Chapter 51: Test Begins!

Ruchir, Alice, and Garret gathered at the base of the Summit Mountain Range, an imposing area jointly managed by the four great academies.

This was a significant event for all first-year students, and the air buzzed with a mix of excitement and nervous energy.

Garret, as usual, lightened the mood with his antics, mimicking Elder Tian's stern expressions and making exaggeratedly serious faces.

His friends chuckled, but they knew that the real challenge was yet to come.

Elder Tian appeared, cutting through the students' chatter like a thunderclap. Draped in yellow robes, his presence commanded immediate attention. His gaze, sharp and serious, met each student's eyes, conveying the gravity of the moment.

"Listen up!" Elder Tian's voice boomed. "This year's advancement test for all first to third-year students will take place in the Stardust Forest."

A murmur of apprehension rippled through the crowd. Stardust Forest was notorious as a playground of dangerous demons and exotic beasts, filled with treacherous terrain and unpredictable dangers. The mere mention of it sent shivers down many spines, painting a vivid picture of the daunting test ahead.

"The objective is survival and excellence," Elder Tian continued, his tone unwavering. "You must survive for seven grueling days in this forest and achieve a minimum of 500 points to advance to the next year."

The students gasped. Seven days in such a perilous environment seemed an impossible task, especially for the first years. The thought of facing both the forest's natural dangers and the fierce creatures lurking within felt overwhelmingly unfair.

Garret, sensing the tension, tried to lift their spirits again. "Well, if we're going to be beast snacks, might as well have a party before the feast, right?" He pretended to plan a campfire, gathering imaginary wood and singing off-key. His friends couldn't help but laugh, albeit nervously.

Ruchir and Alice quickly intervened. "Garret, save your jokes for later," Ruchir said, trying to instill a sense of seriousness. "We need to focus."

Alice nodded in agreement. "We'll need every ounce of our strength and wit to get through this."

Elder Tian, seemingly unfazed by the brief disruption, continued with the instructions. "To address your concerns, the points system is designed with fairness in mind. First-year students will earn more points for the same achievements compared to second and third years. Additionally, there will be checkpoints throughout the forest where you can exchange your resources for points. Each of you will receive a token that indicates your current points."

He held up a small, glowing medallion for everyone to see. "This token will update in time when you exchange them, showing your accumulated points. It will also serve as a means of communication with the checkpoints and will help track your location for safety reasons."

"Should you encounter a situation beyond your control, this token can send a distress signal, but using it will cost you points. Use it wisely."

The students exchanged worried glances, the weight of the task ahead pressing down on them. Elder Tian's eyes scanned the crowd, gauging their reactions. "This test is designed to push you to your limits and beyond. It's not just about physical survival but also mental resilience and strategic thinking."

Ruchir clenched his fists, feeling a surge of determination. Alice took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the challenge. Garret, though still trying to keep the mood light, showed a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

"The Stardust Forest is divided into several zones, each more dangerous than the last," Elder Tian explained. "The outermost zone is relatively safe, with fewer beasts and simpler terrain. As you move inward, the dangers increase exponentially. Your points will be awarded based on the difficulty of the tasks you complete and the beasts you defeat."

He paused, letting the information sink in. "Remember, teamwork can be a crucial element in this test. Form alliances if you must, but trust wisely. The forest will test not just your strength, but your character and judgment as well."

As the reality of the test settled in, the atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation. The students realized that this was more than just an examination; it was a rite of passage, a trial by fire that would shape their future paths.

Garret, trying to lighten the mood once more, quipped, "Well, if we survive this, we should get a medal just for not running away screaming."

Ruchir smirked, appreciating Garret's attempt to diffuse the tension. "If we survive this, we'll be stronger for it."

Alice nodded, her eyes steely with resolve. "We've trained hard for this. We can do it."

Elder Tian's gaze softened slightly as he observed the mix of determination and trepidation on their faces. "Remember, this test is not just a challenge but an opportunity."

"Those who excel will be rewarded handsomely. Your performance here will set the tone for your future endeavors. Embrace the challenge, and may the best among you rise to the top."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving the students to prepare themselves. The Summit Mountain Range loomed ominously in the distance, and the entrance to the Stardust Forest seemed to beckon them with an eerie allure.

Ruchir, Alice, and Garret stood together, each silently vowing to face the challenge head-on. The forest awaited, its mysteries and dangers lurking in every shadow.

It was a test of survival, excellence, and resilience—a test that would push them to their very limits and reveal their true potential.

Elder Tian raised his hand, and the tokens, glowing with a faint blue light, floated from his palm. With a swift, precise movement, he waved his sleeve, and the tokens shot toward the students, landing perfectly in their hands.

Before anyone could fully comprehend what was happening, Elder Tian made another graceful sweep of his arm, and the world around them blurred.

In an instant, the students found themselves scattered across the vast expanse of the Stardust Forest, each dropped into a unique and challenging location.

Some were fortunate enough to land in fortuitous spots, where rare herbs and treasures awaited them. These students quickly began gathering resources, their faces lighting up with excitement at their unexpected luck.

Others, however, weren't so lucky. Some appeared in perilous zones teeming with aggressive beasts. Their cries of surprise and fear echoed briefly before being cut off by the forest's dangers, a grim reminder of the test's harsh reality.

Ruchir materialized inside a dark, damp cave. The air was thick with the scent of earth and decay, and the only sound was the slow drip of water from the stalactites above. He squinted, trying to adjust his eyes to the gloom.

A chill ran down his spine as he realized he wasn't alone. In the dim light, he saw the glint of eight eyes reflecting back at him.

A giant spider, its body as large as a horse, emerged from the shadows. Its fangs dripped with venom, and its many legs clicked ominously on the cave floor. Ruchir's heart raced, but he steadied himself, gripping his sword tightly. He knew that to survive, he had to stay calm and use his wits.

Meanwhile, Alice found herself high atop a towering cliff, nestled in a massive nest of black hawks. The nest was enormous, and the eggs within it were nearly the size of her torso.

The black hawk, known for its dragon bloodline, was a formidable beast, but fortunately, it wasn't present at the moment. Alice breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she had a brief window to gather her bearings and perhaps even some valuable resources before the creature returned.

The eggs glistened with an eerie luminescence, indicating the potent energy contained within. Alice carefully approached, aware that disturbing the nest could spell disaster.

She quickly assessed her surroundings, planning her next move. With the hawk absent, this was an opportunity to gain a significant advantage in the test.

Garret, however, faced a far more comical and chaotic situation. He materialized underwater, in the midst of a bustling coral reef.

The sudden plunge left him flailing, his eyes wide with shock as he realized he was submerged in the sea. Bubbles of air escaped his mouth as he struggled to orient himself.

His token, now glowing green, indicated that he was in a relatively safe area, but the colorful and menacing sea creatures surrounding him suggested otherwise.

He looked around frantically and spotted a group of small, but incredibly angry, demonic sea beasts. Their eyes narrowed as they noticed the intruder in their domain.

Garret gulped, feeling the weight of their gaze. With a sudden burst of movement, the sea beasts darted toward him.

"Not good, not good!" Garret thought, his mind racing. He kicked his legs and propelled himself forward, trying to escape.

The demonic sea beasts, resembling a cross between piranhas and eels, snapped at his heels.

Garret's panicked expressions and frantic swimming were almost cartoonish as he zigzagged through the water, dodging coral and trying to outswim his pursuers.

In his frantic dash, he accidentally disturbed a group of larger, more fearsome sea beasts. They joined the chase, their massive bodies creating a vortex that sucked Garret into an underwater cyclone. He spun around, his limbs flailing as he tried to maintain some semblance of control. His thoughts raced: "Why does this always happen to me?"

As the chase continued, Garret's token flashed with increasing intensity, signaling nearby checkpoints and potential escape routes. Desperately, he headed towards the nearest checkpoint, hoping for a safe harbor. He burst through a cluster of seaweed, narrowly avoiding a monstrous crab snapping its claws at him.

In a final, desperate move, Garret spotted an underwater cave and swam inside, squeezing through the narrow entrance.

The pursuing sea beasts halted at the cave's mouth, seemingly unwilling to enter. Garret floated in the cave, gasping for breath and mentally cursing his luck.