Chapter 64: Thunderclap

Alice took a deep breath and leaped into the swamp.

Expecting to be swallowed by mud and water, she was stunned when she found herself standing under a vast, starry sky instead.

The transition was instantaneous and disorienting.

Above her, countless stars glittered like diamonds on black velvet, with occasional streaks of falling stars illuminating the heavens in dazzling flashes.

The night sky was alive with a cosmic dance, each shooting star leaving a trail of light that lingered before fading into the darkness.

The ground beneath her feet had a soft, ethereal glow, casting a blue hue that seemed to radiate from within. The grass was unlike anything she had ever seen—each blade shimmered with a delicate blue light, swaying gently as if moved by an invisible breeze.

Trees with leaves that sparkled like sapphires rose around her, their branches stretching towards the sky, as if trying to touch the stars themselves. The entire landscape had a surreal, otherworldly beauty that took her breath away.

Alice felt a sense of awe as she ventured deeper into this dreamlike realm, following the faint footprints left by the students. Every step she took seemed to resonate with the magic of this place, the ground softly glowing beneath her feet.

She moved cautiously, her senses heightened by the strange surroundings. The atmosphere was serene yet charged with an underlying energy that set her nerves on edge.

Ahead, she saw the students moving through the blue-tinged foliage, their voices carrying back to her. They were discussing something in urgent, fearful whispers.

She couldn't make out all the details, but the snippets she heard made her heart race.

"We have no choice," one of them said, his voice trembling. "They'll kill us if we don't deliver."

"But what if it doesn't work?" another asked, his tone filled with dread. "We'll be dead either way."

"Quiet," the third student hissed. "We need to keep moving. If we fail... I don't even want to think about it."

Alice's curiosity and concern grew with every step. She continued to trail them, her presence masked by the shadows of the enchanted trees.

Suddenly, the group was attacked by several monsters, each with a distinct blue hue.

The students fought valiantly but struggled against the creatures. Alice watched, noting that the bluer the monster, the more powerful it seemed.

The terrain was unlike anything Alice had ever seen, with strange flora and fauna that seemed to glow with an inner light.

The monsters were equally bizarre, their blue-tinted bodies standing out against the dark backdrop of the night sky.

One beast, with a deep, sapphire blue hue, lunged at the students, its claws glinting menacingly. The students barely managed to fend it off, their fear palpable.

Alice remained hidden, observing the peculiarities of this realm and the desperate struggle of the students. 

Suddenly, all the students came to an abrupt halt, their eyes widening in awe and fear. Alice, hidden in the shadows, stopped as well, her breath catching in her throat as she took in the sight before her. Towering above them was a gigantic, majestic tree, unlike any she had ever seen.

The tree's trunk was wide and ancient, its bark shimmering with a subtle, star-like glow. The branches spread out like a vast canopy, each limb adorned with leaves that sparkled like clusters of tiny stars.

The leaves twinkled in various hues of blue and silver, casting a mesmerizing glow that bathed the entire area in a soft, ethereal light. The tree seemed to pulsate with a serene energy, its presence both comforting and awe-inspiring.

Surrounding the tree was a lake, its waters equally enchanting. The surface of the lake mirrored the starry sky above, creating an illusion that the tree and its reflection were part of an endless cosmic landscape. T

he water glowed with an ethereal light, shimmering with every ripple. Tiny, luminescent creatures flitted across the surface, leaving trails of light in their wake.

The air was filled with a gentle, soothing hum, as if the very essence of the place was singing a lullaby to the stars.

The ground around the lake was covered in soft, blue grass that seemed to sway with its own rhythm.

Delicate flowers, glowing with an inner light, dotted the landscape, their petals opening and closing as if in tune with the heartbeat of the tree.

The entire scene was otherworldly, a perfect blend of tranquility and magic.

One of the students, unable to contain his awe, whispered, "Is this... the legendary....?" His voice trembled with a mix of fear and amazement.

Another student, equally captivated, responded, "It must be. The Star Tree of Legends. But how is it real?"

Their voices were filled with wonder and disbelief as they continued to stare at the magnificent tree and its surroundings.

Alice, still hidden, felt a shiver run down her spine. She had heard tales of the Star Tree, a legendary entity. Seeing it in person was both a dream and a nightmare, for such power could attract both heroes and villains alike.

The students' exclamations of fear and amazement echoed in the ethereal silence, underscoring the gravity of the discovery. Alice knew that this place, beautiful and serene as it was, held secrets that could change everything. 

Meanwhile outside the Stardust Forest, the air crackled with intense energy as lightning clashed violently with dark, swirling forces.

The sky above mirrored the chaos below, with flashes of blinding light followed by ominous shadows.

At the center of this elemental battle stood Elder Tian, his form upright and defiant despite the slight injuries that marred his otherwise regal appearance.

Opposing him were the Quadrapet Demons, their breaths heavy and their bodies battered from the prolonged combat.

"How is he still standing?" one of the demons gasped, blood trickling from a wound on his arm.

"I don't know," another demon replied, his voice tinged with desperation. "We've thrown everything at him, but he's handling our attacks like water off a duck's back."

Elder Tian, sensing their frustration, smirked. "Is this all you've got? I expected more from creatures who call themselves demons."

The Quadrapet Demons exchanged anxious glances, their eyes reflecting the dire situation. With a silent nod, they made a quick decision and began to surround Elder Tian. 

"So, you're finally going to get serious?" Elder Tian mocked, his voice laced with amusement. "About time."

The demons began chanting in unison, their voices merging into a sinister harmony.

The ground beneath them pulsed with dark energy as they activated their array, the "Ebon Shadow Enclosure."

Tendrils of black energy shot out from the ground, weaving together to form a dense, oppressive barrier around Elder Tian.

"You'll find it hard to mock us when you're crushed under the weight of our power," the lead demon snarled, his confidence returning as the array took hold.

Elder Tian felt the pressure of the array pressing down on him, but he remained undeterred.

With a calm, steely gaze, he raised his hands to the sky.

"If it's power you want, then power you shall have," he declared. 

His body began to glow with an intense, golden light. Thunder roared in the heavens as he summoned his formidable technique, the "Heavenly Thunder Armor."

Lightning coalesced around him, forming a dazzling, protective armor that crackled with raw energy.

In his hand materialized a golden halberd, its blade shimmering with lethal intent.

The Quadrapet Demons recoiled slightly, the sight of Elder Tian's transformation filling them with dread. "Don't just stand there!" the lead demon shouted. "Attack!"

With a battle cry, the demons lunged at Elder Tian, their claws and dark magic clashing against his lightning-infused armor.

The air was filled with the deafening sounds of their fierce battle. Elder Tian moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior, his halberd slicing through the air with deadly accuracy.

"Is this all you've got?" Elder Tian taunted as he parried a strike from one of the demons, the force of his blow sending the creature sprawling. "I've faced thunderstorms fiercer than this!"

One demon, desperate to land a hit, aimed a powerful dark energy blast at Elder Tian's back. Elder Tian, sensing the attack, spun around and intercepted the blast with his halberd, the weapon absorbing the dark energy and redirecting it back at the demon, who barely dodged in time.

"You'll have to do better than that," Elder Tian said with a grin, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of the fight.

The Quadrapet Demons regrouped and launched a coordinated assault, their attacks converging on Elder Tian from all sides. But Elder Tian, with his lightning-enhanced reflexes, countered each move with effortless grace. He struck down one demon after another, his halberd a blur of golden light.

"Your array might be impressive, but it won't be enough to stop me," Elder Tian declared. With a mighty roar, he channeled his energy into a single, devastating attack. "Thunderclap Devastation!"

The ground trembled as a massive wave of lightning exploded from Elder Tian's body, shattering the Ebon Shadow Enclosure and sending the Quadrapet Demons flying. The array crumbled under the sheer force of the attack, and the demons lay scattered and defeated, their bodies charred and smoking.

Elder Tian, breathing heavily and clutching his halberd, surveyed the scene with satisfaction. "And that," he said, his voice echoing in the sudden silence, "is how you deal with pests."

However, the victory had come at a cost. Blood dripped from a deep gash on his side, and his movements were slower, labored. The Quadrapet Demons had inflicted serious injuries, and the toll of the prolonged battle was evident.

"Looks like I'm not as invincible as I thought," Elder Tian muttered to himself, a rueful smile playing on his lips.

Despite his injuries, Elder Tian stood tall, the golden armor around him flickering but still intact. He had triumphed, but he knew the battle was far from over. With a determined look in his eyes, he turned his gaze back to the Stardust Forest, ready to help the students and thwart the conspiracy of demons.