Chapter 88: Bloodlust

Three days later, the Blackwood Pass was shrouded in a heavy mist, providing the perfect cover for an ambush. The Sayy family's caravan, a large procession of ornate wagons and well-bred horses, wound its way through the narrow mountain road.

The Sayy family flag, a majestic lion surrounded by intricate floral designs, fluttered proudly on the leading carriage.

The guards, powerful and alert, rode on horseback and walked alongside the wagons, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of trouble.

Hidden among the rocks and dense foliage, Jiro and seven of his captains lay in wait. The bandits, numbering around fifty, were poised to strike. Ruchir, Alice, and Garret, disguised as bandits, were strategically positioned within the group, ready to play their parts in the upcoming assault.

The caravan moved steadily along the path, oblivious to the danger lurking around them. At Jiro's signal, the bandits sprang into action.

Smoke bombs exploded, creating chaos and disorientation among the guards.

Explosive traps set along the path detonated, scattering the defenders and breaking their formation.

Jiro led the charge, his sword flashing in the dim light.

The guards, though well-trained and powerful, were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number and ferocity of the bandits.

The leader of the guards, a formidable warrior, fought valiantly but was soon injured and rendered helpless. The other guards fell one by one, unable to defend the valuable goods they were sworn to protect.

Ruchir, Alice, and Garret moved with precision, executing their plan flawlessly.

Amidst the chaos, they managed to slip into the lead wagon, where the most valuable items were stored.

Jiro, noticing their actions, approached the wagon, eager to see the special item requested by the stronghold leader.

However, as Jiro peered into the wagon, his expression changed from one of anticipation to shock. The item, a small chest adorned with intricate carvings, was gone. His eyes scanned the interior, but there was no sign of it.

Frustration mounting, Jiro ordered a retreat as the sound of approaching reinforcements from the Sayy mansion grew louder.

The bandits regrouped in a secluded corner of the forest, away from the prying eyes of the Sayy reinforcements. Jiro paced back and forth, his anger barely contained. The captains and other bandits stood silently, awaiting his outburst.

"How could we possibly fail?" Jiro's voice was a low growl. "We had the element of surprise, we had them outnumbered!"

One of the captains, a lean man with a scar running down his face, spoke up hesitantly. "Is it possible that this caravan was just a diversion?"

Jiro stopped pacing and looked at him, his expression calm but his eyes cold. "It shouldn't be the case. The information came from a reliable source. That man wouldn't lead us astray."

The other bandits exchanged uneasy glances. Jiro's mention of "that man" silenced any further speculation. They knew better than to question the existence Jiro referred to.

Jiro's eyes scanned the assembled bandits, and he noticed an absence. "Where is Captain Rion?" he demanded.

A bandit stepped forward nervously. "I saw him at the beginning of the raid, but after that, he disappeared. No one saw him after the initial attack."

Another captain, a burly man with a missing ear, spoke up. "Is it possible that Captain Rion betrayed us?"

Jiro shook his head. "Captain Rion is not that smart or courageous enough to pull off such a scheme. I believe there's a greater plot at work here."

Turning to one of the bandits, Jiro gave a curt order. "Go investigate the team that initially went with Rion. Find out what happened to them."

The bandit nodded and hurried off, leaving the others in tense silence. Jiro's mind raced with possibilities. The loss of the coveted item would not sit well with their leader, and he needed answers quickly.

As the scene unfolded, Ruchir, Alice, and Garret, still disguised as bandits, watched from a distance. They exchanged glances, knowing that their plan had to be executed perfectly if they were to survive the coming scrutiny. They had managed to secure the item and divert suspicion, but the next steps would be crucial.

"We need to stay low and figure out our next move," Ruchir whispered to his friends. "Jiro is already suspicious. We can't afford any mistakes."

Ruchir and his friends, still disguised as normal bandits, made their way back to the stronghold.

As they passed through the gates, the imposing figure of the Blackwood gang leader came into view. He sat on a huge chair made from tiger skin, exuding an aura of dominance and power.

Ruchir's eyes filled with murderous intent as he thought about what this man had done to his father. Anger surged through him, but Alice quickly noticed and intervened.

"Hold it in for now, Ruchir," she whispered urgently. "You'll get your revenge, but not like this."

Garret placed a comforting hand on Ruchir's shoulder, and Flippy, transformed into a small bird perched on Garret's other shoulder, chirped softly. Ruchir took a deep breath, calming himself, his eyes narrowing into a grimace instead.

The Blackwood gang leader, sensing a brief surge of bloodlust, glanced around the area of gates, his eyes sharp and piercing. Not finding anything amiss, he dismissed it as his imagination. He was too excited to dwell on it.

Seeing them enter, the leader laughed heartily, his booming voice echoing through the stronghold. "Well done, Jiro! I believe you must have procured the object," he said. Turning to his men, he added, "Arrange a party! Let us celebrate!"

The gang behind him erupted in shouts of celebration, their voices filling the air with a cacophony of excitement. But Jiro's reaction was starkly different. His face was pale, his expression grim, and beads of sweat trickled down his forehead.

The leader's laughter faded as he noticed Jiro's demeanor. "What's wrong, Jiro? Give me the object immediately. I cannot wait to see it," he said, excitement lacing his voice.

Jiro remained silent, his fear palpable. The leader's face darkened, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "I don't like jokes, Jiro. Especially not about this situation," he said, his voice low and threatening.

Jiro took a deep breath and finally spoke, "We failed to retrieve it. It was missing."

The leader's face turned ashen, his eyes blazing with fury. He released his bloodlust and aura, letting it wash over the room unrestrained. Most of the bandits, not having reached the limiter realm, struggled to breathe, feeling the crushing weight of his presence.

Ruchir clenched his fists, recognizing the strength of their opponent. "This guy is strong. We need a better plan," he thought.

Garret, eyes wide with fear, wondered, "Am I going to die here? This was a bad idea."

Alice, her face set in determination, assessed the situation. "We can't fight this thing head-on. We need to be smart about this."

The other bandits around them reacted in various ways. Some fell to their knees, gasping for breath, while others trembled, unable to move. The oppressive atmosphere was suffocating.

The leader's rage exploded as he grabbed a bandit standing nearby. With a single punch, he crushed the man's ribs, the sickening sound of bones breaking echoing through the room. He continued to beat the bandit mercilessly, each strike turning the man into a bloody, unrecognizable mess.

"Jiro," the leader snarled, his voice dripping with menace, "come to my camp. I hope you can come up with something to redeem yourself. Otherwise, this guy is a living example. Oh no, a dead example, right? Dead."

With that, he threw the lifeless, mangled body aside and stormed out of the area, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. The remaining bandits watched in horror, their faces reflecting a mix of fear and resignation.

Ruchir, Garret, and Alice exchanged glances, their minds racing. This was a dangerous turn of events, and they needed to be careful. Ruchir's resolve hardened as he thought of his father. He would see this through, no matter the cost.

Jiro, his face ashen and his steps shaky, followed the leader out of the hall, dreading the confrontation that awaited him. The atmosphere remained tense, the celebration forgotten as the reality of their situation settled in.

As they slowly emptied the area, Ruchir, Garret, and Alice slipped away, blending in with the other bandits. They needed to regroup and come up with a new plan. The stakes had never been higher, and the danger was palpable. But Ruchir knew one thing for sure: he would not rest until he had avenged his father.