemed to pierce through their intentions. Her demeanor was calm but stern, clearly embodying the seriousness of the task ahead.

"I hope you all are prepared for what lies within," she said, her voice carrying a weight of experience. "The deeper parts of the forest are not to be taken lightly. Many have ventured in, but not all have returned unscathed. Stay vigilant and rely on each other."

Alice and Ruchir nodded respectfully, taking her words to heart. Garret, however, couldn't resist the urge to put on a brave face.

"Don't worry about us, Senior Sister," Garret said with a confident grin. "We're more than ready. Besides, with my superior skills and these two to back me up, we'll be just fine."

The senior sister raised an eyebrow, a faint hint of amusement flickering in her eyes. "Is that so? Well, confidence is good, but overconfidence can be dangerous. Stay safe."

With that, the trio stepped past her and into the dense, looming trees of the forest. The canopy above quickly swallowed them in its shadow, and the sounds of the outside world faded into the distance.

As they ventured deeper, the air grew thicker with the scent of earth and mystery, and the real challenge began. Garret's earlier bravado faded slightly as the reality of their journey set in, but with Alice and Ruchir by his side, he felt a renewed sense of determination.

Together, they walked forward, ready to face whatever the Thousand Inheritance Forest had in store for them.