The Trail of kamado siblings

Its been nearly a month since Tanjiro passed final selection . Toji decided that he will let Master Ubuyashiki observe both kamado siblings and let him see himself that Nezuko will not eat humans and protect all humans .

So far he don't know how tanjiro was doing but he hoped that the boy will survive and not die that easily . Toji was currently one of two hashira's that were present at the headquarters of Demon slayers crops . There have news about many demon slayers getting disappeared on Mount Nayagumo.

If he and shinobu were summoned here then it was pretty sure that he demon was one of twelve kizuki's . Master was currently sitting outside with an exhausted crow in his hands . The crow brought the news that an entire squad of Demon slayers got killed .

Toji would have never thought that he will ever call anyone his master but Ubuyashiki kagaya had a great charm that tamed even a wild person like Toji and sanemi . Maybe his might same charm that she was able to make Toji do things that he would have never done .

Master said to Kusagai crow " You have fought hard to make it home. Most of my swordsman we're done in. This may be the work of twelve kizuki .it seems I must dispatch an hashira . Giyu , Shinobu ."

Both Toji and shinobu said in unison" understood . " Then shinobu said to Toji " it would be so nice if demon and humans could get along don't you think Tomioka ?"

They were currently walking through headquarters while going towards exit and Toji answered " I have already given you my answer but this time I will give you a logical answer . Demon are not natural creatures , they don't exist in nature's cycle and what is not natural will either be distroyed or live long enough to distroy they nature and all it life. Demons are second kind , so there getting along is only going to distroy the Nature's cycle in long time. So should only find any of killing the Demons and Kibutusji Muzan."

Shinobu simply smiled and said to him

" you know, this is quite Hard motivation behind your way of living . But you know this is this first time I have seen you talk this much when this is not topic about your wife ."

In past two years shinobu had pressured Toji to talk about Mei many times. Only she was in entire Demon slayer corps that knew about her . When Toji would talk about Mei it would be quite big talk and there would many details about Mei that would give her a picture that shinobu understood what type of woman she was . She was able make giyu do things in his stories that shinobu could hope to make him do .

For most difficult part still was to make him smile and Mei was make him do many things in just half a year. Both Toji and shinobu left the headquarters for Mount Natagumo. They were going at there full speed .

Somewhere near Mount Natagumo:-

Currently Tanjiro was on the foot of mountain and was going inside in mountain forest with Nezuko and the new friend that he made named Inosuke . He also meet a boy who was at final selection with him . His name was Zenitsu , he was quite wimpy and camplained about everything . Zenitsu didn't go with them . He simply sat on road between field and was complaining about how he will die if he go there .

So Tanjiro didn't pestered him come with them . They were currently walking inside the mountain forest , when they saw a lone demon slayer hiding behind the bushes .

With Toji :-

Toji and shinobu were running in road towards the Mount Natagumo. The sun was setting and it would be not much late if they went there on there full speed .

The kocho Kusagai crow came and said " kaw kaw Master shinobu , there are few MIZUNOTO ranked slayer have been sent there . Kaw kaw."

Shinobu smiled and said to Toji " it's seems there were low ranked slayer send there , if we don't they might die Tomioka san , would like to go at full speed ." Toji simply nodded and went at his full speed . This shocked a shinobu since she didn't knew Tomioka was this fast since he came sixth in race that they had to see who is faster amount them . ' Did he not used his full speed that day or he gotten faster after that race ?'

Shinobu was one of fastest people in Demon slayer corps but currently that speed Toji showed her hard to follow From her eyes. She also picked her speed in order to catch up to him but he seemed keep getting faster . Toji understood that shinobu was getting left behind so he slowled downed a little.

In a hour they reached the Mount Natagumo . The First thing they saw was crops of several slayers . Shinobu said " they seemed to being controlled by thread , what a cruel demon. Did any of them was your aquitence Tomioka ."

Toji replied " No , but once saw them on mission, few of them had potential to grow stronger . They came against a lower moon too early ."

" I see , so you know some people other than me huh'? That quite a surprise." Shinobu said to him .there they started running to inside of mountain . Toji was quitely running ahead when shinobu said

" Moon is quite pretty tonight Tomioka San?"

Toji said in response " you just saw people dead there now you find moon pretty , I think you should check your mental health it's seems to be being effected from work." Shinobu now a had a nerve sticking out of her forehead and said " I am just trying to find positivity and you really becoming annoying since you started taking ."

" Well it's a price that now you had to pay for disturbing my life constantly with your poking fingers " Toji taunted . Then he said" I am picking up scent of Demons , we should split up . " Shinobu nodded and they both went different ways .

Tojie was running towards south when he picked up a fimilar scent that he had on Mount Fujikasanae . It was of that boar head kid and there was a strong demon near him.

Toji went full speed towards that direction . He saw that spider face demon grabbing boar head kid . Toji simply cut the hand of spider demon and took the boar head kid away . Then he went back to demon who was shouting " sTaY AwAy FrOm mY FaMiLy."and tried to punch toji but Toji cut him down with water breathing fourth form.

" Water breathing: Fourth form : Striking Tides" and spider demons head , arms and legs were cut in single instance .

Inosuke POV :-

He looked at half and half haori and understood that this man was one whole another level . There was heaven and earth difference between there strength . Toui simply looked at him and Inosuke felt the pressure of his presence.

Still he was Inosuke and he shouted in his rough voice because of his throat getting crushed " half and half haori fight me . You killed that demon . He was one of twelve kizuki . If defeat you ,I will get stronger that how it works."

With Toji:-

Toji was impressed that this kid had still guts to challenge him after seeing the demon get killed in single strike but this was not one of twelve kizuki. Toji looked at him he was heavily injured so he took out his rope and said ' that was not one of twelve kizuki , and you should see the position you are in , you might die so just rest for now " then quickly tied Inosuke at tree and said " I have an offer become my student and I will fight you daily and make you strong. "

Inosuke had fiddling feeling again after Toji offered him and said " ok , but tanjiro said that it was a moon , I just repeated what he said . " And blow air from his Bora mask nose.

These words worried Toji a little since shinobu was with him here and if she saw Nezuko she will kill her and Tanjiro will be captured. He said to boar head kid " tell me where he is now ?" Inosuke said that he went flying from that big demon attack in other direction . Toji left Inosuke there and rushed towards Tanjiro direction. Inosuke got angry that he was left hanging from tree and shouted in his loudest voice.

Toji was going at full speed towards Tanjiro direction when he sensed a strong demon. It might be the lower moon. When saw Tanjiro was on ground and sharp Demon strings were going to cut him . Toji rushed there and cut the strings.

He then said " you did good holding by yourself till now against a lower moon. You have grown stronger faster than my expectations, Now leave the rest to me ."

Rui POV:-

Rui was angry from attack he received from Tanjiro and become more angry after Toji nutrilzed his attack . ' another one .it's like these scum just exist to interfere with me .' Rui thought his before using his strongest attack " blood Demon art : Cutting thread rotation ."

Toji countered it with Water breathing eleventh form .

" Water breathing: Eleventh form:Dead Calm"

Then there was sudden silence and not a single threads that came towards toji touched him . It was like he was going using infinity of limitless curse technique.

Rui was shocked and thought ' what did he do ? As soon as my threads got near him they scattered. Not a single one reached him did he cut my strongest thread . That's can't be I will try again '

But before he could launch his technique again toji cut down his head . Demon head was dropped and his body was near Nezuko and Tanjiro . Tanjiro grabbed the hand of demon and his eyes showed mercy . Toji went near and stood on the cloth that was left after demon turned into ash .

Toji said to him " don't pity the demon who ate so many people , it just waste of kindness ." Tanjiro said to him" to soothes the spirit of those who he killed and make sure there are no further victims , I will swing my blade and lay of the head of any demon that kills. But I will not belittle those who regret there actions and suffered over things they did as demons. Because demon were human once and they were like me once so move your foot"

Toji said to him" if they regret there actions after there head is cut off then there is no value in their regret . Because value would have been if they were alive and didn't kill human anymore like your sisters. And Tanjiro there were not like you because , I am sure you just like Nezuko never would have harmed a human . Keep that pity for a demon who is alive wants to make up for there actions not in death but by being alive."

This made Tanjiro quiet but before he was tired to say something Toji said him to duck down . Toji blocked the attack that shinobu tried to do on Nezuko .

While in mid air shinobu said " why did you blocked me Tomioka ? You yourself said there no way to get along with demons and now you are protecting one .that why everyone hates you."

She looked at him and pointed his sword and said " Now move Tomioka. " Last time when she said this might not effect Toji and but this time he was little effected but didn't care and said " I am protecting a infected girl not a demon , now back down ." But shinobu ignored him and said " boy you are laying on top of demon that dangerous , get out of my way. "

Tanjiro said in hurry " you got it all wrong well not wrong but she is my little sister." Shinobu cut him in mid sentence and said " Oh ! How said , in that case I'll use a gentle poison to kill the girl ." She was little menacing with her sword on her face .

Toji said to Tanjiro " boy ,take your sister and run . I will halt her for now." Tanjiro took Nezuko and started running and said " Tomioka , I am sorry and thank you ." shinobu said to Toji " you know , that against crops rules " . Toji looked at her and said " its not like the first time I have broken rules of some big organization . "

Shinobu tried to go after Tanjiro but Toji stopped her in mid air .they both clashed but shinobu could take a single step ahead . Then Toji said " I will advice to you say were you are because I have no mood to turn into the monster that I once was ." Toji sent pure killing intent in air . Currently in front of her standing person was not a hashira but the famous sorcerers killer that even put zenin clan in fear with just his presence alone.

Toji already sent kanzoburo to master for asking a trail for tanjiro and his sister , all he needed was to hold off shinobu at her place . Toji words sent chill down shinobu spine , he was feeling that now she was against a uppermoon instead of a fellow crops member. She said with a bitter smile " so you are even ready to kill for saving a demon. You know that killing demons is our job and you are breaking rules. "

Toji said " like I said before she is not demon , she is infected and that girl have harmed any human till now . Also these are master order to me to keep eye on girl progress and protect her from such situation and you are in my way and against Master orders. "

Shinobu wasn't expecting Giyu using master name so she asked " is that so , then why are other hashira not aware of this order ?" Toji said that because this could have stopped her but she more pushy now so he said " that was going to be showed at next hashira meeting but I guess now there will a emergency meeting ."

Toji had grabbed shinobu under his arm and she tried to attack him with a knife in her foot but suddenly Kusagai crow said " message message kaw take tanjiro and nezuko to custody and take them to Headquarters " .

Toji released her and said " See for yourself what this is about now let go to headquarters." They both sheathed there sword and started walking towards headquarters . Shinobu asked him" why you all demon girl infected ?". Toji said " the one that had killed human are demons . She didn't killed human and that why from my prospective she infected person not a demon . You will get details at headquarters" and then left at full speed towards headquarters.

Next morning at Demon slayer corps Headquarters :-

Toji was simply standing at side quietly and all the hashira were standing there near Tanjiro who unconscious . Obanai was sitting and tree and sanemi was not there but his smell was at headquarters.

The kakushi was sitting near Tanjiro was saying him to get up again and again . Tanjiro started to walk up and Kakushi said to him wake up you are in the presence of hashira .

Tanjiro was little confused and thought ' Hashira , what is a ' Hashira ' . Who are they and what is this place .' shinobu understood his confusion and said " this is Demon slayer corps Headquarters and you Kamado Tanjiro are going to be put at trial. "

Then Rengoku the flame hashira said " There is no need for trial , protecting a demon is against a corps rules. Let's lop of his head with demon. " The sound hashira Uzui Tengen said in support " I will cut off his head with style , and even blood splashing will have panache! Really flashy flash ." Love hashira kanroji mitsuri thought 'killing such a cute child , it pains me , it too much.'

Stone hashira Giyome himejima said " aw .. what pitiful children how sad . It's a tragedy they were born. ! " Muichiro tokito the mist hasihra was in thoughts of his own ' what is are those big fully cloud up there are called?'

They were talking about kill him and nezuko but Toji filled the air with his killing intent and said " Don't try to do anything harsh , this is a decision that master is going to made and I will not care about cutting your hand off if you tried to do something like that ." Toji was currently ticked of and had no interest in there fullish action but he was not going let them hurt the kids.

This annoyed the serpent hashira obanai iguro and he said " aren't you already on thim ice Tomioka yet you are threating them . And what we going to do about tomioka should be allowed to roam freely ?"

Then shinobu said " Tomioka san calm down, no one killing . And Tomioka said that it was Master to keep demon girl and him alive , I guess we should wait for him. "

Tanjiro was looking for Nezuko's box but looked Tomioka who was standing alone from all the others. Tanjiro felt bad for him and thought ' I am sorry Tomioka san ' .

Gyomei said to Toji " if it's Master then I will wait but you should not show your killing intent at your fellow hashira "

Uzui simply" you seems to be quite talkrive Tomioka ?" Toji said " I am following my order so you should follow your ."

The whole taking between them went for a while then tanjiro said in loud voice " my sister had fought alongside with me and can fight for demon slayer corps and protect people , so -" but he was cut mid sentence by wind hashira sanemi shinazugawa and said " say this getting is interesting ."

Kakushi that were guarding Nezuko box were requesting him to give back the box . Sanemi continued " so this is the foolish corps member that travel with a demon.just what going on here ?"

Kakushi apologized to shinobu . Shinobu said to sanemi to not do anything harsh . But sanemi continued his talk " what about this Demon boy ? You say she can protect and fight for corps ? That amazing , incredible why because that utterly impossible you fool !" Sanemi tried to stab Nezuko with his sword but box vanished from his hand and the place filled with killing intent and great pressure. Box was with Toji and he said in anger " I warned you to not do anything harsh but you seem to keep getting stubborn ."

Toji was now in no mood of talking and unsheathed his katana and said " I have no interest in talking now , those who dare hurt can get their limbs chopped off ." Chill ran down every single hashira's spine . Toji didn't looked human but a monster that could kill them if they took a single step .

Uzui thought ' what with his presence today? , he seems like a demon more than a human ? And when did he took box from sanemi .'

Gyomei thought ' this is not going to end well , Tomioka don't seem care much about your fellow Hashira ' .

Currently Toji was in his full demon mode that could make entire zenin clan wet there pants .

Sanemi was angry to and said " so you want to fight today huh, ? Then will fight you . Mr I am not like you guys. "But master daughter announced " Master of Mansion have arrived ". Master Ubuyashiki was walking towards them and said " welcome ,my dear demon slayers ."

Those simple words of Ubuyashiki kagaya removed the killing intent and pressure left from Toji and filled with sweet scent of his voice .

Toji sent kanzoburo to master with message when he left from Inosuke to help him . Toji message asked master to issue the order for not killing Nezuko or tanjiro since Master Urokodaki message must already told him about there situation.

Master said " Good morning everyone , it seems like a beautiful day and sky is perfect blue isn't it ? it's makes me happy that we can have our twice yearly hashira meeting without any members getting changed." Toji rushed to his position near shinobu and bowed down.

Sanemi made Tanjiro bow down his head . tanjiro thought that sanemi was fast and he couldn't react at all !!" Sanemi said " Master I sincerely pray for your increased happiness .

Its good to see you healthy ."

Master thanked him for his wishes and mitsuri was thinking that she wanted to greet master . Tanjiro thought ' this guy didn't seem to have any manners before now he is extremely polite.'

Then sanemi said " I am sorry , Master before Hashira meeting starts would be kind to tell us about this corps member who travels with Demon , kamado tanjiro ?"

Master answered in his sweet voice " yes my apologises for surprising you all. I have accepted tanjiro and nezuko and I want you all to do the same ."

This shocked every hashira and Gyomei said " ahh... Even though my Master request it , I cannot consent ." Uzui supported " I too must stylishly oppose . I cannot have a corps member consorting a demon . " Shinobu stayed quite , muichiro said he didn't care since will forget it anyway but mitsuri agreed .

Toji was quite since he left it in hand of Master Ubuyashiki 's hands so , currently he had no say in this matter . Obanai also rejected the idea of accepting kamado siblings with kyojuro . Then sanemi said " Demon slayer kills demons , please punish kamado and nezuko."

Master said to his daughter " well then , the letter " she said before read letter " this letter arrived from formar water hasihra Sakonji Urokodaki . I will read portion to you all". Then she opened the letter and readed it infront of all hashira's . That letter said " Please forgive tanjiro for being with his sister who is a demon. Through strong spiritual sense Nezuko maintains her human reason .even when starving she refused to eat human flesh and stayed this way for more than two years . This is difficult to understand but it's a undeniable truth .

Should ever attack someone , together with kamado tanjiro , I Sakonji Urokodaki and Giyu Tomioka will split open our stomachs. " Toji stayed quite but tanjiro looked at him and his eyes were filled with tears . Sanemi said " so what if he commit sekkupu. If he want to die , he can rot , this doesn't prove anything . " Rengoku supported his statement " shinazugawa is right , if she attacks and kill someone , its irriversible , the dead don't come back to life ."

Toji thought ' In my case that Gojo brat came back , I myself am alive here twice . ' but he was still little tense. Master then said " that correct , I cannot guarantee that she will not attack somebody in future but you cannot prove she wouldn't attack either. It is a fact that Nezuko hadn't bitten anyone over two years. Three people staked there life . If you will reject this then you ahve to show something of same value .

Furthermore , kamado tanjiro had crossed paths with Kibutusji Muzan. "This shocked every hashira there , even Toji was shocked that Tanjiro meet Muzan and was alive . They all started asking questions to him about his appearance and hsi abilities. Tengen pushed kanroji and she falled but Toji grabbed her hand .

Master put finger on his mouth and told them to be quiet and then said "Kibutusji has sent his forces against Tanjiro .he may merely wish to silence tanjiro but for first time Kibutusji has shown his tail and we have grabbed it and I won't let it go . It may seem that Kibutusji also have seen something unexpected in Nezuko as well. Do you understand . "

Everyone was quiet and Toji thought this case might end here but sanemi said " no I don't understand this , Letting a human live is one thing but not a demon . No I cannot accept this " he was unsheathing his sword when Toji understood what he was going to so he said " then I have a way of proving Nezuko innocence . " Sanemi stopped when Toji said this .

Master asked " then why not you show that Giyu ." Toji took Nezuko box and put it inside shadow and opened it and said " sanemi have Marechi blood , that no demon can resist , if Nezuko resist it then that should be enough evidence ."

Master looked at sanemi and said " Now sanemi , do you agree with Giyu's request and ready to show your blood to Demon ." Sanemi said " yes , Master I was going to do that before he said but , this is also acceptable ." He went to where Nezuko box was and Slashed his arms with his sword. The blood dropped from his hand . Nezuko came out of her box and was looking at sanemi arm .

Tanjiro called her name and tried to go near her but obanai stopped him . Toji looked at him and said " tanjiro calm down , this is for the best ." Tanjiro stopped but Nezuko had heard his voice and refused to sanemi's blood temptation while shaking her head.

Master asked what happened and his daughter said " Demon girl turned away ."

Then master said " I think we have proof that Nezuko won't hurt human , since she refused sanemi's Marechi blood. She had proved herself ."

Then Master looked at tanjiro , obanai removed his hand from him . Master Said to him that " Tanjiro , Nevertheless some will still view Nezuko unfavorably. " Tanjiro quickly bowed down . Both Toji and sanemi went to there place . Master continued " proof was needed and we have it .so from now on tanjiro and nezuko with fight Demon slayer corps."

Toji was happy that Tanjiro and nezuko were accepted into demon slayer corps. Master continued " defeat one of twelve kizuki . If you do they will accept your word and recognise the value of your presence. "

Tanjiro was lost in the sweet voice of master and said " I SWEAR, ME AND NEZUKO WILL DEFEAT KIBUTUSJI MUZAN AND WE WILL NOT FAIL . I WILL USE MY BLADE TO BREAK THE CHAIN OF SADNESS " Master said to him " You are not ready for that . For defeat one of the twelve kizuki . "

Tanjiro face was beet root red and every hashira even Toji was trying not to laugh . Tanjiro said okay and Master continued " it goes without saying that Hashira in demon slayer corps are extremely talented , through laborious training ,they improved , they defied death and defeated the members of twelve kizuki. That is why people respect and warmly welcome the hashira , Tanjiro you must be careful how you speak ."

Tanjiro again said okay while bushing . Master said " sanemi and obanai do not be mean to younger children and Giyu try to refrain yourself from fighting among corps members. All three of them said understood in unison. Then Master said that he could leave and this was time to start hashira meeting .

Shinobu proposed of keeping both of them at butterfly Mansion. Tanjiro tried to create little fuss over sanemi behaviour against Nezuko but muichiro made him faint with a stone. Later Kakushi took him with them and went to butterfly Mansion. Then meeting continued as usual .

( Sorry for any grammatical mistakes..... Here a long chapter)