Chapter 110: Ruchir: The Raven Warrior

The night sky was a tapestry of twinkling stars, a serene backdrop that contrasted sharply with the bustling crowd gathered at the foot of the mountain.

The atmosphere was electric, filled with anticipation as people mingled, chatted, and speculated about the outcomes of the trials.

Lanterns bobbed on the night breeze, casting warm glows over the excited faces of the spectators, while vendors hawked their goods and nobles conversed in hushed tones.

Suddenly, a flash of light signaled the arrival of two figures. As the light faded, Ruchir and Flippy found themselves standing in front of Principal Yuan.

The Principal, a man of stately bearing and a twinkle of mischief in his eye, received a secret voice transmission.

His expression shifted to one of understanding, and a proud smile curled on his lips as he looked at Ruchir, though his gaze lingered on Flippy with a hint of confusion.

Principal Yuan chuckled, his amusement evident.

"Hmmph, Ruchir, come with me for a moment," he said, his tone carrying a weight of importance.

Ruchir, still processing everything that had happened, nodded and followed the Principal without question. As they moved, Flippy remained where he was, seemingly lost in his own carefree thoughts.

A few moments later, Principal Yuan stepped onto a grand stage that had been erected at the foot of the mountain. The crowd, sensing something significant, quickly quieted down. Even the shopkeepers and vendors paused in their sales, craning their necks to see what was happening. Principal Yuan stood at the center of the stage, his presence commanding attention, and with a subtle gesture, he amplified his voice using spiritual energy.

"Everyone!" he called out, his voice echoing across the mountain's base. "Your wait is finally over!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, their excitement palpable. The whispers of speculation turned into a cacophony of voices, all eager to hear what the Principal would announce.

Principal Yuan held up his hand for silence, a smile playing on his lips. "Raven Master has made his decision," he continued, drawing out the suspense.

The crowd leaned in, hanging on his every word. "The disciple has been chosen."

The uproar was deafening. People shouted in excitement, clapping and cheering. Garret and Alice exchanged thrilled glances, their eyes bright with anticipation.

The atmosphere was charged with energy, like a coiled spring ready to snap.

"And the disciple is…" Principal Yuan said, drawing out the moment with a deliberate pause.

Garret could hardly contain himself, bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation. Alice nudged him, grinning from ear to ear.

The entire crowd seemed to be holding its collective breath, waiting for the name to be spoken.

Principal Yuan, enjoying the dramatic tension he had created, was just about to prolong the suspense when a voice from the crowd rang out, "How long are you going to make us wait?"

The crowd burst into laughter, and even Principal Yuan couldn't help but chuckle, though his pride was clearly a little bruised. "Hmmph!" he huffed, a mock-indignant expression on his face. "Very well, since you all are so impatient!"

He straightened, raising his hand in a grand, sweeping gesture. "The chosen disciple is… Ruchir!"

At his words, a burst of light filled the stage, and as it faded, Ruchir appeared beside the Principal. But this wasn't the Ruchir everyone had seen earlier.

No, this Ruchir was dressed head to toe in an extraordinary raven-themed costume, complete with a flowing black cloak, a raven-feathered mask, and even raven-emblazoned boots.

There was a moment of stunned silence, and then the crowd exploded into cheers and applause.

Some people whistled appreciatively, while others simply stared in awe at the sight before them.

Garret and Alice were laughing so hard they had to clutch their sides, tears streaming down their faces.

Ruchir stood on the stage, his face burning with embarrassment as the cheers of the crowd echoed around him.

His raven costume was anything but subtle, and the elaborate feathers and mask only added to the absurdity of the situation. He could feel the eyes of everyone on him, and it took every ounce of his willpower not to run off the stage and hide.

In the crowd, Garret was the first to react. As soon as he laid eyes on Ruchir in his ridiculous raven getup, he burst into laughter so loud and hearty that it caught the attention of everyone around him. Doubling over, Garret slapped his knee, barely able to contain himself.

"Oh, this is priceless!" Garret choked out between laughs. "I've got a lifetime's worth of teasing material now! Ruchir, the Raven Warrior! Or should I say… Raven Boy!" He wiped away tears of laughter, his grin stretching from ear to ear. "I mean, I always knew you were a bit bird-brained, but this takes it to a whole new level!"

Garret continued his relentless teasing, making bird noises and flapping his arms like wings, much to the amusement of those around him. Every time he looked back at Ruchir, who was desperately trying to maintain some semblance of composure, it only made him laugh harder.

"Hey, Ruchir!" Garret called out, cupping his hands around his mouth to project his voice. "Do those feathers help you fly? Maybe you can soar out of your embarrassment!"

The crowd around Garret joined in, their laughter mixing with his, creating a chorus of amusement that only added to Ruchir's mortification.

Alice, standing nearby, couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Ruchir, but even she couldn't keep a straight face. Her lips quivered, and soon she was giggling behind her hand, trying to stifle the sound. But the sight of Ruchir, looking like a reluctant bird in his flamboyant costume, was just too much.

"Oh, Ruchir," Alice said, her voice tinged with a mix of pity and amusement. "This is just too cute and embarrassing. I mean, look at you! You're like a little lost raven who accidentally stumbled onto the stage!"

Alice's words, though meant to be gentle, only deepened Ruchir's embarrassment. She continued, unable to resist poking a little more fun. "I mean, you always did have a flair for the dramatic, but this? This is a whole new level. Maybe you should've been an actor instead of a cultivator!"

The image of Ruchir as a bird-themed performer was too much for Alice, and she dissolved into laughter, her giggles infectious. Even those who didn't know Ruchir that well were chuckling, the absurdity of the situation too entertaining to ignore.

On the stage, Ruchir shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of every mocking word and laugh. He could see the humor in it, but being the center of attention in such a ridiculous costume was overwhelming. He glanced over at Principal Yuan, silently pleading for some kind of rescue, but the Principal was far too pleased with himself to notice Ruchir's distress.

Ruchir, however, was not amused. His face was a deep shade of red, his embarrassment clear as he shifted uncomfortably in the elaborate costume. He leaned toward Principal Yuan, whispering urgently, "Principal, do I really have to wear this? It's so… embarrassing."

Principal Yuan, his expression suddenly becoming gravely serious, placed a hand on Ruchir's shoulder. "My boy, let me tell you a story," he began, his voice filled with emotion. "Thousand Leaves Academy wasn't always the prestigious institution it is today. There was a time, not so long ago, when we were on the brink of bankruptcy. The halls were empty, the classrooms silent, the once-great name of our academy a mere whisper in the wind…"

Ruchir, taken aback by the sudden shift in tone, blinked in surprise as the Principal's words sank in. He could almost see it—the crumbling walls, the forlorn faces of students who had lost hope, the despair that had hung over the academy like a dark cloud. His heart began to soften, moved by the tragic tale.

"But we fought back," Principal Yuan continued, his voice rising with passion. "Through sheer determination, through sacrifice, through the relentless pursuit of excellence, we clawed our way back to greatness. And now, standing here today, I see in you the future of this academy. You, Ruchir, are a symbol of our triumph, our resilience, our unwavering spirit."

Ruchir felt his eyes begin to mist over, his chest swelling with pride. He was about to respond, to tell the Principal how honored he was to carry on this legacy, when Principal Yuan suddenly added, "But more importantly, if you wear this costume, we'll get sponsorship money—lots of it!"

Ruchir's face fell, the emotional high he had been riding crashing down in an instant. "Wait, what?" he sputtered, his mind struggling to catch up with the sudden shift in narrative.

Principal Yuan nodded sagely, completely ignoring Ruchir's dismay.

"Oh yes," he said, his tone now brisk and businesslike.

"These costumes, this brand—it'll all become famous. And the income it will bring to the academy will be substantial. Think of the renovations we can do! The facilities we can upgrade! The prestige we can maintain!"

Ruchir stared at the Principal, his expression one of utter disbelief. "So, you're saying I'm wearing this ridiculous outfit… for money?"

Principal Yuan smiled brightly, patting Ruchir on the back. "Exactly! See, you're getting it now."

Ruchir's mind raced, a torrent of thoughts swirling through his head.

He mentally cursed the Principal at least a hundred times, each more vehement than the last.

He had been played, and he knew it. But before he could voice his protest, Principal Yuan's expression softened again, and he leaned in close.

"My boy," he said, his voice once more taking on that emotional, storytelling quality, "I understand this might be difficult for you. But just think—Thousand Leaves Academy, rising from the ashes, powered by the noble spirit of its students. And you, at the forefront, leading the charge, all while ensuring our financial stability…"

Ruchir's resolve crumbled as he saw the Principal's eyes begin to mist over.

He couldn't bear to hear another rendition of the bankruptcy story, not with that emotional manipulation tugging at his heartstrings.

He threw his hands up in surrender.

"Alright, alright!" Ruchir exclaimed, his voice filled with exasperation. "I'll wear the costume! Just… stop telling the story, please."

Principal Yuan beamed with satisfaction, clapping his hands together. "Excellent decision, my boy. You're truly a credit to the academy."

Ruchir sighed, resigned to his fate.

As the crowd continued to cheer, completely unaware of the internal battle that had just taken place, Ruchir stood tall, determined to endure the humiliation of his costume for the sake of the academy—and, apparently, its financial future.

He glanced over at Principal Yuan, who was now addressing the crowd with renewed vigor, extolling the virtues of Thousand Leaves Academy and its students.

Despite everything, Ruchir couldn't help but smile.

The Principal was a cunning, mischievous old fox, but there was no denying his dedication to the academy.

Ruchir, still mortified, tried to keep his cool as the laughter and cheers continued. But deep down, he knew this moment would haunt him for a long time.

Garret would never let him live it down, and Alice's playful teasing would be a constant reminder of this humiliating experience.

Yet, despite the embarrassment, there was a small part of him that couldn't help but feel a little proud—if only because he had done it for the academy.

As the crowd's cheers and laughter reached a fever pitch, Principal Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, a smug smile curling on his lips. The applause and uproarious response from the audience filled him with a sense of satisfaction.

"Bankruptcy Story always works, ha," Principal Yuan thought to himself, his chest swelling with pride.

"As expected of me. I knew tugging at his heartstrings would work, and look at the result! Not only did I get him to wear the costume, but the crowd loves it!"

He basked in the glory of his own cleverness, his mind already racing with ideas for future sponsorship deals and merchandise opportunities.

"If only the other principals could see this… Thousand Leaves Academy's finances are as good as saved!"