Chapter 93: Insane Plan!

Ruchir, Garret, and Alice regrouped, their bodies battered and breathing labored. The sight of Jiro, empowered by the Blood Explosion Pill, had pushed them to their limits.

Yet, amidst the chaos and the overwhelming power of their opponent, Ruchir's mind raced, formulating a plan that might just turn the tide in their favor.

"Listen up," Ruchir said, his voice low and urgent. "We're going to use the remaining gunpowder and the fire around us. It's risky, but it's our best shot."

Garret's eyes widened. "Are you saying we're going to blow this place up? That's insane!"

Alice, her face pale but determined, nodded. "It might be our only chance. We need to position the gunpowder around Jiro and use the surrounding fire to ignite it."

Ruchir quickly outlined the plan. They would lure Jiro into a specific area where they had placed the remaining gunpowder.

Garret, using his strength, would create a diversion, while Alice, with her agility, would maneuver Jiro into position. Ruchir would then use his sword techniques to keep Jiro occupied until they were ready to ignite the explosive.

They moved swiftly, each of them aware of the deadly stakes. Garret gathered the sacks of gunpowder, carefully placing them around the designated area. He used his stone techniques to create a barricade, funneling Jiro toward the trap. Alice, with her wind and stealth techniques, darted around, creating small gusts to guide the fire closer to the gunpowder.

As Jiro charged at them, his rage palpable, Garret launched himself at the bandit, using "Granite Shield" to withstand Jiro's powerful blows. "Over here, you brute!" Garret taunted, trying to draw Jiro's attention.

Jiro, his eyes blazing with fury, lunged at Garret, but Alice quickly intervened. "Wind Step!" she cried, moving swiftly and creating a diversion. "Gale Blade!" she shouted, sending a sharp gust of wind to push Jiro closer to the trap.

Ruchir, wielding his sword with precision, engaged Jiro directly. "Celestial Calligraphy Slash!" he yelled, his blade glowing with a mystical light. The attack was not meant to wound but to keep Jiro focused on him and away from Alice and Garret.

The plan began to take shape. Jiro, increasingly frustrated by their coordinated attacks, fell into their trap. As he stood amidst the gunpowder, Ruchir shouted, "Now, Garret!"

Garret, using all his strength, stomped the ground with "Earthquake Stomp," sending shockwaves that unsettled the ground around Jiro and destabilized him. Alice, seizing the moment, used "Tempest Dance" to create a whirlwind that sent sparks from the fire towards the gunpowder.

The explosion was instantaneous. A deafening boom echoed through the area as the gunpowder ignited, engulfing Jiro in flames and debris. The force of the blast knocked Ruchir, Alice, and Garret back, but they quickly scrambled to their feet, their eyes on the burning inferno where Jiro stood.

Jiro, covered in soot and blood, staggered forward, his eyes wild with rage and pain. "You... you think this will defeat me?" he roared. "The masked prince won't let you get away with this so easily. The chest... he laid his eyes on it."

Ruchir stepped forward, his sword still in hand. "So, there is someone behind your gang. Who is this masked prince?"

Jiro, his strength waning, managed a cruel smile. "How do you think such a huge stronghold avoided the eyes of the officers for so long? You're naive..."

With that, Jiro collapsed, his body finally succumbing to the wounds and the effects of the Blood Explosion Pill. His mocking smile remained even in death.

Garret, looking at the smoldering remains of their enemy, shook his head. "This is seriously trouble. If it involves imperial power, we better be careful."

Alice nodded solemnly. "We're dealing with forces much bigger than we anticipated. We need to tread carefully."

Ruchir's eyes hardened with resolve. "No matter who is behind it, I will get to the bottom of this. And before I am strong enough, I won't confront this so-called masked prince directly. We need to gather more information and become stronger."

Meanwhile, in the middle of Blackwood Mountain, strong and loud horse steps echoed through the forest.

The horses bore the emblem of the Sayy family, a distinctive mark that commanded respect and fear.

Leading the group was a young maiden with flowing blue hair, Anna Sayy, the pride of the Sayy Family. She rode her horse with remarkable speed, her movement as swift as a gust of wind. 

Just moments ago, she had seen an explosion from afar at the top of the mountain.

A sense of foreboding gripped her, making her fear that if she did not hurry, she would miss something of great importance.

She turned to the guards riding behind her. "Hurry! We must reach the stronghold at once!" she commanded.

They increased their pace, galloping up the mountain path until they finally reached their destination. The stronghold was in chaos. Flames licked at the wooden structures, smoke billowed into the sky, and the gates were in shambles. The once formidable fortress was now a burning wreck. Anna and her guards stormed inside, their presence adding to the already chaotic scene.

"Capture everyone present!" Anna ordered with an authoritative voice. "And do it quickly!"

Her guards sprang into action, fanning out across the stronghold to round up the remaining bandits. Meanwhile, Anna began her search for the chest, her primary objective. She moved quickly through the debris, but to her growing frustration, she found nothing. The chest was nowhere to be seen.

After half an hour, the chaos began to subside. The fire was under control, and every surviving bandit had been captured by the Sayy family guards. Anna, her patience wearing thin and her temper rising, approached the group of bandits. They were dirty, frightened, and looked beaten both physically and mentally.

"Where is the chest your leader brought?" she demanded, her voice cold and piercing.

The bandits exchanged nervous glances. One of them stammered, "We... we don't know, madam. The leader didn't tell us anything."

Another bandit, his face pale with fear, added, "We swear, we have no idea. Please, we're telling the truth."

Two more bandits chimed in, echoing similar sentiments. Anna's eyes narrowed in frustration. "I don't want to hear this nonsense. Speak, or die!" Her threat was clear, and the tension among the bandits was palpable.

Just then, one bandit stepped forward, his eyes wide with desperation. "Madam, I might know something useful to you."

Anna's gaze locked onto him. "Oh? And what might that be? I don't like people wasting my time."

The bandit swallowed hard and said, "Madam, it's a letter. The leader received a letter this morning. He was very angry when he read it and left the stronghold with many of our men."

Anna's interest was piqued. "A letter? Tell me everything you know about it."

The bandit recounted the morning's events, describing how the leader had received the letter, his subsequent anger, and the hurried departure with most of the stronghold's men. Anna's mind raced. Could it be that someone else had stolen this opportunity?

She muttered to herself, "Could it be that another party has intervened and taken the chest? Considering the situation, it seems likely."

Her frustration grew as she realized she might fail her first task. She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. "Whoever holds that chest now, I will find them. And when I do, they will suffer dearly for crossing me."

Down the mountain, Garret was holding the chest when he suddenly sneezed and shivered. "Am I haunted, or is someone plotting against me?" he wondered aloud.

Alice, ever the pragmatist, smirked. "Probably both, knowing your luck."

Garret glared at her. "Very funny, Alice. You know, you could be a bit more supportive."

Ruchir smiled, his eyes still sharp and focused. "Let's keep moving. We can't stay here for long. We need to find a safe place to open this chest and figure out what's inside."

The group moved cautiously through the forest, their senses alert for any signs of danger. The tension among them was high, but so was their determination. Each of them knew that they had to stay focused if they were going to survive the challenges ahead and unravel the mystery of the chest.

Back at the stronghold, Anna's mind was still racing with thoughts of how to recover the chest. The frustration of failing her first mission gnawed at her, but she was determined not to let it end this way. She turned to her guards, her expression fierce.

"Search the entire area. Find any clues that might lead us to whoever has taken the chest. We're not leaving here empty-handed."

As her guards began to comb through the wreckage, Anna took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside her.