Chapter 117: Options

As the group arrived at the mission center, they were greeted by a large, bustling hall filled with students and academy staff. The walls were lined with bulletin boards, each one packed with parchment notices detailing various internships, missions, and opportunities for the students. The air buzzed with excitement and chatter as everyone crowded around, eager to learn more about their options.

Garret, as usual, was the first to push his way to the front. "Whoa, look at all this stuff!" he exclaimed, his eyes darting from one notice to the next. "There's so much to choose from!"

Alice, who had followed at a more measured pace, raised an eyebrow as she scanned the postings. "Mercenaries, civil services, guards, taverns, hospitals, schools, merchants… they've got everything here. This isn't going to be as simple as just picking one at random."

Ruchir stepped up beside them, reading through the various listings. "There are even opportunities for demon hunters and spies," he noted, his voice thoughtful. "This is more extensive than I expected."

Flippy, who had been quietly observing the commotion, pointed to a section of the board that was slightly less crowded. "Look, there's a whole area dedicated to research and development," he said, his innocent curiosity shining through. "Maybe we could find something there that suits us."

Garret let out a low whistle as he skimmed the notices. "I don't know about you guys, but being a mercenary sounds awesome! Imagine all the battles and the adventures we could have!"

Alice shot him a sidelong glance. "Or we could get ourselves killed. This isn't just about having fun, Garret. We need to think carefully about what we choose. It's our first internship, and it's going to set the stage for everything we do after."

Ruchir nodded in agreement, his eyes still scanning the board. "Alice is right. We should choose something that aligns with our skills and goals. This is an opportunity to learn and grow, not just to show off."

Garret groaned but didn't argue further. "Fine, fine. I'll think about it. But I'm still going to pick something that's at least a little exciting."

Flippy, who was now reading through the research opportunities, turned to the group with a smile. "There are so many different paths we could take. It's kind of overwhelming, but it's also really exciting. We have three days to decide, right? That should be enough time to figure out what's best for each of us."

Alice nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Three days… we should use that time wisely. We can spend some time with our families, rest, and really consider our options."

Ruchir agreed, feeling a sense of responsibility weigh on him. "Yes, let's take the time to make the right choice. There's no rush."

After spending a little more time familiarizing themselves with the available internships and gathering information, the group decided to return to their respective homes or dormitories.

The three-day break would give them the time they needed to prepare mentally and physically for the challenges ahead.

As Ruchir walked back to his home, his thoughts were filled with the choices before him.

He wanted to make sure he picked an internship that would help him grow, but also one that would allow him to contribute meaningfully.

When he reached his front door, a familiar pang of sadness hit him as he remembered the state his father was in.

Entering his home, Ruchir found his father, Raghav, sitting in his usual spot in the living room, a calm expression on his face despite the blindfold that covered his eyes.

Ruchir's heart ached at the sight, but he forced himself to remain composed. He had to be strong—for his father and for himself.

"Father, I'm home," Ruchir called softly, trying to keep his voice steady.

Raghav turned his head slightly, a smile spreading across his face. "Ruchir, my boy. How was your day at the academy?"

Ruchir walked over and sat beside his father, taking his hand gently. "It was… eventful. We're about to start our internships soon. It's an important step in our training."

Raghav nodded, his smile never wavering. "I'm sure you'll do well, Ruchir. You've always been determined and focused. Whatever path you choose, I know you'll excel."

Ruchir felt a lump form in his throat as he listened to his father's words.

He wished he could do more for him, that he could heal his blindness and bring back the light to his father's eyes.

But he was still too weak, too inexperienced.

"Father," Ruchir began hesitantly, "I… I promise you, once I reach a higher level in cultivation, I'll find a way to heal you. I won't rest until I do."

Raghav squeezed his son's hand reassuringly. "Ruchir, you don't need to worry about me. I've come to terms with my condition. What's important is that you focus on your own journey."

"Don't let my blindness hold you back. Your future is bright, and I want you to follow your path without hesitation."

Ruchir nodded, though the weight of his father's words only deepened his resolve. "I understand, Father. But I won't give up."

"I know there are treasures out there—heaven and earth treasures—that can heal you."

"Or perhaps even something like the Great Scholar Zhang's magic that heals at the molecular level."

"If the conditions are met, it's said that he can even bring a person back from the brink of death."

Raghav chuckled softly, his voice filled with warmth.

"You've done your research, haven't you? That's good, Ruchir. Never stop seeking knowledge and wisdom. But remember, life is about more than just power. It's about the connections we make and the impact we have on others."

Ruchir took those words to heart, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. His father was right—there was more to life than just becoming powerful.

He needed to focus on the people he cared about and the journey he was on.

With that thought, he spent the rest of the evening with his family, enjoying their company and allowing himself to relax in the familiar comfort of home.

The next three days passed in a blur of activity and contemplation.

Ruchir made the most of the time, splitting his days between spending time with his family and researching the various internships available.

He visited the mission center multiple times, carefully studying the options and weighing the pros and cons of each.

Garret, ever the thrill-seeker, continued to lean toward the more action-packed internships, but even he took the time to consider the practicalities of each option.

Alice, as expected, approached the decision with a meticulous and analytical mindset, researching every detail thoroughly.

Flippy, on the other hand, remained open to all possibilities, his innocent curiosity guiding him as he explored different paths.

On the final day of their break, Ruchir found himself standing in front of the mission center once again, staring at the bulletin board.

He had narrowed down his choices, but he still hadn't made a final decision. He knew that whatever he chose would shape his future, and he wanted to make sure it was the right fit.

As he stood there, lost in thought, the words of his master, the Raven Master, echoed in his mind.

"Ruchir, remember that every decision you make is a step on your path. Choose wisely, but don't be afraid to take risks. Growth comes from pushing yourself beyond your limits."

With those words in mind, Ruchir finally felt a sense of clarity.

He knew what he had to do. He would choose an internship that would challenge him, one that would help him grow not just as a cultivator but as a person.

And with that decision made, he turned and headed home, ready to face whatever the future had in store.

The break was over, and the time for action had arrived.

Ruchir was determined to make the most of it, to honor his family, his friends, and his master by giving his all.

The journey ahead was uncertain, but with the support of those he cared about, he knew he could face any challenge that came his way.