Chapter 50: Wind and Ink Stele

Ruchir took a deep breath and stepped forward, reaching out to touch the majestic Wind Attribute Stele.

As his fingers neared the shimmering surface, an unseen force suddenly repelled him, sending him stumbling backward. He landed on the forest floor, bewildered, as a soft glow began to emanate from the stele.

Alice, standing nearby, felt an inexplicable pull. She cautiously approached the stele, and as she extended her hand, a radiant light enveloped her. The light was pure and ethereal, casting a warm glow that seemed to resonate with the whispers of the wind. Alice's form became immersed in this divine light, her silhouette barely visible within the luminescent cocoon.

Ruchir watched in awe, realizing that the stele had accepted Alice, choosing her for its secrets. Despite the initial sting of disheartenment, he quickly gathered himself, understanding that destiny had different plans for each of them. He knew that even greater opportunities awaited him further ahead in the forest.

With Alice now covered in a protective, divine membrane, Ruchir took one last look at her before resolutely turning away. Determined and hopeful, he ventured deeper into the forest, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that his own path to greatness was yet to be unveiled.

Ruchir moved cautiously through the dense forest, the leaves rustling softly underfoot. His mind raced with thoughts of Alice and the majestic Wind Attribute Stele that had chosen her. As he ventured deeper, he came upon a small clearing. In the center stood a stele, but unlike the grand and imposing structures he had seen before, this one was modest in size, barely reaching two meters in height. Its surface was dark, almost black, exuding an aura of insignificance.

The stele's color intrigued Ruchir. Black, often symbolizing the unknown or the mysterious, seemed out of place among the other vibrant and majestic steles. As he approached, a faint scent of ink wafted through the air, stirring something deep within him. The ink painting inside him began to pulse, as if recognizing the stele's energy.

Drawn by an inexplicable urge, Ruchir extended his hand towards the stele. The moment his fingers brushed the surface, a strange sensation coursed through his body. The ink painting within him vibrated violently, resonating with the stele. Before he could comprehend what was happening, he felt an intense pull, and in an instant, he was sucked into the stele.

The world around him blurred, and he found himself engulfed in darkness. It was not the oppressive, suffocating darkness that one might expect, but rather a vast, expansive void, filled with the potential for creation. As his eyes adjusted, he noticed streaks of light weaving through the blackness, forming intricate patterns and shapes.

Ruchir floated in this ethereal space, feeling a deep connection to the energy around him. The ink painting within him surged, its power intertwining with the essence of the stele. He realized that this stele, despite its modest appearance, held immense power, perhaps even more profound than the others he had encountered.

The darkness began to shift, forming scenes and landscapes, as if the very fabric of reality was being painted before his eyes. He saw ancient battles, legendary scholars, and forgotten knowledge, all rendered in the inky blackness. The stele was revealing its secrets to him, a testament to its unique and unparalleled nature.

Ruchir's mind raced with possibilities. He understood that this stele, though seemingly insignificant, held the key to mastering the art of ink painting and calligraphy, allowing him to wield its power in ways he had never imagined. The ink painting within him resonated more strongly than ever, its potential unlocking as he absorbed the stele's essence.

Time lost its meaning as Ruchir delved deeper into the stele's mysteries, each revelation bringing him closer to understanding the true nature of his abilities. When he finally emerged from the black void, he felt a profound sense of clarity and purpose. The modest black stele had granted him a gift far beyond his expectations, and he knew that his journey was far from over.

With renewed determination, Ruchir pressed onward, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him, confident that he was on the path to greatness.

After several days of navigating the dense forest, Ruchir, Alice, and Garret finally regrouped. They were all visibly relieved to see one another, their shared experiences in the forest creating an unspoken bond. As they settled down in a small clearing to catch up, the topic naturally shifted to the powers and inheritances they had obtained from the steles.

Garret, unable to contain his excitement, was the first to speak. With a smug grin, he announced, "Alright, listen up, you two! I've obtained the Indestructible Golden Body Technique. It's a top-class body refining technique! With this, my body becomes as tough as the hardest metals. I'll have enhanced strength, durability, and resilience. Basically, I'll be like an unstoppable juggernaut. Normal weapons won't be able to pierce my skin, and I'll be able to withstand even the harshest of attacks. I'm practically invincible now!"

Alice couldn't help but find a reason to tease him. She smirked and said, "Oh, really, Garret? Does that mean your brain is made of metal too? Might explain a few things."

Garret's grin faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered. "Very funny, Alice. But you can't make me feel bad about this. I'm going to be unstoppable."

Alice continued, "Well, if you're so proud of your golden body, why don't you show us some of its effects? Maybe try punching that boulder over there."

Garret looked at the boulder and hesitated. "Well, it's not something I can just demonstrate like that. It takes time to master."

Alice rolled her eyes. "Sure, sure. Keep bragging, golden boy."

Garret, now visibly irritated, turned to Alice and demanded, "Alright, Miss Know-It-All, what about your technique? What amazing power did you get from the stele?"

Alice grinned mischievously. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know? I'll keep mine a secret for now. Just to keep you on your toes."

Garret's face turned red with anger. "That's not fair! How come I have to reveal my technique and you don't? You're just trying to make me look like a fool!"

Alice laughed. "Maybe. Or maybe I just like seeing you get all riled up."

Garret, fuming, turned to Ruchir. "Ruchir, come on, buddy. At least you tell us about your opportunity. Otherwise, I'll really feel like the only fool here."

Ruchir nodded and began to explain. "I obtained the Divine Ink Calligraphy Scripture. It's an incredibly powerful technique that allows me to create and manipulate ink with my will. I can use it to form protective barriers, offensive weapons, and even summon creatures made of ink. The calligraphy itself can contain hidden meanings and traps, making it a versatile tool in both combat and strategy. The more I master it, the more powerful the effects become. It's like having an arsenal of weapons at my fingertips, all controlled by my thoughts and strokes of my brush. It also enhances my understanding of various mystical symbols and scripts, allowing me to decode ancient texts and unlock hidden secrets. In short, it's a technique that combines art with combat, and its potential is limitless."

Garret's eyes widened with amazement. "Wow, that sounds incredible, Ruchir. You've really hit the jackpot with that one."

Alice nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Ruchir. That's pretty impressive. I can see why you were chosen by the stele."

Garret, still slightly annoyed, muttered, "Well, at least you both have amazing techniques. I guess I'll just have to show you both how indestructible my golden body really is."

Alice chuckled. "We'll see about that, Garret. Just remember, it's not just about having the best technique. It's about how you use it."

Ruchir smiled at his friends. "Exactly. We all have unique abilities now. Let's make sure we use them wisely and support each other. "

They knew that the challenges ahead would be tough, but with their newfound powers and their unbreakable bond, they felt ready to face anything the forest could throw at them.

With the looming Advancement Exams just a week away, Ruchir, Alice, and Garret decided it was time to return to their quarters and focus on a secluded retreat. The forest had given them more than they could have ever anticipated: powerful techniques, near-death experiences, and a deepened bond of friendship.

As they settled back into their individual spaces, a renewed sense of purpose filled them.

The forest had tested their limits and forced them to grow in ways they hadn't imagined.

Now, it was time to harness everything they had learned and prepare for the challenges ahead.

Ruchir sat cross-legged in his room, the serene environment allowing him to center his thoughts. The Divine Ink Calligraphy Scripture was a profound technique that required deep understanding and control.

He closed his eyes, recalling the various encounters in the forest, the intricate ink formations, and the battles that had honed his skills.

Confidence surged through him as he visualized the patterns and symbols, feeling the ink's power coursing through his veins. This technique was a perfect blend of art and combat, and he was determined to master it completely.

In her own space, Alice focused on the Wind God Manual Techniques she had inherited. The wind was her ally, a force of nature that she could now command with greater precision and power.

She remembered the moment she had touched the stele and felt the divine energy envelop her. That acceptance was a testament to her potential.

She practiced her movements, each one a fluid dance that harnessed the wind's might. Her confidence grew as she felt the wind respond to her commands, swirling around her in a graceful yet formidable display of power.

Garret, on the other hand, stood before a large mirror, flexing his muscles and grinning at his reflection.

The Indestructible Golden Body Technique had transformed him, and he felt invincible. He remembered the countless times he had been targeted in the forest, and how each encounter had forced him to push his limits.

The golden sheen of his skin was a reminder of his newfound strength. He practiced various stances and strikes, feeling the power resonate through his body.

Confidence radiated from him as he imagined himself overcoming any obstacle that came his way.

Each of them, in their own way, was preparing for the Advancement Exams. The experiences in the forest had not only granted them powerful techniques but also a deep sense of self-assurance.

The trio had been through a transformative journey, one that had tested their resolve and revealed their true potential. As they recollected all the information and experiences gained in the past days, a sense of determination solidified within them. The forest had been a crucible, forging their abilities and confidence to new heights.

With seven days remaining, they dedicated themselves to intense practice and reflection.