Chapter 124- Allen's past

[Day- 01]

[Endless Hold]

As Richard expected he found something favourable inside the working station.

There was a live furnace, an anvil, a hammer and loads of deformed swords.

Richard slowly inspected the swords and found that there were marks of blood but they didn't reek, which means it has been years since they were used.

'But why aren't there any rust?' Swords, made of metal, tend to catch rust after months of not being polished and sharpened. However, Richard couldn't find anything wrong with the sword except for its deformed blade.

'Time travels strangely here it seems...' Richard heaved a sigh and started with one.

The blade was approximately twenty-five inches tall and had a leather belt around the handle. The hilt of the sword was a little too broad to be comfortable while holding. It was exceptionally light, and in its golden days, Richard knew it would have served its purpose quite well.