As the evening grew late, Morgan waited until Emily had fallen asleep. She carefully slipped out of bed and headed to the small office they had set up in their apartment. Sitting down at her computer, Morgan powered it on, the screen's glow casting shadows on her determined face.

She had prepared for this moment, knowing that eventually, she would need to cover her tracks. Morgan had a background in computer science, and her skills went beyond what she had ever shared with Emily. Tonight, she would put those skills to the test.

Morgan accessed a remote server she had set up, a secure network that allowed her to tap into various surveillance systems. She took a deep breath and began her work, fingers flying over the keyboard as she hacked into the security cameras around the alley where the incident had occurred.

The first camera feed popped up on her screen, showing the grainy footage she had been dreading. There she was, a shadowy figure moving efficiently through the dimly lit alley. She quickly located the exact time frame of the event and started the process of erasing her presence.

One by one, she accessed each camera, carefully deleting any footage that showed her. The process was tedious, requiring precision and attention to detail. She couldn't afford to make a mistake. As she worked, her mind raced with thoughts of Emily, asleep just a few rooms away, blissfully unaware of the lengths Morgan was going to for her.

Hours passed, and Morgan continued her task, hacking into every possible angle that could have captured her. Each deletion brought a small sigh of relief, but she knew she couldn't relax until the job was complete. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last piece of incriminating footage was gone.

Morgan leaned back in her chair, exhaustion washing over her. She double-checked her work, ensuring that no traces of her presence remained. Satisfied, she shut down her computer and quietly returned to bed, slipping under the covers beside Emily.

Emily stirred slightly but didn't wake. Morgan watched her for a moment, a mix of love and determination in her eyes. She had done what needed to be done to protect her, and now they could move forward without the looming threat of discovery.

The next morning, Morgan acted as if nothing had happened. She made breakfast, smiling at Emily as they talked about their plans for the day. The tension of the previous night had dissipated, leaving behind only the warmth of their shared routine.

As the investigation continued, Detective Harris and his team hit a dead end. With no clear leads and the crucial footage mysteriously corrupted, they found themselves at a frustrating standstill. The case that had once seemed so urgent began to fade from the headlines, becoming just another unsolved mystery in the city.

Morgan remained vigilant, always aware of the potential risks, but for now, she felt a sense of peace. She had done everything in her power to protect Emily, and their life together could continue uninterrupted. Each day was a new chance to build their future, free from the shadows of the past.

As the days passed, Morgan couldn't shake the image of the waiter spilling hot coffee on Emily. The incident replayed in her mind, stoking a fire of anger and protectiveness. She knew she had to take action to ensure Emily's safety and to quell the growing rage within her. Morgan began her preparations meticulously. She needed to make sure everything was perfect and that she wouldn't be caught. She track the waiter's schedule, learning his habits and routines. She noted when he left work, where he lived, and his usual path home. Her mind buzzed with the details,each piece of information a stepping stone to her ultimate goal.

One night, Morgan followed the waiter as he left the café. She kept a safe distance, her dark clothing blending into the shadows. The waiter, oblivious to the danger, walked home,his tired steps echoing in the quiet streets. Morgan's heart pounded with anticipation, and determination. As the waiter turned down a secluded alley, Morgan saw her chance. She quickened her pace, her eyes fixed on the target. The alley was dimly lit, the perfect setting for what she had brought a thermos filled with boiling hot coffee, prepared specifically for a moment.

Morgan moved swiftly, stepping out of the shadows and catching the waiter by surprise. Before he could react, she grabbed him, slamming him against the wall. The look of shock and fear in his eyes only fueled her resolve. "What-what do you want?" he stammered, trying to wiggle free from her grip. Morgan didn't respond. Instead, she opened the thermos, the steam rising ominously into the cool night air. Without a word, she began pouring the scalding coffee over his face and body. The waiter screamed in agony, the boiling liquid burning his skin, causing it to blister and peel.

He writhed and thrashed making some of the coffee burn her hand, but she didn't care,Morgan held him firmly in place,her grip unyielding. She continued pouring until the thermos was empty, the ground beneath them littered with the remanats of his torment. His screams echoed through the alley, but there was no one around to here. With the coffee gone, Morgan reached into her bag and pulled out a large hunting knife. The waiter's eyes widened in terror,his screams turning into desperate pleas for mercy. But Morgan was beyond listening. She had to finish what she had started.

She drove the knife into his stomach, twisting it viciously before pulling it out and stabbing him again and again. Blood splattered onto walls and ground mixing with the coffee. The waiter's screams turned into gurgles as he choked on his own blood. Morgan didn't stop until she was sure he was dead. She stood over the mutilated body, her breathing heavy, adrenaline coursing through her veins. She looked down at the lifeless form,a sense of grim satisfaction washing over her. He would never harm Emily-or anyone else-again.

Taking a moment to compose herself, Morgan wiped the blood from her hands and the knife, then carefully placed the thermos back in her bag. She scanned the alley, ensuring there were no cameras or witnesses, lowering her cap, she melted back into the shadows, leaving no trace of her presence behind. Morgan returned home, slipping into the apartment as quickly as she had left. Emily was still asleep, unaware of the horror that had just unfolded. Morgan watched her for a moment,a wave of protectiveness and love washing over her. She had done this for Emily, to keep her safe and happy.

The next morning, the news reported the gruesome murder of a café waiter, the details too horrific for many to stomach. The investigation team was stumped, the brutality of the crime leaving them baffled and horrified. Detective Harris and Davis arrived at the scene, the gruesome sight making even the seasoned detective uneasy. "This is unlike anything we've seen before" Davis muttered,his face pale. Harris nodded his expression grim "whoever did this wanted to send a message. We need to find out who and why before they strike again".

As the city reeled from the shocking news, Morgan remained calm and composed. She went about her day as usual, caring for Emily and maintaining their routine. But beneath the surface, she stayed vigilant, always prepared to protect Emily at all cost.

Long Time no update 🤣🤣.... sorry I hurt my