Chapter 22


so you mean he wanted to train everyone to fight a battle to prepare for war .

No , he was not preparing for war but helping the village ninja exprence a battle like war .

For experience we can'nt start a war right said naomi.

Hahaaa...right but he don'nt have to do it even if want to let them experience them why is so cruel to his own village ninja .

No you all are wrong about that.

That was not only that reason.

Ryuu - sama was going to reconstruct the whole village so it was going to get distroyed anyway so we let it experience this .

The village you all see was not like this the whole is being contructed before there was not many thinks in the village there were only house's , market and some other thinks so we have to distroy it to make new village that can be opened for outsiders and also for us .

Now there is hotels , restrurent , bath house and many new places that have been added.

That's good then did you all defeated ryuu .

No , we did'nt we lost completely without any resistance that was a battle that we can't forget in our life .

At that time the whole village force's was on one side and ryuu - sama on other all the ninja used deadly attack that can kill people directly but we all failed .

You all directly used that type of attack on my ryuu what if something happen.

No grandma not many people knew that was ryuu - sama only 10 people knew about it in the whole village and ryuu- sama also weared a mask and other cloths so everyone thought someone was invading the village .

Well how many people he fighted that time said madara.

More than 6,000 .

When the word fell everyone was quiet .

At that time all the elite junin , junnin and chunin , sealing class elite junin and chunin , the stone statue you all seeing all over the borders of the village and 20 shadow level

Even the shadow level stone statue control was given to sealing class .

You can imagine with this force we did'nt stand a chance in front of him .

Well - well he really is - i don't known what to say said hashirama .

I can fight them all but i will also get hurt badly if i fight this many together said madara.

Me too i don't think i will stand a chance even if my strength was stored said izuna .

Mito and tobirama did'nt said anything but they also nodded their head .

What ninjustsu he used at that time said tobirama.

Everyone also looked when this question come they never head or seen about ryuu strength and the ninjustsu he used .

There were many justsu he used like there was one that summoned huge stones from sky .

There was also five elemental dragons justsu.

And vitality clone justsu.

What is this five elemental justsu said tobirama.

It was made of attributes like five , wind , stone , water , lightning .

So it should be five attribute right why is five elemental .

I also asked ryuu - sama about that but he said that name was good .

Tobirama was speechless he thought he named it for a reason but never thought the reason was this .

Well i think he is also good at creating ninjustsu like you tobirama said hashirama.

Yes , ryuu - sama is good at it he created many ninjustsu he also maked a library for people to learn them .

Tobirama eyes light up when he head it .

Well can we see it said hashirama seeing tobirama .

Don'nt worry we will also give you ninjustsu and other resouces for only seeing it and we will not learn any ninjustsu or take it without permisson.

I don't know about that i will ask ryuu - sama about that .

Go and ask ryuu - sama about it said naomi to the air then a ANBU ninja came and went quikly .

We knew someone was hidding but how did he go we did'nt sence him at all .

Space ninjustsu said tobirama.

People in this village known space ninjustsu .

To be continued.