Chapter 23- Worried?

"Ah!" Lilia let out a strange sound. She was startled when she entered the newly built arena and found several things levitating around.

There was no one in the room except for one person who evidently was the reason why many things were floating.

She silently walked past the objects without touching them and kept her steps; soundless.

Amidst the cluster of objects her young master sat in a lotus potion with his thumbs connected and the rest of his fingers overlapped over each other—creating a gap.

She wordlessly stood a few meters away from him and assessed him.

Closing her eyes she used [Detection] to reveal all the threads her master had spread across the gymnasium to hold the equipment constantly in the air.

'Hmm...' She inwardly hummed in admiration to see that he was wasting his ether less than yesterday. His control over his magic was improving.