Chapter 17

Konoha village site ,

Madara and hashirama were standing on a hill that will become the symbol of future konoha suddenly tobirama came and said 'elder brother the reply from hidden valley village has come ' .

Madara and hasirama turned but the seen was tense madara and tobirama were glaring at each other .

But hashirama came in the middle and said ' what did they said about meeting us '.

They said they will come next week .

Okay , how about other clan that wanted to join the village .

Hyuga , shimura , sarutobi , ino - shika-cho and hataka are joining together with other small and meduim sized clan.

Okay .

Hidden valley village ,

So i am going to go next week to konoha village that madara and hashirama made so i want to done all the work and made a team that will go with me .

I go naomi suddenly said .

Okay .

Then other will be daisuke and tasuya and eichi will handle the affairs of the village .

Okay .

Yes , sir .

There will also be two ANBU team that will stay outside konoha and 10 elite jonin and 10 jonin that will go with me because warring states era is not completely over and there are many wondering ninjas.


Everything is prepared ' yes sir '.

Then lets go.

We were jumping one tree to another in land of fire .At night we camped outside and the next morning we started our journey again in our way some bandit came to attack us but were killed even one wondering ninja came his strength was at chunin level he attacked us but was killed easily after that our journey was started and we arived at konoha at noon.

We were welcomed by hashsirama and tobirama together when they knew we arrived .

Welcome ryuu come .

Hello , hashirama and tobirama .

You can rest now if you want if you are tired .

Okay let do that for now .


Its look like hashirama used wood style to make this guest room .

Knock knock..'come in '.

Oh , hashirama what happened .

Nothing ryuu i only came to inform you there will me a meeting so i want you to join us.

Okay , i will come let me known the time when it will start .

Okay then .

There is also a servant outside you can ask him if you need anything .

Hmm , i nodded.

After telling me hashirama left all the ninja that came with me were also in the guest room resting only two were guarding outside many clans has joined konoha in this month the village of made and daimyo also came to elect konoha but hashirama was appointed at the end .

It was decided by vote but no one voted for madara expect the uchiha clan and hashirama .

And for hashirama all small , medium and larged clan with tobirama leading even daimyo voted for hashirama . So he has becomed first hokage of konoha village .

Tommorow will be first hokage ceremony will be held , when i came here i also knew that hokage ceremony will be held they did'nt telled me about it .


I got ready with good cloths and go for the cremony it was held at the top of future hokage building the building was fully constructed at top hashirama was standing wearing hokage rop and hat .

At the ground were many civilan and clan leaders and clan member even madara was there looking at hashirama .

Then hashirama started his speech about how he make the village and protect it also promised he will let everyone live peacufull without any fear .

He also said this village will known as village hidden in leaf also known as konoha village and village leader will be known as hokage .

Hokage duty is to protect the village and his people .

When everyone head him they cheered and even madara smiled the seen was beautiful after that the first village meeting was held and i was also invited to join .

Hokage office ,

When i arrived there were many people Present uchiha madara clan leader of uchiha clan , senju tobirama , uchiha izuna , uzumaki musashi with uzumaki mito , sarutobi sasuke leader of sarutobi clan , shimura clan , kato clan , kuruma clan , hyuga tennin leader of hyuga clan , ino - shika - cho clan and many other small and medium sized clan with their elders .

When they saw me coming hashirama said ' oh , ryuu you came sit down i sat at the empty place .

Then the first konoha meeting was started with some another village people like me .

Hashirama : this meeting is held to talk about the future of the village so let start then .there are many things i like to about but first is that we should all let hated with each other begone so that konoha can be unitied .

But everyone nodded when he said that .

Now i understand why he got the nickname GOD OF SHINOBI from with his strength he have force them but he talked to them he did'nt carrried away with his strength or get arrogant he really deserver to known as god of shinobi he take everyone with him.

And madara is opposite of him he use strength always that why he has a nickname of SHURA OF NINJA WORLD he has strength but try to do everything alone and is arrogant .

But he is not bad but i think he don'nt known how to express his emotion i think.

Why do i care about that much who am i to judge other right .

So its settled then right said hashirama with his voice i also came back from my thoughts and concentrated on the meeting .

In the meeting they talked about many things also about village barrier that uzumaki clan will make etc.

But why am i here siting and listening to them why am even attending this meeting i don't think there is anything for me to say here right in other people village matters.

After the meeting was done hashirama stopped me from going after that there was only Madara , izuna , tobirama and even mito was there .

Then hashirama said ' ryuu i want to invite you to join konoha '.

When hashirama said that madara , izuna , tobirama and mito where looking at me .

Hashirama i am not intrested in joining konoha .

Tobirama : Why do you not want to join konoha.

Why you asked hmm ....

They were all waiting for my asnswer .

I think you all known that my village is made of civilan ninja right .

When i said that they all nodded .

So let what do think how many people are there you known.

They looked at each other and shaked there head .

There are at least 10,000 people leaving in my village ÿou want me to let them come here when they living there for 15 years you known they will come if i asked them to join konoha but you known they not like to leave there current home .

They all nodded in understanding .

Hashirama : why don't we become ally then .

When he said that tobirama eyes light up.

Right we can do that said tobirama.

To be continued.