New Awakening: Inferno Sage

As the days passed, Lucas and his team worked tirelessly to fortify the abandoned factory. Emily had transformed the space into a makeshift fortress, and Tom had set up a reliable watch system. Sarah kept everyone's spirits high with her unwavering optimism and medical expertise. Lucas, however, couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something crucial.

One night, as he lay on his cot, staring at the ceiling, his thoughts drifted back to the Tears of Zorph. He still had four drops left, but he regretted not amplifying the first one before consuming it. The realization gnawed at him, and he decided it was time to see what his Amplify ability could do to the remaining drops.

The next morning, after a quick breakfast, Lucas gathered his team. "I need to focus on something important today," he said. "I'll be in my quarters. If anything urgent comes up, let me know."

His team nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. Lucas retreated to his quarters and retrieved the small vial containing the remaining Tears of Zorph. He held it up, the liquid shimmering in the dim light.

"Here goes nothing," he murmured, activating his Amplify ability. The vial glowed with a bright, ethereal light, and a system panel appeared before his eyes.


**[Item: Tears of Zorph]**

**Status: Amplified**

**Description: A rare and powerful elixir, now enhanced with extraordinary properties.**


- Potency: +500%

- Effect Duration: +300%

- Additional Effects: Unlocked unique class potential


Lucas's eyes widened. The amplified Tears of Zorph were far more potent than he could have imagined. His hands trembled slightly as he uncorked the vial and carefully consumed one of the remaining drops. The liquid was cool and invigorating, and almost immediately, he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins.

System notifications began to flood his vision.


**[System Notification]**

**You have consumed an Amplified Tear of Zorph.**

**Mana stat unlocked.**

**Unique Class: Inferno Sage acquired.**

**Attributes significantly boosted:**

- Strength: +50%

- Agility: +50%

- Intelligence: +200%

- Endurance: +100%

**Skills Unlocked:**

- Inferno Burst: Unleash a powerful wave of fire, dealing massive damage to enemies.

- Flame Shield: Create a protective barrier of flames, reducing incoming damage.

- Mana Regeneration: Significantly increase mana recovery rate.

- Elemental Mastery: Gain enhanced control over fire-based magic.

**Mana: 1500**


Lucas gasped, feeling the incredible power of his new class, the Inferno Sage, coursing through him. His senses sharpened, and his body felt stronger, more resilient. He focused on the new skills he had unlocked, eager to test them out.

He summoned a small flame to his hand, watching it dance and flicker with a precision he had never experienced before. With a thought, he intensified the flame, turning it into a blazing inferno, then extinguished it just as easily. The control was exhilarating.

Realizing the potential of the remaining Tears of Zorph, Lucas decided to keep them for future mage allies. The power they could provide to his team could be a game-changer. He carefully sealed the vial and placed it back in his pack.

Feeling a newfound sense of purpose, Lucas rejoined his team. "I've unlocked my mana and gained a unique class," he announced. "We're one step closer to being fully prepared for the apocalypse."

His team's reactions were a mix of awe and excitement. They knew this was a significant breakthrough.

As night fell, Lucas suggested they rest in a nearby cave he had scouted earlier. It was spacious and well-hidden, making it an ideal temporary shelter. The group gathered their supplies and made their way to the cave, setting up a small camp inside.

While his teammates settled in, Lucas explored the depths of the cave, ensuring there were no threats. As he ventured deeper, a faint, shimmering light caught his eye. He approached it cautiously, recognizing the source immediately—a shining stone embedded in the cave wall. It was a dungeon key, an artifact he remembered from his past life.

"This is a dungeon key," Lucas explained to his team when he returned to the camp. "It opens a portal to a solo dungeon with random difficulty. Judging by the ominous color of the light, this one is likely on the harder side."

"Are you sure you want to go in there alone?" John asked, concern evident in his voice.

"I have to," Lucas replied. "The potential rewards could give us a significant advantage. Besides, I have my new abilities to help me."

His team reluctantly agreed, knowing Lucas's determination. With a deep breath, Lucas activated the dungeon key. The cave filled with blinding light, and when it faded, Lucas found himself standing in an open forest, filled with sky-high trees. The air was fresh, and the environment teemed with life. He felt a mix of trepidation and excitement.

"This is it," he thought, taking in his surroundings. "One of the first dungeon cleaners of this life. Let's see what I'm up against."

The forest was eerily silent, save for the occasional rustle of leaves. Lucas moved cautiously, his senses heightened. He summoned a small flame to his hand, ready to unleash his Inferno Burst at a moment's notice.

He didn't have to wait long. A pack of wolves emerged from the underbrush, their eyes glowing with a sinister light. Lucas wasted no time, raising his hand and unleashing his Inferno Burst. A wave of fire swept through the forest, engulfing the wolves. They howled in agony, quickly reduced to ashes.


**[System Notification]**

**You have defeated Forest Wolves.**

**Experience gained.**


Lucas felt a surge of energy as the experience boosted his stats slightly. He moved deeper into the forest, encountering various other creatures—giant spiders, venomous snakes, and even a few goblins. Each battle was intense, but Lucas's new abilities made him a formidable opponent.

As he progressed, he came across a clearing with a shimmering pool of water in the center. A sense of familiarity washed over him. He had seen something like this before in his previous life—a mana spring. It was a rare find, capable of fully restoring his mana.

Lucas knelt by the pool, cupping his hands to drink. The cool, refreshing water revitalized him, and he felt his mana surge to full capacity. Energized, he continued his exploration, determined to clear the dungeon.

The deeper he went, the more challenging the enemies became. He faced off against a massive bear with iron-like fur, using his Flame Shield to deflect its powerful strikes. He countered with precise bursts of fire, eventually bringing the beast down.


**[System Notification]**

**You have defeated Ironfur Bear.**

**Experience gained.**


Lucas's confidence grew with each victory. He could feel himself getting stronger, his control over his abilities improving. The forest seemed endless, but he pressed on, driven by the promise of the dungeon's final reward.

Finally, he reached the heart of the dungeon—a vast, open glade with a single, ancient tree at its center. The tree radiated a powerful, mystical energy. Lucas approached cautiously, sensing that this was the dungeon's core.

As he neared the tree, a figure materialized—a guardian, clad in ethereal armor, wielding a massive sword. It was a formidable opponent, and Lucas knew this would be his toughest challenge yet.

The guardian moved with blinding speed, its sword slashing through the air. Lucas dodged and countered with his Inferno Burst, but the guardian's armor absorbed much of the impact. He switched tactics, using his Elemental Mastery to manipulate the flames, striking at the guardian's exposed joints.

The battle raged on, both combatants pushing their limits. Lucas's mana began to dwindle, but he refused to give up. Summoning the last of his strength, he unleashed a powerful, concentrated burst of fire, targeting the guardian's core. The guardian staggered, its form flickering before finally disintegrating into ash.


**[System Notification]**

**You have defeated the Guardian of the Ancient Tree.**

**Dungeon cleared.**


- **Ancient Tree's Heart:** A powerful artifact that enhances the Mana Core giving the following buffs :

-200% Mana Regeneration Boost

-50% Mana Capacity Boost

-20% Boost to all Elemental Skills

- **Mana Crystal:** Fully restores mana and grants a temporary boost to mana regeneration.

- **Experience gained.**


Lucas collapsed to the ground, exhausted but triumphant. He had cleared the dungeon and claimed its rewards. As he caught his breath, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. This was only the beginning. With the Ancient Tree's Heart and the Mana Crystal, his powers would grow even further.

He took a moment to rest, then activated the portal to return to his team. The familiar blinding light enveloped him, and when it faded, he was back in the cave with his allies. They rushed to his side, relief and admiration on their faces.

"You did it!" Sarah exclaimed. "We knew you would."

Lucas smiled, holding up the Ancient Tree's Heart. "This will give us a significant edge. We're one step closer to being ready for whatever comes our way."

As they settled in for the night, Lucas couldn't help but feel optimistic. The journey ahead would be tough, but with his newfound power and the support of his allies, he was confident they could face anything.