Ruchir tilted his head playfully. "Come on, Alice. Spill it. What's the real reason?"
Alice bit her lip, clearly trying to figure out how to phrase her request. Finally, she sighed again and admitted, "Alright, you got me. The truth is... I want to take advantage of you."
Ruchir's eyes widened in shock, and he took a step back, holding up his hands defensively. "A-Advantage of me? What do you mean by that?"
Alice blinked in confusion for a moment, then burst out laughing as realization dawned on her. "No, no! Not like that, you idiot! I meant I want to take advantage of your position!"
Ruchir relaxed a little, but still looked wary. "My position?"
Alice nodded, her expression becoming more serious. "Yes. You see, I've been given a task by the Madam of the Pavilion herself. I'm supposed to survey the streets of the capital and gather information on the latest fashion trends and preferences. But there's a bit of a problem..."
Ruchir crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "And that problem is?"
Alice sighed, looking a little embarrassed. "You know how people can be around strangers, especially someone they don't know or trust."
"It's hard to get them to open up or give honest opinions. But if I had a Senior Catcher from the Mysterious Heaven Palace with me, well, people might be more willing to talk."
Ruchir blinked, taken aback. "Wait, so you want me to... help you with your survey?"
Alice nodded eagerly. "Yes! If you come along with me, people won't be so scared or suspicious. It'll make my job so much easier. Please, Ruchir? I promise it won't take up too much of your time."
Ruchir rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit conflicted. "Alice, I have my own duties to attend to. I can't just abandon my responsibilities."
Alice pouted, her eyes pleading. "Come on, Ruchir! You've been promoted to Senior Catcher now, right? You can afford to take a little time off. Besides, this is really important to me."
Ruchir shook his head, staying firm. "I'm sorry, Alice. I really can't. I have other jobs to do."
Alice didn't give up. She leaned in closer, her voice taking on a more persuasive tone. "Ruchir, think about it. You're a Senior Catcher now, which means you're in a position of influence. "
"Helping me with this could be a way to make connections, to build relationships with the people in the capital. Plus, you'd be doing me a huge favor."
Ruchir hesitated, but his resolve was weakening. "I... I don't know, Alice. I really shouldn't..."
Alice clasped her hands together, giving him her best puppy-dog eyes. "Please, Ruchir? I'll owe you big time. You know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."
Ruchir sighed, feeling himself give in. "Alright, alright. But how are we supposed to do this without it interfering with my duties?"
Alice's face lit up with a triumphant smile. "That's easy! You just have to let me follow you while you're patrolling. I'll ask questions and observe while you do your thing. It won't be any extra work for you, I promise!"
Ruchir finally relented, shaking his head in defeat. "Fine, you win. I'll help you with your survey."
Alice squealed with delight, throwing her arms around him in a quick hug. "Thank you, Ruchir! You're the best!"
Ruchir laughed, though he couldn't help but feel like he'd been expertly manipulated. "Yeah, yeah. Just make sure this doesn't become a habit, alright?"
Alice pulled back, giving him a wink. "No promises."
The two of them left the Pavilion and headed into the bustling streets of the capital.
The city was alive with activity, merchants calling out their wares, children playing in the alleyways, and citizens going about their daily business.
As they walked, Alice began her work, observing the fashion choices of the people they passed and occasionally stopping to ask a few questions.
Ruchir stayed close by, his presence clearly making a difference. People were much more willing to talk with a Senior Catcher standing beside Alice, and before long, she had gathered a wealth of information.
"See? I told you it would work," Alice said with a satisfied grin.
Ruchir chuckled, shaking his head. "I suppose you were right. This hasn't been too bad."
Alice nodded, her tone becoming more serious. "Thank you again, Ruchir. This means a lot to me. The Madam of the Pavilion will be pleased with the results, and it'll help me advance in my apprenticeship."
Ruchir smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction himself. "I'm glad I could help. Just make sure you give me a heads-up next time you need something, alright? No more surprises."
Alice giggled. "I'll try, but I can't make any promises!"
The rest of the day passed quickly, with Alice finishing her survey and Ruchir completing his patrol.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, the two of them returned to the Pavilion, where Alice thanked him once again before they went their separate ways.
As Ruchir walked back to the Mysterious Heaven Palace, he couldn't help but smile.
Despite the unexpected task, it had been an enjoyable day, and he was glad to have been there for a friend. Besides, who knew when his position as a Senior Catcher would come in handy again?
With a light heart and a renewed sense of ???
The next day dawned with a crisp morning breeze, the kind that seemed to promise a day full of energy and purpose. Ruchir met Alice at their agreed-upon spot just outside the Mysterious Heaven Palace. Alice was already waiting, her usual cheerful demeanor glowing with excitement.
She was dressed in a smart, yet practical outfit, perfect for a day of mingling with the public while still representing the Heavenly Artisan Pavilion.
"Morning, Ruchir!" Alice greeted him with a bright smile. "Ready for our little 'patrolling' mission?"
Ruchir returned the smile, nodding. "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's get this survey started."
Alice giggled, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Great! Let's make sure we cover every corner of the market today."
They began their day by heading to the busiest section of the capital—the Grand Market.
The streets were already bustling with activity as vendors set up their stalls, hawking everything from fresh produce to exotic fabrics. The air was filled with the scent of baked goods and the sound of haggling customers.
Alice immediately got to work, her approach professional and meticulous. She didn't just observe from afar; she actively engaged with the people.
With a warm smile and a friendly tone, she would strike up conversations with shopkeepers and customers alike, asking them subtle questions about their preferences, what colors they were drawn to, what styles caught their eye, and even how they felt about the current trends.
"Excuse me, sir," Alice said, approaching a middle-aged man browsing through a selection of hats. "I'm conducting a little survey for the Heavenly Artisan Pavilion. May I ask what draws you to this particular style?"
The man, who had been about to place the hat back, paused and looked at Alice, clearly charmed by her polite demeanor. "Well, I suppose it's the shape. It fits well, and the color's not too flashy."
Alice nodded thoughtfully, making a note in her little journal. "I see. Thank you for your time, sir. I appreciate your input."
Ruchir watched from a few paces behind, impressed by Alice's ability to engage with people so easily.
She had a natural charm that put people at ease, and her attention to detail was evident in the way she absorbed every bit of information, no matter how trivial it might seem.
As they moved through the market, Alice's professionalism shone through in other ways as well.
She was meticulous in her observations, noting not just what people said but also how they said it, their body language, and even the way they interacted with different products.
At one point, they passed by a stall selling brightly colored scarves.
Alice stopped and observed a group of women trying on the scarves, paying close attention to the colors they chose and the way they draped the fabric.
"Ruchir, look at how they gravitate toward the softer shades," Alice whispered to him, her eyes sharp with focus. "It's subtle, but there's a clear preference for pastels over the brighter tones. That's something I'll definitely need to report back to the Pavilion."
Ruchir nodded, impressed. "You've got a keen eye, Alice. I didn't even notice that."
Alice smiled, a hint of pride in her expression. "It's all in the details. People often say more with their actions than with their words. It's my job to catch those nuances."
Ruchir couldn't help but chuckle. "You're really into this, aren't you?"
Alice shrugged, her smile turning playful. "What can I say? I take my job seriously. And besides, it's kind of fun. It's like being a detective, but for fashion!"
As the day wore on, Alice continued her survey with the same level of dedication. She talked to vendors about their sales, asked customers about their buying habits, and even took note of the materials that seemed to be in high demand.
Ruchir found himself increasingly impressed by her ability to gather information without coming across as intrusive.
At one point, they stopped by a stall selling intricate jewelry. Alice struck up a conversation with the jeweler, an elderly woman with a sharp eye for detail.
"This design is beautiful," Alice said, examining a necklace. "Do you find that customers prefer more ornate pieces like this, or do they go for simpler designs?"
The jeweler smiled warmly at Alice's genuine interest. "It depends on the occasion. For festivals, they love the elaborate ones, but for everyday wear, simplicity wins."
Alice nodded, making another note. "Thank you for sharing that with me. It's very helpful."
The jeweler chuckled. "You're quite the curious one, aren't you? But I like that. It's good to see a young person taking such interest in their craft."
Ruchir, who had been standing beside Alice, couldn't resist chiming in. "She's got a real talent for this. I'm just here to make sure she doesn't get too carried away."
Alice rolled her eyes playfully at Ruchir's comment. "Oh, please. You're just here to look intimidating so people will talk to me."
Ruchir feigned offense, holding a hand to his chest. "Me? Intimidating? I'm just here to provide moral support."
Alice snorted, trying to suppress a laugh. "Sure, moral support. But I have to say, you've been surprisingly well-behaved today, Ruchir. No mischief at all."
Ruchir grinned mischievously. "Who says the day's over yet? I'm just getting started."
Alice laughed, shaking her head. "Don't you dare cause trouble, or I'll make sure the Madam knows whose fault it was."
The banter between them continued throughout the day, adding a lighthearted element to their work.
Despite the seriousness of the survey, Alice's good humor and Ruchir's playful attitude made the task feel less like work and more like a shared adventure.
As they wrapped up their survey for the day, Alice looked at Ruchir with a satisfied smile. "Thanks for all your help today, Ruchir. I couldn't have done it without you."
Ruchir chuckled, giving her a friendly pat on the back. "Anytime, Alice. Just remember, next time you need help, you owe me lunch."
Alice grinned, nodding. "Deal. And I promise, no more 'taking advantage' of you... well, not in the way you were thinking, anyway."