Chapter 55: Chaos: SandWorms Unexpected Arrival

The next day, somewhere deep in the Stardust Forest, a point exchange center stood amid the dense foliage.

From the outside, it looked calm and serene, a peaceful haven for weary adventurers. The towering trees and vibrant greenery painted a picture of tranquility. But inside, chaos reigned.

Sounds of explosions and violent clashes reverberated within the center. Shelves of rare herbs and treasures were upturned, and the once orderly space was now a battlefield.

A student, his eyes blazing with determination and malice, wreaked havoc, his fists and energy blasts destroying everything in his path.

The clerk, disheveled and bloody, cowered behind the counter, trying to make sense of the madness.

"Why are you doing this?" the clerk pleaded, his voice trembling with fear and confusion.

The student sneered, his lips curling into a cruel smile. "Soon this place will become our post. And don't worry," he added, his tone dripping with contempt, "no one outside will notice anything. It's all concealed by a sound and illusion formation."

The clerk's eyes widened in horror as the realization dawned on him. The intricate formation ensured that the turmoil within remained hidden from the outside world.

Panic spread through his mind, but before he could react, another explosion rocked the building, and he was flung backward, unconscious.

Similar scenes unfolded across various points within the Stardust Forest. Other exchange centers, seemingly serene on the exterior, became grounds of violent takeovers on the inside.

A sinister conspiracy was brewing, cloaked in secrecy and deception.

The purpose and mastermind behind these coordinated attacks remained a mystery, casting a dark shadow over the forest.

Meanwhile, Ruchir, having rested after his intense battle with Raoul, was once again on the hunt for points. The night had restored his energy, and he felt invigorated as he moved through the forest. His senses were sharp, his sword ready.

He encountered various demon beasts of different strengths, but none posed a significant challenge. With precise strikes, he dispatched them one by one, collecting their demonic cores as trophies of his prowess.

As he finished slaying a particularly vicious mutated monkey, he heard a distant explosion. The sound echoed through the forest, a stark contrast to the usual tranquility.

Ruchir's eyes narrowed, his instincts telling him that something was amiss. Without hesitation, he activated his Light Footwork technique, his form becoming a blur as he sped towards the source of the disturbance.

The forest blurred past him as he moved, his mind racing with possibilities. What could have caused such an explosion? Was it another student in trouble, or something more sinister?

The thrill of the unknown and the potential danger ahead quickened his pulse. Each step brought him closer to the source, the sounds of chaos growing louder.

As he approached, he could feel the intensity of the situation. The air was charged with energy, and the scent of burning wood grew stronger.

Ruchir's heart pounded in his chest, anticipation and adrenaline fueling his every move. What awaited him beyond the next bend? The thought sent a shiver down his spine, a mix of fear and excitement.

Ruchir arrived at the scene to find two figures locked in a fierce battle. Alaric and Jack, both drenched in sweat and dust, exchanged blows with unrelenting intensity. Jack's eyes blazed with determination, fueled by the grudge of his past defeat. Alaric, on the other hand, wore an expression of pure disgust.

"Why won't you just leave me alone, you persistent pest!" Alaric shouted, dodging a punch and retaliating with a powerful kick. "I've had enough of you sticking to me like a cursed shadow since this morning!"

Jack's response was a guttural growl. "I'm not letting you go, Alaric! Not after last time. This is my chance to prove myself!" He lunged forward, aiming a flurry of punches at Alaric, who blocked and countered with equal ferocity.

Ruchir, watching from the sidelines, analyzed the situation. Jack's strength and determination are commendable, but Alaric's skill and finesse give him an edge. If Jack can keep up this pressure, he might have a chance.

Alaric's frustration grew with each passing moment. He was desperate to find Sarah and settle their unfinished business, but Jack's relentless pursuit was preventing him. "You're nothing but a hindrance, Jack!" Alaric spat, his fists glowing with heat energy as he unleashed a powerful technique. "Take this! Fire Dragon Claw Strike!"

Jack barely dodged the attack, the ground where he had stood exploding into debris. "Is that all you've got, Alaric? I've faced worse!" He gathered his own energy, readying himself for a counterattack. "Now, feel the force of my Tiger SPirit Roar!"

Their battle continued to escalate, both fighters pushing their limits. Ruchir's mind raced as he observed their techniques, each move more intense than the last. Jack's grudge is driving him forward, but Alaric's skill is undeniable. This could go either way.

Just as their fight was reaching its climax, the ground beneath them began to tremble. Ruchir's eyes widened in shock as the earth cracked open, splitting the battlefield.

Massive sandworms, each over 100 meters long and pulsing with a menacing aura, emerged from the fissures. Their segmented bodies were covered in rough, chitinous plates, and their gaping maws revealed rows of razor-sharp teeth. The air filled with their deafening roars, shaking the forest.

The three fighters momentarily paused their battle, eyes wide with horror. "What in the world...?" Alaric muttered, his voice barely audible over the chaos.

Jack, too, was taken aback. "Sandworms? Here? How is this possible?" His voice wavered, a mix of fear and disbelief.

Ruchir steadied himself, his mind racing. These creatures are as strong as a third limiter. One alone would be a challenge, but in these numbers...

The first sandworm lunged at them, its massive body crashing down with incredible force. The three fighters barely dodged in time, their battle now focused on survival. "We need to work together to take these things down!" Ruchir shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Alaric and Jack exchanged a quick glance, nodding in agreement. "For now, we put our fight on hold," Alaric said, summoning his energy. "Let's show these beasts what we're made of!"

Jack gritted his teeth, his fists glowing. "Agreed. Let's take them down!"

The three of them fought fiercely, each using their unique skills to fend off the sandworms. Alaric's Fire Dragon Claw Strike ripped through the tough hides of the creatures, while Jack's Ferocious Tiger Fist delivered crushing blows. Ruchir weaved between them, his sword flashing with precision as he targeted the sandworms' weak points.

Despite their efforts, the sheer number of sandworms made it nearly impossible to gain the upper hand. Every time they managed to bring one down, another took its place.

The ground trembled with each movement of the massive creatures, their roars echoing through the forest.

As they battled, similar scenes played out across the Stardust Forest.

Students everywhere found themselves under siege, the sudden emergence of the sandworms throwing the entire domain into chaos. The air was thick with tension, the once tranquil forest now a battlefield.

This isn't just a random occurrence, Ruchir thought, parrying a sandworm's strike. Something or someone is behind this. But who? And why?

The three fighters continued to battle tirelessly, their bodies pushed to the limit. The forest around them was in turmoil, the air filled with the sounds of combat and the cries of the besieged students.

The mystery of the sandworms' appearance hung heavily in the air, an ominous cloud that threatened to engulf them all.

Elder Tian stared into his treasured mirror, his brows furrowing with confusion. The mirror reflected scenes of chaos as massive sandworms, once dormant and calm, rampaged through the Stardust Forest. "What in the world is happening?" he muttered to himself. His hand hovered over the mirror, ready to take immediate action and investigate the disturbance.

But before he could make his move, a chilling presence filled the room. Four short, dark, eerie figures materialized before him, their forms blurry and indistinct. The atmosphere turned cold and oppressive, and the very air seemed to thicken with malevolence.

"Oh my, Tian," one of the figures spoke, its voice dripping with mockery. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Elder Tian's eyes narrowed as he recognized the newcomers. The Quadrapet Demons. His brow knitted with suspicion and wariness. The four figures cackled in unison, their laughter echoing off the walls.

"Why the long face, Elder Tian?" another demon taunted, its grin wide and sinister. "Does the illustrious Four Great Academies of the Four Spirit Empire not welcome us?"

"Quadrapet Demons," Elder Tian said, his voice cold and steady. "Your presence is... unexpected."

The demons laughed again, the sound grating and eerie. "Oh, come now, Tian," the first demon said with a sarcastic tone. "We were just in the neighborhood. Thought we'd drop by and see how you're doing."

Elder Tian's eyes flickered with a mix of anger and amusement. He straightened his posture, his demeanor shifting from confusion to resolute determination. "You've certainly prepared your own welcome quite well," he said, glancing at the scenes of destruction in the mirror. "I must say, it's a bit of a mess."

"We do like to make an entrance," the third demon said, its voice a low, menacing purr. "Consider it a token of our... appreciation."

Elder Tian laughed heartily, the sound booming and filled with a mixture of humor and menace. "Well, since you're here," he said, his voice laced with a mischievous edge, "allow me to extend a proper welcome."

He raised his hand, and the room seemed to electrify. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and sparks of lightning crackled around him.

His hair began to glow a bright, almost blinding yellow, and his entire body emanated a majestic aura.

It was as if he had undergone a transformation, his presence now exuding immense power and authority.

"I will introduce you to the ways of the academies so thoroughly," Elder Tian continued, his voice rising with confidence and resolve, "that you will never think about leaving this place."

The Quadrapet Demons exchanged glances, their grins faltering for a brief moment. They could feel the shift in the air, the raw power emanating from Elder Tian. Yet, their confidence remained, and they continued to smile, albeit with a touch more wariness.

"Bold words, Elder Tian," the fourth demon said, its voice a low, rumbling growl. "We look forward to seeing if you can back them up."

Elder Tian's eyes sparkled with determination. "Oh, you will see," he replied, his voice a thunderous promise. "You will see the full might of the academies, and I assure you, it will be an experience you won't soon forget."