Chapter 178: Principal Yuan and his Quest of 99 coins- II

Principal Yuan was in his office, fingers still twitching from his relentless attempt to count the elusive hundredth coin. Ninety-nine sat mockingly on his desk, each gleaming brighter than the last, as if in a cosmic conspiracy to drive him mad.

His assistant, Mei, leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, watching the principal's descent into coin-counting madness.

"That last coin is never going to appear, sir," Mei said bluntly, shaking her head. "Perhaps it's time to accept that the heavens might've sent you 99 on purpose."

Principal Yuan's eyes flared with indignation. "Nonsense! No heavenly gift is ever incomplete. There must be 100! Maybe it's out there... somewhere in the capital."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and in strolled Garret, an imposing figure, but known in the academy for his... unique ideas.

"I hear you're missing a coin, Principal Yuan," Garret said, a serious glint in his eyes. "Perhaps I could be of assistance. Let me escort you through the streets of the capital. I have a feeling we might find something there."

Principal Yuan's face lit up with hope. "Do you really think we could find it?"

Mei groaned internally. This is hopeless, she thought. But out loud, she said, "I'm not sure this is the best use of your time, sir…"

"Nonsense!" Garret interrupted, puffing his chest. "It's always the last place you'd expect. I've patrolled these streets for years. If a coin's out there, we'll find it."

Yuan leaped to his feet, his spirit reignited. "Lead the way, Garret! The capital awaits!"

The Mysterious Street Performer

The streets of the capital bustled with life. Merchants hollered their wares, children darted between stalls, and the faint aroma of grilled meats and spices filled the air. Garret led Principal Yuan through the market district, eyes peeled for any sign of a gleaming coin. As they wandered, they approached a street performer juggling several shiny coins.

"And now, for my final act!" the performer declared, tossing the coins into the air. "I'll make these coins disappear before your very eyes!"

Principal Yuan gasped, his heart skipping a beat. "No! Not the coins! Is this some kind of cruel joke?!" he cried, grabbing Garret by the sleeve. "They've taken my hundredth coin!"

Garret chuckled. "Relax, Principal. It's part of the act. Street performers aren't known for stealing from the heavens."

Yuan exhaled, still tense but somewhat calmed. "I just… I can't help but feel like the whole world is playing tricks on me today."

"Wouldn't be the first time the streets have confused someone," Garret said with a smirk, though Yuan didn't seem reassured.

The Overzealous Merchant

As they moved deeper into the market, a lively merchant spotted them and waved energetically. "Principal Yuan! Garret! I've heard about your missing coins!" the merchant called. "Have you tried consulting the coin expert?"

Principal Yuan blinked in confusion. "A… coin expert? Is that a real thing?"

The merchant grinned, gesturing toward a tiny, cluttered shop wedged between two larger storefronts. "Oh yes, he's right there. Surrounded by every coin ever minted. If anyone knows about your missing coin, it's him."

Garret shrugged. "Worth a shot."

Inside the tiny shop, the so-called coin expert sat behind a counter, peering through a magnifying glass at a particularly ancient-looking coin. He looked up as they entered, his gaze quickly shifting to Principal Yuan's purse full of 99 coins.

"I hear you're missing one," the expert said, his voice dry and disinterested. "Coincidentally, I've been missing my lunch."

Garret sighed. "Can you help us or not?"

The expert waved them off lazily. "All coins are the same, really. One coin missing? A minor inconvenience. Consider it an investment in patience."

Principal Yuan fumed. "I don't need patience! I need a full set!"

The expert shrugged again, already back to his magnifying glass. "Try the next street over. Maybe the heavens misplaced it there."

The Disappearing Map

Feeling slightly ridiculous, but still hopeful, Principal Yuan pulled out a large map of the capital as they left the shop. "Perhaps this will help us retrace my steps. We need to know every place I've been."

Garret nodded, watching as Yuan unfolded the map. "Excellent idea. We can mark all the spots you visited."

Yuan squinted at the map. "Where's the section for missing coins? Is there a special symbol for heavenly gifts gone astray?"

Garret chuckled. "No special symbols, but we can make our own."

They stood there, carefully marking locations when, all of a sudden, the wind picked up, and the map was swept from Yuan's hands. They both stared helplessly as it danced through the air and vanished around a corner.

"Did the map just… vanish?" Yuan asked, dumbfounded.

Garret scratched his head. "Maybe we're on a treasure hunt after all."

The Ambiguous Alley

Determined not to give up, Garret led them down a narrow alleyway. The passage was dimly lit by a single flickering lamp hanging precariously from a rusted bracket.

Discarded items littered the ground—broken chairs, torn newspapers, and a few empty crates stacked haphazardly against the walls.

"This alley's known for peculiar happenings," Garret said with an air of mystery.

Principal Yuan frowned. "Peculiar? Like what?"

As if on cue, a mangy alley cat sprang out from behind a pile of crates. The cat, with its fur matted and a half-eaten fish dangling from its mouth, made an indignant meow before sauntering towards them. Its golden eyes gleamed with an air of disdainful amusement.

Garret pointed dramatically at the feline. "Mr. Whiskers! He's seen more of this city's secrets than anyone. If anyone's spotted your missing coin, it's him."

Yuan stared at the cat with a look of incredulity. "Is… is this a joke?"

The cat, unimpressed by the attention, settled down in the middle of the alley and began to groom itself with deliberate slowness. Inside Mr. Whiskers' head, however, the scene was quite different.

Ah, humans. Always with their grand quests and melodramatic proclamations. How quaint. Mr. Whiskers thought, his tail flicking with a mixture of irritation and amusement. Look at them, so serious about a coin. If only they knew how many times I've seen their kind stumble through here, searching for lost things or conspiracies.

The cat's thoughts drifted to the array of discarded items scattered around. Broken chairs, torn newspapers, and the occasional rat. Now, those were interesting. But a coin? Really?

As Garret continued his attempt to convince the feline of his importance, Mr. Whiskers rolled his eyes. Oh, please. Spare me the theatrics. He's probably looking for something shiny to impress his colleagues or win a bet.

Garret was kneeling beside Mr. Whiskers, trying to make eye contact. "Mr. Whiskers, you've seen so many things in this alley. Have you spotted anything unusual lately? A coin, perhaps?"

The cat paused his grooming, lifting one paw to bat at a stray piece of paper. Do they really think I care about their trivial human affairs? Why would I bother with a coin when I have the entire alley as my domain?

Yuan sighed, clearly unimpressed with the turn of events. "Garret, are you sure this is worth our time?"

Garret, his face flushed with determination, nodded vigorously. "Absolutely. Mr. Whiskers here has a knack for being where things happen. He's usually a better informant."

"Better informant"? Mr. Whiskers snorted inwardly. I've seen the foolishness of these humans. They come and go, while I remain here, the true master of these streets. They should be grateful I haven't decided to take a nap and ignore them entirely.

The cat then began to idly bat at the fish carcass in front of him. Maybe I'll indulge them for a moment. If nothing else, it's amusing to see them fumble around like this. Besides, who knows? Maybe they'll provide some entertainment before I retreat to my favorite sunbeam.

Garret continued to plead with the cat, his voice filled with desperation. "Mr. Whiskers, please. We really need your help. The fate of our investigation might depend on it!"

Mr. Whiskers stretched languidly, clearly unimpressed by the plea. If only they knew how little I care. But I suppose I can play along. It's not every day I get to watch a principal of a fancy academy beg a stray for help.

With a final glance of disdain, the cat rolled onto his back, exposing his belly and making a show of lazily grooming himself. Look at them. Begging and pleading. It's like watching a tragicomedy.

Garret, undeterred, tried to engage further. "Look, Mr. Whiskers, I know you might not understand the importance of this, but—"

Mr. Whiskers cut him off with a deliberate yawn, stretching his paws. Oh, spare me. They're not going to find their coin here. But if they want to waste their time, who am I to stop them? I've got better things to do, like napping and occasionally chasing the odd rat.

As Garret's attempts grew increasingly futile, Yuan finally let out a resigned sigh. "Perhaps we should consider other leads. This cat seems uninterested in helping us."

Garret, looking deflated but not defeated, stood up. "Alright, Mr. Whiskers, thanks for your... time."

The cat gave a dismissive flick of his tail as if to say, Don't mention it. Now, if you don't mind, I have a nap to resume and a sunbeam to claim.

As Yuan and Garret walked away from the alley, the cat remained behind, stretching contentedly and settling back into his comfortable spot. Ah, the drama of humans. How delightful. I think I'll enjoy this fish in peace and let them wander off in their own futility.

The cat sat, grooming itself, uninterested in their quest.

Garret scratched his chin. "You know, he's usually a better informant."

The Café Conundrum

After wandering the alleyways for another hour with no success, Garret suggested they take a break at a nearby café. Inside, the barista greeted them with a warm smile.

"Looking for something?" she asked. "You both look a bit lost."

Garret nodded. "We're on a mission to find a missing coin. It's of… particular importance."

The barista raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. People usually lose their coffee here, not coins. But if you find one in your cup, let me know."

Principal Yuan sighed as he sipped his tea, glancing down at the coin-shaped coffee stirrer in his cup. He held it up and examined it closely.

"Is this a sign… or just a coincidence?" he asked, his hope flickering.

Garret smiled. "Sometimes the universe gives you clues in strange ways."

The Overcrowded Festival

Feeling refreshed, they continued their search and found themselves in the middle of a bustling festival. Stalls lined the streets, music filled the air, and crowds of people bustled about, laughing and cheering.

Garret grinned. "This festival is packed. We might get some leads from the crowd."

Before Principal Yuan could respond, he found himself being dragged toward a large inflatable bouncy castle, shoved inside by the enthusiastic festival-goers.

"This is not what I had in mind for a search mission!" Yuan exclaimed as he bounced helplessly among children.

Garret laughed from the sidelines. "Well, the bouncing might shake out some answers—or at least some coins!"

Yuan managed to tumble out of the bouncy castle, his hair in disarray, and dignity bruised. "Let's… not do that again."

The Unfortunate Misdirection

As the day drew on, Principal Yuan began to tire. "Are we sure we're on the right track?" he asked, his voice filled with exhaustion.

"Of course!" Garret said confidently. "Look at this—everywhere we go, people seem to be talking about missing items. The signs are all around us."

Just as Garret finished speaking, a local resident approached. "Excuse me, but you're on the wrong side of town. The buzz about missing coins is three streets over."

Yuan's shoulders slumped. "Great. We've been in the wrong place all along."

By the end of the day, Garret and Principal Yuan had not found the missing coin, but they had certainly gathered a series of amusing misadventures. From disappearing maps to mysterious street performers, peculiar alley cats, and coin-shaped coffee stirrers, the capital streets had provided plenty of distractions but little in the way of solutions.

As they finally trudged back toward the academy, Principal Yuan sighed. "I suppose… the coin may be lost forever."

Garret clapped him on the back, smiling. "Maybe. But at least we had fun looking."

Yuan managed a weary chuckle. "Yes… fun."

Mei, waiting at the academy gates, shook her head as she watched them return empty-handed. Hopeless, she thought. Absolutely hopeless.