Chapter 61: Demonic Scholar Bookworm

As Ruchir, Alaric, and Jack took a moment to catch their breath and assess the situation. Just as they were contemplating their next move, Senior Brother Kai reappeared, his expression grave.

"I've discovered something alarming," Kai said, his voice low. "The point exchange centers are compromised. Demon cultivators have infiltrated them and are plotting something sinister."

Ruchir's eyes widened. "We need to act fast. What's the plan?"

Kai glanced around, ensuring they were alone. "We'll need a meticulous plan to reclaim the center without raising suspicion. Alaric, your fire abilities will come in handy for distractions. Jack, your physical prowess and transformation abilities will be crucial in taking down the enemies swiftly. Ruchir, your calligraphy and righteousness techniques will help counter any dark magic they might use."

"Sounds like a plan," Jack said, cracking his knuckles. "Let's teach those demons a lesson."

They moved quickly, their minds focused on the task ahead. Kai led them to a secluded spot near the point exchange center, where they could observe without being detected. The center buzzed with activity, the demon cultivators blending seamlessly with the students and staff.

"We'll split into two teams," Kai explained. "Alaric and I will create a diversion on the east side, drawing their attention. Ruchir and Jack, you two will infiltrate from the west and take out the key targets."

"Why do I always get the sneaky jobs?" Jack grumbled, though a grin spread across his face. "Alright, let's do this."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the land, the plan was set into motion. Alaric and Kai moved to the east side of the center, where Alaric began conjuring fireballs, hurling them strategically to create controlled chaos. Flames erupted, drawing the attention of the disguised demon cultivators.

"Fire! We've got a fire!" one of the clerks shouted, the alarm spreading quickly.

Meanwhile, Ruchir and Jack slipped in from the west side, using the confusion to their advantage. They moved swiftly and silently, their eyes scanning for any signs of the demon cultivators.

"There!" Ruchir whispered, pointing to a group of clerks who were acting suspiciously. "Those must be the demon cultivators."

Jack nodded, transforming into his white tiger form. With a ferocious roar, he lunged at the nearest target, his claws slashing through the air. The demon cultivator barely had time to react before he was taken down.

Ruchir followed, his sword slicing through the dark energy that emanated from the enemies. His calligraphy technique shimmered in the air, symbols of righteousness countering the demonic aura. The clerks fought back, but they were no match for the combined might of Ruchir and Jack.

In the midst of the chaos, one of the demon cultivators managed to slip away, heading toward the center of the exchange. Ruchir noticed and quickly pursued, his feet moving silently across the ground. He cornered the demon in a dimly lit hallway, his sword at the ready.

"It's over," Ruchir said, his voice steady. "Surrender now, and you might live to see another day."

The demon cultivator laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "You have no idea what you're up against."

Before Ruchir could react, the demon lunged, dark energy crackling around him. Ruchir countered with a swift slash, but the demon dodged, the battle escalating. They exchanged blows, the clash of steel against dark magic echoing through the hallway.

Back outside, Alaric and Kai continued their diversion, drawing more of the demon cultivators away from the center. Alaric's fireballs lit up the night, creating a spectacle that kept the enemies occupied.

"Think they're buying it?" Alaric asked, a grin on his face.

Kai nodded, his eyes focused. "They're falling for it. Keep it up."

Inside, Jack had taken down another group of enemies, his white tiger form proving to be an unstoppable force. He reverted to his human form, panting heavily.

"We're making progress," he said, wiping sweat from his brow. "But we need to find their leader."

Ruchir rejoined them, his sword stained with dark energy. "I cornered one, but he slipped away. We need to be careful; they're more organized than we thought."

Just then, a loud explosion rocked the center, the walls shaking. Alaric and Kai rushed in, their faces set in grim determination.

"They've set traps," Kai said, his voice tight. "We need to move quickly."

They regrouped, their eyes scanning the area for any signs of the demon leader. The center was in disarray, the students and staff caught in the chaos. Amidst the confusion, they spotted a figure clad in dark robes, directing the demon cultivators with a sinister smile.

"There," Kai said, pointing. "That's the leader."

They moved as one, their attacks coordinated and precise. Jack transformed again, charging forward with a roar. Alaric and Kai flanked the leader, their combined abilities creating a formidable force. Ruchir used his calligraphy to weaken the dark magic, the symbols glowing brightly in the dim light.

The leader fought back fiercely, his dark energy lashing out. But they pressed on, their determination unwavering. With a final, coordinated strike, they brought the leader to his knees, his dark aura dissipating.

Just as they thought they had succeeded, a chilling laugh echoed through the center. The leader, despite his defeat, grinned wickedly. "You think you've won?" he spat, blood trickling from his mouth. "This is just the beginning."

The ground beneath them trembled, dark energy swirling ominously. Ruchir, Alaric, Jack, and Kai exchanged worried glances, realizing that their victory might not be as complete as they had hoped.

"Stay vigilant," Kai warned, his eyes scanning the shadows. "This isn't over yet."

From the ground, an old-aged person emerged, draped in white robes adorned with intricate black demon designs. In his hand, he clutched a red-black tome, exuding an ominous aura, with sinister writings dancing above it, casting eerie shadows. Despite having no eyes, the man seemed to fixate on the book, his presence exuding an unsettling power.

"I am the Demonic Scholar BookWorm," he declared, his voice a chilling whisper that seemed to echo from the depths of the earth.

Jack couldn't help but snicker. "BookWorm? What's he gonna do, read us to death?"

Alaric smirked. "Maybe he'll bore us with a lecture."

Ruchir shook his head, chuckling. "I've heard of bookworms, but this is ridiculous."

However, Kai's face remained serious, his expression one of concern. "This is no laughing matter," he said gravely. "The Demonic Scholar BookWorm is not to be underestimated."

Everyone turned to Kai, their humor fading as they sensed the seriousness in his tone.

"Who is he?" Jack asked, his curiosity piqued.

Kai took a deep breath. "The Demonic Scholar BookWorm is an old man who has achieved the way of scholarhood while remaining in the demonic cult. It's a feat thought impossible by many."

Ruchir frowned. "But isn't righteousness energy required to become a scholar?"

Kai nodded. "In most cases, yes. But the Demonic Scholar BookWorm unveiled the true potential of demonic energy, stepping into the realm of scholars. His mastery is such that he's gained another nickname: The Inquisitor of Fate."

"The Inquisitor of Fate?" Alaric repeated, confused. "What does that mean?"

Kai explained, "It's said that the Demonic Scholar BookWorm has a unique method of determining the fate of his opponents. He asks three questions, and based on the answers, he decides their life or death."

The group fell silent, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The Demonic Scholar BookWorm stood before them, an enigmatic and dangerous figure whose methods defied conventional understanding.

"Three questions to decide life and death," Ruchir murmured, shaking his head in disbelief. "How can that be possible?"

Kai looked at the Demonic Scholar BookWorm, his eyes narrowing. "It's not just about the answers to the questions. It's the way he interprets them, the insights he gleans from them. He's a master of understanding human nature and exploiting it."

The old man with the ominous book remained still, his eyeless gaze seemingly fixed on the group. His presence was a stark reminder that in the world of cultivation, not everything was black and white. Even within the demonic cult, there were those who had reached heights of power and knowledge that defied logic.

"We need to be careful," Kai warned.

"The only way to win is to answer the 3 Questions."