Chapter 96: Principal Yuan Grand Plan

Today, Ruchir and his companions trained with a fervor that could only be inspired by the upcoming selection of the Raven Master's disciples.

The sweat poured off their bodies as they pushed their limits, each movement driven by determination. The intensity of their efforts was palpable, as though the very air around them hummed with the energy of their resolve.

The next day, the sun rose on the day of the selection. The location for the event was a majestic mountain, its slopes a blend of brown earth and black rock that gave it an almost mystical appearance.

The mountain stood tall and imposing, its peak shrouded in mist that lent an air of mystery to the proceedings.

Trees with dark, gnarled branches lined the lower slopes, their leaves rustling softly in the morning breeze. T

he air was crisp and cool, the scent of pine and earth mingling with the excitement of the gathering crowd.

At the foot of the mountain, the scene was anything but serene.

A bustling marketplace had sprung up, with vendors hawking all manner of raven-themed merchandise. Stalls lined the path leading up to the mountain, their colorful banners flapping in the wind.

There were raven masks made of intricately carved wood and painted with vibrant colors, raven-shaped trinkets and jewelry, and even plush raven toys for the children.

One vendor had a stall overflowing with raven feathers, said to bring good luck, while another sold potions and elixirs purportedly made from ingredients found on the mountain itself.

Shouts and laughter filled the air as merchants called out to passersby, extolling the virtues of their wares. "Get your lucky raven feathers here!" one cried.

"Guaranteed to bring you the favor of the Raven Master!"

Another vendor, a portly man with a booming voice, held up a raven mask.

"Only the finest craftsmanship! Wear this and feel the power of the raven spirit!"

Food stalls added their own unique scents to the mix, with the aroma of sizzling meats and sweet pastries wafting through the air.

One particularly popular stall had a long line of customers waiting for a taste of their famous raven-shaped buns, filled with sweet bean paste.

The vendor, a cheerful woman with rosy cheeks, handed out the buns with a smile. "Only one bronze coin each! Perfect for a day of watching the selection!"

Ruchir, Garret, Alice, and Flippy wove their way through the throng, taking in the lively scene with a mix of amusement and incredulity.

"This feels more like a festival than a selection for disciples," Garret remarked, his eyes wide with wonder. "Where's the calm and serene atmosphere of the cultivation world?"

Alice nodded, a wry smile on her lips.

"It's like a marketplace. I half expect someone to start an auction for the discipleship spots."

Ruchir chuckled, though his eyes were scanning the crowd with a thoughtful expression. "Some shrewd mind—um, rather a strategic mind—must have come up with this idea. Turning the selection into a public spectacle certainly draws attention."

Well, what can you say, Ruchir's guess is absolutely correct. These mortals haven't come up with this themselves.

The mastermind behind this entire setup is the most brilliant, ingenious, smartest, and innovative mind in the whole Fallen Dragon Continent.

Yes, it was none other than Principal Yuan of the Thousand Leaves Academy.

Of course, the humble principal would never openly admit to his unparalleled genius, but let's allow him a moment of self-praise here.

Well, what can you say, Ruchir's guess is absolutely correct. These mortals haven't come up with this themselves.

When Principal Yuan first took over the position at Thousand Leaves Academy, he was eager and full of ambition.

However, his enthusiasm quickly turned to horror when he inspected the academy's treasury. What he found was a broken, almost empty vault. The previous principals had left him with a financial disaster.

"How could they let it get this bad?" he muttered to himself, pacing the grand hall of the academy.

The walls, adorned with grandiose tapestries and ancient relics, seemed to mock him with their splendor. "A prestigious academy like ours reduced to this? Unacceptable!"

He mentally cursed the previous principals for their negligence and poor financial management. "They had one job," he grumbled, shaking his head.

"To maintain the glory and prosperity of the academy, and they failed miserably."

From that day on, Principal Yuan made a vow. He would not only restore the academy's finances but bring it to unprecedented levels of wealth and glory.

He was determined to turn Thousand Leaves Academy into the most prosperous institution in the continent.

Principal Yuan was a man of many talents, but his true genius lay in his financial acumen and marketing prowess.

He was not just a leader; he was a visionary. And so, he devised a plan that would make even the gods and demons envious.

Two centuries ago, Principal Yuan introduced the Raven Festival, a brilliant scheme that combined culture, tradition, and commerce.

He skillfully marketed the festival, emphasizing the rarity and significance of the event. He convinced his senior brother, the revered Raven Master, to extend the disciple ceremony, ensuring that the festival lasted long enough to maximize profits.

He negotiated tirelessly with merchants, setting up stalls that sold a variety of raven-themed merchandise.

Masks, shirts, pants, skirts, food items, drinks—anything and everything that could be associated with ravens was available for purchase.

The raven-themed items were not just ordinary goods; they were premium products, marketed as special, limited-edition items that were available only during the festival.

From the very beginning of the Raven Festival, Principal Yuan had structured the event in such a way that the academy took a 20 percent cut from every stall's profits. "After all," he reasoned, "it was my idea, my marketing, and my genius that made this possible."

The results were astounding. The Raven Festival quickly became one of the most anticipated events in the continent.

Thousands of people flocked to the academy every year, eager to partake in the festivities and purchase the exclusive merchandise.

Principal Yuan's financial strategies were meticulous. He kept detailed records of every transaction, every profit margin, and every expenditure.

He was frugal, ensuring that the academy's funds were used efficiently and effectively. His office was filled with ledgers and balance sheets, each meticulously maintained.

He often stayed up late into the night, poring over the numbers, calculating profits, and planning future investments.

"The profits must keep growing," he would say to himself, a gleam of determination in his eyes. "We must secure the future of the academy."

Principal Yuan's love for money was no secret. His subordinates often joked that he could hear a coin drop from a mile away.

He was known to negotiate fiercely with merchants, ensuring that every deal was in the academy's favor.

He even developed a reputation among the students and staff for his penny-pinching ways. "Principal Yuan would charge for the air we breathe if he could," they would say, half in jest, half in admiration.

But his frugality was not without reason. Every coin saved was a coin that could be reinvested into the academy.

Under his leadership, the academy's facilities were upgraded, new libraries were built, and scholarships were provided to talented students. His efforts ensured that Thousand Leaves Academy remained a beacon of excellence and learning.