Emily's breath came in ragged gasps as she desperately tried to break free from Morgan's unyielding grip. Every muscle in her body strained against the hold that seemed as unbreakable as iron chains. "You're not going anywhere," Morgan's voice was a fierce, almost guttural growl, her eyes burning with a fiery intensity that matched the anguish in her heart. "You're mine."

Emily's voice trembled with a mix of fear and desperation. "Morgan, stop! You're scaring me!" Her attempts to wrench herself free only seemed to tighten Morgan's grip around her.

Morgan's eyes were filled with a painful blend of determination and heartbreak. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she tried to soften her plea, her voice cracking under the weight of her emotions. "I'm so sorry. Please don't cry, Emily. Please don't leave me. I can't bear to lose you."

She pulled Emily into a desperate embrace, her sobs mingling with Emily's frantic cries. Morgan's arms wrapped tightly around Emily, as though she could somehow make her stay through sheer force of will. But Emily, overwhelmed and frightened, acted on instinct. With a sudden, sharp bite on Morgan's shoulder, she forced Morgan to let go.

The pain and shock made Morgan recoil, her grip loosening just enough for Emily to break free. Emily stumbled out of the house, her tears streaming uncontrollably down her face. Her legs felt like lead as she ran, her heart pounding so loudly she could barely hear her own thoughts.

The cool night air bit at her skin as she fled, her footsteps echoing in the empty streets. She ran with a singular focus, the burning sensation in her lungs matched only by the ache in her chest. She could hear Morgan's anguished cries fading behind her, but she refused to turn around.

Emily knew that if she looked back, the pull of Morgan's sorrow and the memories of their time together might be too powerful. She might find herself caught in the whirlwind of emotion, unable to summon the strength to continue running. The image of Morgan's tear-streaked face was seared into her mind, but Emily pushed through the pain. She ran on, driven by the knowledge that if she allowed herself to be drawn back, she might never escape the cycle of heartbreak and fear that had come to define their relationship". I want it to be the next five years, Emily finally moved on from her past with Morgan and finally fell in love, she moved to another country with her fiance but Morgan found them, but she doesn't know that Morgan has been following her all these years.












Five years had passed since that harrowing night. Emily had moved on, her life transformed in ways she had once thought impossible. The city's haunting chaos had given way to peace, and with it, Emily had found solace and love anew.

She and her fiancé, Michael, had relocated to a picturesque village in Italy, their days filled with the tranquility of cobblestone streets and the warmth of a close-knit community. The gentle embrace of the Italian countryside offered a stark contrast to the turmoil of her past, and Emily had embraced it wholeheartedly. The love she now shared with Michael was a balm to her wounds, their relationship blooming into something deep and genuine.

As they strolled through the lush vineyards one evening, the sun casting a golden hue over the landscape, Michael's eyes sparkled with a secret excitement. He had planned this moment carefully, intending to make it unforgettable. Unbeknownst to Emily, he had arranged for a special dinner under the stars, a surprise that would become even more significant than he had anticipated.

Morgan, who had followed Emily and Michael to Italy, watched from a distance, her heart a tumult of emotions. She had managed to stay hidden, but tonight, she had chosen to observe. The serenity of the village did little to ease her torment as she saw Emily's happiness with Michael.

As they arrived at a beautifully decorated spot among the vines, Michael's nerves were masked by a calm exterior. With a deep breath, he turned to Emily, his love and devotion evident in his gaze. He dropped to one knee, producing a ring that sparkled with the promise of a future together.

"Emily," Michael began, his voice steady despite the pounding of his heart. "From the moment I met you, my life has been filled with joy and meaning. I can't imagine a day without you by my side. Will you marry me?"

Emily's eyes filled with tears of happiness as she gasped in surprise. The setting, the proposal, and Michael's heartfelt words were everything she had dreamed of. She joyfully accepted, her "Yes!" ringing out in the serene evening air.

But for Morgan, the scene was a catalyst for fury. Watching from behind a nearby tree, she felt the searing pain of jealousy and anger as she witnessed Michael's proposal. The display of their love felt like a direct challenge to everything she had lost and endured. Her hands clenched into fists as she fought to keep her composure.

The moment Michael slipped the ring onto Emily's finger, Morgan's heart boiled over. The sight of their happiness, so clear and untainted, ignited a storm of emotions. The calm she had tried to maintain shattered, replaced by a consuming rage. Morgan's breath quickened, her body trembling as she struggled to contain her anger.

Emily and Michael were oblivious to Morgan's presence, lost in their joy and the beginning of their future together. But Morgan's dark, vengeful thoughts churned beneath the surface, threatening to disrupt the fragile peace that Emily had worked so hard to build.

As the evening drew to a close, Morgan retreated into the shadows, her mind racing with plans. The confrontation she had long considered now seemed inevitable. She was determined to make her presence known, to confront Emily and reclaim what she felt had been stolen from her. The tranquil life Emily had found was about to be tested by the relentless force of a past that refused to stay buried.












Morgan meticulously planned Michael's demise, orchestrating every detail with precision. A few weeks before Emily's wedding, she sent Emily a bouquet of flowers, accompanied by a card reading, 'I will always love you,' all part of her carefully crafted scheme.

"Emily received the bouquet with a smile, her heart warmed by the gesture she thought was from Michael. Eager to thank him, she called him, only to be met with confusion when he denied sending the flowers. Emily was left puzzled, her smile fading as she wondered who could have sent such a heartfelt message.



Emily's thoughts were consumed by the mysterious bouquet and its cryptic message. To clear her mind, she decided to visit a cozy café she often went to. As she settled into her favorite corner table, she sipped her coffee, trying to focus on the comforting warmth of the drink rather than the confusing gesture of the flowers.

Lost in thought, she finished her coffee, and the barista approached her with a small piece of paper. "Someone paid for your coffee," the barista said, handing her the note. Emily took it and unfolded it, her heart racing as she read the simple yet disconcerting message: "Did you like the flowers?"

Emily's gaze swept across the café, searching for any sign of the mysterious person who had left the note. The café was busy with patrons chatting and enjoying their own drinks, but no one seemed to be watching her or giving any indication they had been involved. Her eyes darted from table to table, but the person who had paid for her coffee was nowhere to be found.

The note's question lingered in her mind as she left the café. The anonymity of the gesture left her feeling uneasy and more confused than before. The flowers' message, combined with this new cryptic note, created a cloud of mystery she couldn't shake.

As Emily walked down the street, her thoughts were a tangled mess of curiosity and apprehension. The unexplained actions had set her on edge, and the approaching wedding seemed to only heighten her sense of unease. The mystery surrounding both the bouquet and the anonymous coffee payment promised that things were far from over.



As Emily continued down the street, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Her pace quickened as the anonymity of the gestures gnawed at her. Seeking solace, she wandered into a small park, finding a bench under a large oak tree. The chirping of birds and the gentle rustling of leaves should have been comforting, but instead, they felt distant and unreal.

Her phone buzzed, pulling her from her thoughts. The message on the screen made her heart skip a beat: "I will always find you." The text left her feeling a chill run down her spine. She glanced around, but the park was empty except for a few distant joggers.

Feeling increasingly uncomfortable, Emily made her way home. Once inside, she dialed Michael's number, her fingers trembling slightly. When he answered, she tried to keep her voice steady. "Michael, something strange is going on. I got another note today, and it feels like someone is following me."

Michael's response was calm, almost dismissive. "It's probably just a secret admirer from work or something. Maybe someone noticed you and wanted to get your attention. Don't worry too much about it."

Emily tried to take comfort in his words, but a nagging doubt lingered. Michael didn't know about her past life and the complexities of her past relationships. His casual explanation didn't quite fit with the sense of dread she felt.

"Yeah, maybe you're right," she said, trying to sound reassured. "I'll keep an eye out and see if anything else happens."

Despite her attempt to calm herself, Emily remained unsettled. The feeling of being watched and the ominous message continued to weigh heavily on her mind. She resolved to stay vigilant and to look for any further signs that could explain the mystery surrounding the bouquet and the notes.

As she settled into her evening routine, Emily couldn't help but glance nervously at the door, her mind swirling with unanswered questions and a growing sense of unease.

A/N: sorry for not updating for a while... I wasn't feeling well