ch7: Bullets later

On the window a thick spider web-shaped crack spread on Neville's window.

" I could've died!" The shot was made directly on his head, meaning if there was no barrier he would be dead.

He took a deep breath to calm himself. His heart was now beating fast, he felt shortness of breath, his muscles tensed and his pupils dilated.


His body flinched, and he finally moved his head from where it was and that was in the bullet's direction. He then unbuckled his seat belt.

" Okay, I don't know the type of glass nor the degree of its resistance, the caliber of the weapon. But the distance is close and the bullets are localized in one point. I could be optimistic and think it's a higher-level bulletproof glass. But sitting here won't improve anything." His mind was thinking fast.

He took a deep breath and dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

" We're under fire on Spooner Drive. We're in a black Mercedes and are taking shots. Two armed men. One is currently shooting."

"We have units responding to your location. Please remain calm and stay in the vehicle if possible."

The man near Neville's window walked to the front and gestured, that he was giving him one more chance to get out of the car now.

And from the marks on the window, a few more shots and the bullets get into the car, they were slightly far from the city, and before the police got here a couple of shots would be made. So it was either he sat there and died or got out and died.

He couldn't even drive himself out of this situation as before they were thick 9-inch spike strips, behind him was the attackers' car, and on his sides were thick trees.


Suddenly, the woman behind him opened the door and walked out in the opposite direction of the window knocker.

"Heh." The attacker number 2 sneered in amusement.

" Mmmmmm… Don't you look stunning?" He said.

Since the door was already opened, Neville had no choice but to get out.

Attackers number one, grabbed him by his hair and slammed his face on the car's window causing the car's door to shut with a thud.

Number 1 then dragged Neville's face on the window, " I thought you wouldn't come out. To be honest I hoped you wouldn't." He said as he let go of Neville's hair.

By now the window had slight blood stains on it because the glass scrapped Neville's face.

Number 1 then put a gun on Neville's head and ordered, "Remove the coat and untuck your shirt."

Neville did as he was told and Number 1 saw that Neville was unarmed.

" Hey. Stop drooling and take her to the car. I'll deal with Mr. Handsome." Said Number 1 to Number 2 who was pointing his gun at Miss Blaire. You couldn't tell his expression as his face was partially covered with a bandana but his exposed eyes looked sadistic as if he found a plaything.

" The target is really beautiful. The picture doesn't compare. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." Number 2 took out a passport put it beside her face and compared clicking his tongue.

" You were younger here but now the mature you look even better… Ah… I'm going to have fun breaking you." Number two looked at the cold uninterested look that Blaire was giving him even though her life was in real danger.

" Oi. Get it done." Number 1 ordered as he kicked the back of Neville's knees and said," And you get moving."

" Fine." Number two pointed the gun at Miss Blaire shaking it and making a 'move' gesture. And she started walking.

Meanwhile, Neville had already gotten in the woods, they were not in enough to be too deep.

" Keep walking and put your hands where I can see 'em." Said Number 1.


" What was tha-" Number 1 was startled by a sound in the bushes and in that second he felt a sharp pain on his left hand as Neville kicked the gun from his hand. He followed up with heavy blows first on the man's throat, then sternum, then nose.

Number 1 fell on the ground, saw his gun, and tried to crawl to it. But Neville stepped on his fingers but before the man could wail, Neville's thick tie was stuffed in his throat.

" He was just a man with a gun, he's not trained. So either the person who ordered them is poor or they are overly ambitious small fries." Thought Neville with a frown.

" And that woman… she knew that she was never in real danger. I saw how when she got out she double pressed her ear that was covered by her hair, I also saw it, in that moment when my head was being tilted and at that angle where I saw a reflection ahead, maybe I'm wrong but I think it was a scope. So her calmness could stem from confidence that she has someone protecting her, that the situation was orchestrated by her or she is crazy and not afraid of death. I really don't like how unreadable she is. Even right now there could be someone aiming for my head…"


" Something's not right. What's taking him so long…"

Said Number 2 who was outside the vehicle and was standing with Miss Blaire. He still hadn't forced her into the car yet.

* Bang*

They heard the gun noise in the bushes.

" Heh. Looks like he's done. Anyway, get into the car." Said Number 2 as he opened the sedan's back door.

Miss. Blaire's two left fingers trailed on her hair and it clenched.

" Was that a signal? Is she giving orders?" Though Neville looked at her after shooting at the ground. He had strangled Number 1 and he was unconscious. He then tied him up with his tie which was slightly wet because of Number 1's saliva... Luckily he was wearing his driving gloves.

" Hey get in already..." Said Number 2 as siren sounds began to be heard.

" What sign did she make? Why isn't anything happening? Or was I just being paranoid?" Thought Neville as he saw Miss Blaire get into the sedan.

" Drop the weapon." He approached the vehicle holding a gun pointing it at number 2 Whosevgun was pointing down as he was about to surround the car and sit beside Miss Blaire.

They were in a standoff and Number Two tried to raise his weapon.

* Bang*

Neville shot again, he aimed away from the man's head but it was enough to make the man rethink his next move.

The police by now had arrived in their squad car. Their headlight shone on Neville and number 2 who had guns. Two policemen got out of their vehicle and using their car doors as shield they aimed their guns and one of them shouted, "This is the police. Drop your weapons immediately."