He stood at the roadside signaling for a taxi but none stopped.
When he managed to stop one, someone would steal it. Fortunately, he managed to stop one. He told the driver his destination took out a comb from his pocket and dealt with his hair. After he was done he took out some mints.
When he arrived, he looked neat and well prepared, though he had to borrow some wet wipes from the taxi driver and wipe his face. Because of that, he tipped the driver but not too generously.
He walked into his company's building where along the way he kept getting strange looks from his colleagues. Some were disappointed, some were smug, some were shocked, some were confused, some were angry, and some hateful.
He got it from everyone. His fellow drivers who were on break, the customer care, the guys from security, and even those in the IT department. When he reached his boss' office. He had people murmuring behind his back, but none of this got to him. He remained calm and composed even though he was confused about the whole situation.
He knocked on his boss's door.
The door was opened and the HR Manager walked out. Neville had to make way for her to pass. He even greeted her, " Morning Madam."
But the woman didn't bother to reply nor look at him to acknowledge his greeting. She simply walked away silently.
Though it was strange, Neville didn't bother with it and looked forward at the slightly opened door.
" Mr.Grey is that you? Come in." He heard his boss calling him.
He pushed the door open and he saw his boss, beside him, was a police officer and a fireman. They were standing, in front of his boss who was seated on his chair and his desk was filled with documents, his computer, and a nameplate that was half-covered with paper but it still showed the surname, Mosby.
The police officer was holding a notebook and a pen while the fireman who smelled like smoke was holding his helmet but they all looked at the man who was called into the office.
" Mr. Grey please sit." The police officer said politely as he pulled a chair and gestured at it.
Neville who was still completely confused by the whole situation though he didn't show it just nodded and walked slowly to the chair.
" Mr.Grey, do you have any idea why you were called here?" The officer said.
Neville simply said," No officer."
Then his boss took his mouse and moved it on a pile of papers that had covered his desk then right-clicked it.
Siren sounds were heard as Mr.Mosby turned his computer screen for Neville to see.
It was breaking news.
A woman standing in front of a sign that said Zenith Hotel, a headline was below her on the screen saying, " Expensive Tragedy."
"This is Jessica Wright, reporting live from the charred Zenith Hotel. The initial reports, and witness accounts, suggest an explosion occurred around 4 am, causing a fire that raged for an agonizing 49 minutes before the firefighters were able to gain control. Fortunately, most of the guests managed to safely escape the flames, while some were rescued by the firemen. However, there are five individuals who remain unaccounted for."
She paused then continued. "Among the missing according to the hotel's check is Mr. Edward Blaire, the esteemed head of the Blaire family..."
Just then she held her earpiece and her eyes widened, she composed herself and said, "I've just received an update, it has been confirmed… Mr. Edward Blaire has passed. Our deepest condolences go out to the Blaire family."
"The authorities have recovered four additional bodies from the wreckage...We'll continue to follow this story as it d-" she was cut off as Mr.Mosby muted the computer.
" Well, there you have it. It has been confirmed that Mr.Blaire was indeed there." Said Mr. Mosby
" Right. But I still need to question Mr. Grey here. I want his account for this morning." Said the office.
" Okay. And the fireman?" Asked Mosby
" Well, he's here to check, the car Mr.Grey used yesterday."
" Why? The car has nothing to do with the explosion?" Questioned Mosby.
" It's procedure." The fireman said.
" Procedure huh? Then show me your warrant. If you don't have one. PLEASE. DON'T.TOUCH.MY.STUFF.AND.LEAVE." Mr. Mosby said in anger.
The fireman and the police officer nodded at each other. And the fireman excused himself and left the room.
" He'll be back with a warrant." Said the police officer with a small smile.
Mr. Mosby nodded with a huff.
The officer turned to Neville who had been quiet all throughout but was still confused about why he was there.
" Mr. Grey I thank you for your patience so far. I'm Detective Bright. Don't mind the uniform. I want to ask you a couple of questions is that okay with you?" Said the officer.
" Yes. As long as it's not within the scope of my contract." Said Neville.
" Contract?" Asked the officer.
" Client confidentiality clause, the Service Provider will keep all Confidential Information and will not copy, reproduce, or make notes of, divulge to anyone or any entity outside Client, or use any of the Confidential Information for Service Provider's or another's benefit or purpose." Mr. Mosby explained.
" I know what it means." The officer said.
" Good," Mosby said.
" Where were you today, between 3-5 in the morning Mr. Grey?"
" I was with a client from 3 to 4, by 5 I was at the company depot." Said Neville.
" Did you use the new expressway?" Asked the officer.
" Yes." Neville gave a neutral answer.
" Was your client Mr. Blaire?"
" Can't say." He didn't confirm or deny.
" Witnesses claim that a man fitting your description was seen with Mr. Blaire."
" Officer..." Mr.Mosby Said
" The two of you were with a young woman correct?"
"..." Neville couldn't give any information about the woman as she was related to the client so he remained silent.
" I'm not comfortable answering questions about my clients." Said Neville.
" Did, Mr.Blaire give you any orders? How long did you stay at the hotel after the drop-off? Did Mr. Blaire ever mention any dangerous or volatile substances he might have been transporting? Did you see anyone else enter or leave the room with Mr. Blaire? Was Mr.Blaire still alive the last moment you saw him? Was the drop-off process at the hotel usual for you and your client? How regularly have you worked with Mr.Blaire?To your knowledge, did Mr. Blaire have any enemies or violent feuds that might have put him in danger? Did you see anyone else enter or leave the room with Mr. Blaire? Did you notice anything suspicious in the hotel?" Since Neville had been quiet after questions the officer just shot questions after questions at him. Some questions were neutral and general, and some were highly specific about his activities and environment.
" Detective. Your questions are getting really specific about his activities, your tone is becoming accusatory and you are pressuring my employee. I think that's enough please leave." Mr.Mosby said.
" Alright... Mr. Grey, Mr. Mosby, I'll keep in touch." He said as he walked out