If I touch you....

"What are you trying to do?" he asked, watching her full dark lashes that were beginning to flutter open.

How clueless she must be to have listened to him.

"Were you just about to take off your dress?" he barked, his grip on her hand tightening. "Are you aware of what would happen afterward?"

Dalia shut her eyes, then opened them and almost glared at him, if it wasn't for his presence almost intoxicating her, causing the beat of her heart to quicken.

Confusion danced in her eyes. Hadn't he been the one who told her to undress? Why then was his voice laced with anger? Was it her fault that she had listened to his words?

"You told me to undress," she whispered, feeling fear wash over her again. His voice and strong hold on her were not helping, not to mention the anger that was making his breathing reach her from his nostrils and mouth.

"Do you listen to every word you hear?" he asked, impatience lacing his voice.