Chapter 59: Eternal Curse Cage & Ten Thousand Forests Shield!

The five Demon Kings, their faces contorted with anger and determination, looked at each other and nodded.

Unwillingly but resolutely, they began to make a series of complex hand signs, surrounding the Grand Scholar from all directions. One of them snarled, "You've forced us to use this. You better not regret it."

They took out an ominous-looking seal, dark and pulsating with malevolent energy. The moment the Grand Scholar's eyes landed on the seal, his expression shifted to one of vigilance.

He quickly tried to prepare himself, but it was too late. All five Demon Kings shouted in unison, "Eternal Curse Cage: Descend of the Abyssal Hell!"

The sky above darkened, and an eerie wind began to swirl around them, carrying with it whispers of ancient, forbidden magic. Shadows danced and twisted, and the very air seemed to tremble with the weight of the dark power being unleashed. The seal glowed with a sinister light, and a part of the Demon Kings' own lifeforce was sacrificed, causing the seal's power to surge forth and enter the Grand Scholar.

He felt an immediate and overwhelming drain on his energy, as if his very essence was being bound and suppressed. His eyes widened in surprise as he realized that 90 percent of his magical power had been sealed away. The five Demon Kings, now weakened and disheveled from their exertion, looked at him with eyes full of revenge and laughed crazily.

"Now, we will finally slay you!" they shouted in unison.

The Grand Scholar, even in this dire situation, managed a laugh of his own. "No matter what schemes you demons come up with, there isn't a chance of you succeeding," he said, his voice filled with a mix of defiance and amusement. "Even with my power limited, I can still handle you twits. It's like ants trying to topple a mountain."

With a dramatic gesture, he opened his arms as if embracing the sky. The scene was almost magical, the air around him shimmering with an ethereal glow.

He then clapped his hands together with a resounding thunderclap that echoed through the heavens. "Supreme Forest Scripture: Second Form—Ten Thousand Forests Shield!"

From the ground around him, massive trees erupted, growing at an incredible speed. They were ancient and majestic, their trunks as thick as towers and their canopies spreading wide to form an impenetrable shield. The trees moved with purpose, closing in around the four great academies and covering them in a single, sweeping motion. The forest became a fortress, its massive trees forming a protective barrier that was both awe-inspiring and unassailable.

The scene was nothing short of magical, the sheer power and grandeur of the forest's defense leaving the Demon Kings momentarily stunned. The air was filled with the fresh scent of pine and earth, and the sunlight filtering through the leaves cast a serene glow on the ground.

The Grand Scholar laughed crazily, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of madness and confidence. He looked directly at the five Demon Kings and said, "Let the act begin."

The Demon Kings, though weakened, were not deterred. Their pride and thirst for revenge drove them forward. One of them, still holding his dark nihility saber, growled, "Even in this weakened state, we are still Demon Kings. We will tear down your defenses and crush you."

The Grand Scholar merely smiled, his demeanor as calm and unyielding as the forest around him. "You can try," he said, "but this forest is my domain, and here, I am invincible."

The Demon Kings launched themselves at the barrier, their attacks as fierce and relentless as ever. Hell Gates Descend, Dark Nihility Saber, Abyssal Thunderstorm, Eternal Nightfall, and Earth-Shattering Quake—all their techniques crashed against the forest shield, but the trees held firm. Their leaves rustled with each impact, but the trunks stood resolute, absorbing the blows and regenerating almost instantly.

The Grand Scholar watched their futile efforts with a mixture of amusement and pity. "You see," he said, "your power is formidable, but it lacks the harmony and balance that this forest embodies. Nature has a way of enduring, of outlasting even the most destructive forces."

One of the Demon Kings, now visibly exhausted, spat, "Stop preaching! Your arrogance will be your downfall!"

The Grand Scholar shook his head. "It's not arrogance; it's confidence born of understanding. You rely on brute force and dark magic, but there is more to power than destruction. There is creation, preservation, and the ability to adapt and endure."

The Demon Kings, despite their rage and determination, began to see the truth in his words. Their attacks were powerful, but they were chaotic and unfocused, while the Grand Scholar's defense was a masterpiece of natural harmony and resilience.

As the battle raged on, the Grand Scholar continued to parry their blows with ease, using the forest to absorb and neutralize their attacks.

The trees seemed to dance and weave around him, their movements guided by an unseen force. The Demon Kings, once so confident in their superiority, found themselves struggling to make any headway.

Finally, the Grand Scholar raised his hand, and the forest responded. Vines and roots surged forward, entangling the Demon Kings and binding them in place. "This is the power of nature," he said, "unbroken and unbreakable."

The Demon Kings, now completely ensnared, could only glare at him with a mixture of hatred and fear. The Grand Scholar stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with victory. "Now," he said, "let the nature decend with a bang."

Meanwhile, on a mountain peak, lay the nest of a black hawk. Yes, readers, you thought it right—the very nest from which Alice had stolen the precious eggs.

But unexpectedly, there were two black hawk chicks being fed by their mother hawk with tender, motherly love. One of these chicks was sweating profusely. Yes, it was Garret, and the other chick was Flippy.

Earlier, when Garret and Flippy were traveling, they had spotted this nest. Seeing it as another chance to try their luck, they decided to investigate. Finding it empty, they thought they had hit the jackpot. But as soon as they were about to leave, they heard the ominous sound of flapping wings. The mother black hawk was returning.

Panic set in. "Oh no, we're done for!" Garret whispered, eyes wide with terror.

Flippy, however, remained calm. "Don't worry, Garret. I have a plan," he said, his usual serene smile in place.

Before Garret could protest, Flippy used his transformation magic to turn them both into younglings of the black hawk. And thus, the current bizarre scene unfolded.

Garret, now a fluffy chick, was trembling as the mother hawk leaned down to feed them. Each time her sharp beak came close, he flinched, imagining all sorts of gruesome ends. "This is it. I'm going to die as a bird. This is how it ends," he thought, his feathers ruffled and sweat dripping down his beak.

Flippy, on the other hand, was enjoying the care of the mother hawk. He chirped happily, gobbling down the food she offered. "What a wonderful day, Garret! Isn't it nice to be taken care of?" he said, his eyes shining with innocent delight.

Garret gave him a look that could kill. If looks could peel feathers, Flippy would be bald. "What a wonderful day? Are you out of your mind? We're trapped here, pretending to be bird babies, and you're acting like we're on vacation!" he hissed, trying to keep his voice low to avoid attracting the mother hawk's wrath.

The mother hawk, misinterpreting Garret's agitated chirping, nuzzled him gently, pushing a large chunk of meat into his beak. Garret gagged, barely managing to swallow it without choking. "I can't believe this," he muttered, his tiny bird brain racing for a way out.

As the mother hawk settled back, keeping a watchful eye over her "chicks," Garret tried to inch closer to Flippy. "We need to get out of here, Flippy. Any bright ideas?" he whispered.

Flippy tilted his head, still smiling. "Why leave so soon? It's warm and cozy here. Plus, she's feeding us. I think we should enjoy it while it lasts."

Garret stared at him in disbelief. "Enjoy it? I'd rather be anywhere else but here! She could discover us any moment, and then we're toast. Literally!"

Flippy shrugged, unperturbed. "Relax, Garret. She thinks we're her babies. As long as we don't do anything suspicious, we'll be fine."

Just then, the mother hawk stood up, stretching her wings. Garret held his breath, hoping she would leave the nest again. But instead, she began grooming her "chicks," gently preening their feathers. Garret's heart pounded as she drew closer.

"This is it. She's going to find out," he thought, closing his eyes tightly.

But the mother hawk simply fluffed his feathers, giving him an affectionate nudge before moving on to Flippy, who chirped happily under her care. Garret exhaled, realizing how ridiculous he must look—terrified out of his mind while being fussed over by a giant bird.

"See, Garret? She's just taking care of us. No need to worry," Flippy said, enjoying the attention.

Garret's mind was spinning. "How did my life come to this? From a promising martial artist to a bird's chick? This is insane."

 He tried to relax, following Flippy's example, but every sound and movement from the mother hawk kept him on edge. 

Garret couldn't help but think of all the things he'd rather be doing. "I could be out there, earning points, showing my skills, but no, I'm here, pretending to be a baby bird."

Flippy's calmness was both a source of envy and irritation for Garret. "How do you stay so relaxed?" he asked, finally giving in to his curiosity.

Flippy smiled, his tiny beak barely parting. "It's simple, Garret. Just go with the flow. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. If you stress over each one, you'll miss the beauty in them."

Garret rolled his eyes. "Beauty in being mistaken for bird food? You've got to be kidding me."

Despite his grumbling, Garret couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. Maybe, just maybe, there was a lesson in all this madness.

"Alright, Flippy. I'll try to enjoy the ride. But as soon as she leaves again, we're out of here."

Flippy nodded, still as serene as ever. "Agreed. But until then, let's just be grateful for the free food and warmth."

Garret sighed, shaking his fluffy head. "You're impossible, Flippy."