Chapter 14

A new day ,

Good moring grandma .

Good morning ryuu ,

Breakfast is ready come sit down .

Okay .

After breakfast i got up and walked slowly at the office people were saying hello to me and i also greeted them .

In office there were many documents and all are have to be proceed by me duddenly there was a knock on the door 'come in'.

Oh , Adachi what happened ' sir the 3 and 4 year class students in ninja school have learned the three bodies technique and chakra contro technique so i thought what to do now should i teach them ninjustsu but they are young so i thought i should ask you about that '.

Oh , they learned both things i don't known why but the students can learn this things in 2 -3 years but in future even in 5 years no one learn three bodies technique (only from civilian background ninja )i think because they always teach them theory thats why it happed like who is strongest hokage the answer is sarutobi hiruzen or describe will of fire i think there was some question like that they don't teach them chakra control but first teach them three bodies justsu i don't known what to say about that.

There is 10 ninja teacher in school 5 jonin and 5 chunin they teach how to read and write about some common sence of ninja and physical skill how to fight with shuriken and kunai there is also subject for medical ninja if they want to become there is sealing class also teach be humble don't let control by strength and do stupid thing always be clam don't get arrogant and many more all the things are pratical that help them in surviving outside.

Okay ,adachi you can test there chakra attribute and let them use chakra manipulation technique and they chakra change let them convert it and after that if they still want to learn more things then teach ninjustsu of C level if there chakra reserve met and also teach them about combo moves like first use fire style and then use wind style to make it bigger or use water style then use lightning but first taught them theory about this don't try first i transfer 10 chunin to help you .

Thank you ,

Okay you can go now .

After he left i was doing my work i saw a scroll about the money we have earned this month by missions and selling resources like food , sealing scroll , healing tailsman and some detonating tailsman .

This month we earned 50 million and in the village reserve there are 200 million we have saved becacuse there not many pleases to use money . People use money in village to buy things and peoplealso get there salary like ANBU and Medical ninja only village ninja buy things and bring them back .but everyone is happy because they can live happliy without any fear.

Everything was good here but not good outside Uchiha and Senju clan started to fight once again that fight made whole land of fire covered in war .

Madara why don't you understand we should make peace and stopped fighting this meaningless fight said hashirama.

Stop joking hashirama and fight me .

Madara used susanoo and his eyes was bleeding .

Wood style : tree world emergence suddenly everywhere trees emerged from the ground and entangled the susanoo.

Madara susanoo suddenly used a sword made of susanoo chakra cutting the trees that binding him .

In far distance were fighting izuna and tobirama .they were fighting with swords suddenly izuna used his sharingan but tobirama closed his eyes so izuna kicked him away tobirama standed from the ground and used water dragon tecnique simplified version and attacked izuna but izuna also used fire ball tecnique there was mist everwhere but izuna sharingan was opened he can see everything with the help of sharingan he saw that tobirama as thrown a kunai but he did'nt saw the sealing tecnique on it and only avoid with a smile but suddenly tobirama came in front of him and cut right side of his neck blood was flowing suddenly madara saw tobirama standing near izuna and was going to stabe him on the heart he shouted.

Izuna ,

Hashirama also saw tobirama movement and shouted 'stop tobirama'.

Tobirama also stopped when he heard hashirama call.

Madara came beside izuna and lifted him izuna was unconscious he stared at tobirama but hashirama came in front and said ' i think you should use this it can help you heal him '.

Madara stared at the tailsman that hashirama bring out he asked 'what is this '.

Its a healing tailsman madara made buy one of my friend ryuu he is the leader of the hidden valley village use it .

Madara stared but he use it after all but tobirama face was not good .

After useing it izuna wound was healed madara stared at hashirama and said 'thank you' at which hashirama smiled .

After that he left with other uchiha clan members .

Elder brother what are you doing why help him 'clam down tobirama if izuna died no one will be able to stop madara anger at that time you known'.

At which tobirama snorted but did'nt say anything .

They also left with other senju clan memeber .

But far ryuu our mc did'nt known something like that happened .

Uchiha clan ,

Brother what happened izuna say it 'brother i known that your eyesight have been used by using your mangekyo sharingan so i want to give you mine brother take it .

Don'nt say that izuna you are okay don'nt worry 'i known brother but you are stronger then me and you need my eye more than i do .

This we talk about this later okay i am going to bring ryuu to help you heal and then we talk about this .

Okay brother .

Hidden valley village ,

ANBU ninja was reporting about the mission and also telling about the war between uchiha and senju.

So you mean izuna was saved by healing tailsman .

Yes , sir .

Hmm...okay you go .

Madara has posted a medical mission lets go and see .

I remeber izuna was killed but tobirama in this attack but because of healing tailsman he survived hmmm..forget its why care that much about it .

To be continued.