Sumiko (Tanjiro) was now working inside House Tokito as maid since she had a big scar at head . The house lady was angry at Uzui and Kyojuro for selling them a girl with scar at forehead . The house Master calmed his wife and made Sumiko(Tanjiro) a maid to work since kyojuro said that she can do heavy work .

Kyojuro words were true and Sumiko (Tanjiro) did all the housework with great determination and was always eager to help .she was a good child that made her lack beauty with her hardworking nature. Currently she was working at laundry when a woman asked for carry some thing to her .

She said " Sumiko (Tanjiro) we're short-handed ... So will you help carry this ?" Sumiko(Tanjiro) smiled and said " sure thing ! To Koinatsu Oiran room right ? I'll take it right way ." She started to pick things .

The other woman near her said " Sumiko (Tanjiro) works hard . Under her face powder there was a scar . So, the owner was furious yesterday , but-" Sumiko (Tanjiro)cut him and said " Yep! I'm glad to work here ."and picked up there boxes and started to go upstairs with them . Women were still talking about how strong Sumiko (Tanjiro) was .

Tanjiro reached the room of Oiran ' hmmm is this the place ?' there were two little girls talking to each other in low voice . The were saying " I heard Okami at house Kyogoku fell from window and died , so scary ! Let's be careful okay ? " " And many girls have gone ASHINUKE and disappeared , scary.... "

Sumiko ( Tanjiro ) listened their conversation and asked " what's ASHINUKE ?" First girl said that " you don't know sumi? " Sumi was a nickname they gave to him . Other girl was surprised by the bundle of boxes Sumiko (Tanjiro) brought .

She said " these are presents for Oiran Koinatsu !" . The girls explained to her " ASHINUKE means running away without paying your debts , if you get caught itz horrible !! They still run away with man they like. ... Like Suma Oiran did recently !!" This caught Tanjiro's attention and he thought " Suma that Tengen San wife's name . Then a voice came from behind.

It was Oiran Koinatsu and she them to stop Gossiping about since no one knew if she got away . She then thanked Sumiko (Tanjiro) for carrying her box's up to her room.she then gave him candy as a treat for his hard work . Oiran Koinatsu was known as really kind woman who treated kids really well .

The other two girls too asked for candy but she refused and said that they just had it . Sumiko (Tanjiro) asked her about Suma " did Suma Oiran really run away ?" This caught attention and she asked " why do you ask ? " Sumiko (Tanjiro) thought ' with Koinatsu I have to ask questions carefully . She is clever ." Well .. Suma Oiran is my older sister. "

Tanjiro was a kid can't lie with a straight face so he said this was making a terrible face expression. those words shocked them with his weird face expression . Koinatsu gathered herself together and asked " Did got sold to Entertainment District just like your sister ?" Tanjiro kept the weird expression while talking and said "y- yeah.... We exchanged letters for long time . She is not the type to run away ."

" Oh really ?" Koinatsu said to him looking little concerned . There was little pause before Koinatsu said " I also think Suma would run away either . She was dependable woman . She never seemed to lose her head over men but they found her dairy and it said she was planning to run off . There's were no words of her getting caught , so I hope she got away but ... "

Tanjiro was thinking about ' ASHINUKE. This provides a good for a demon . When someone disappeares they thought she got away ,The dairy must be fake . ' Koinatsu looked worried while facing downwards . ' oh Suma san .. please be safe ! I will definitely find a way to help you !'

At front of house Kyogoku :-

Kyojuro and Uzui were sitting at a rooftop keeping the check for demons activities . Uzui said to kyojuro " I have a general bad feeling , but I can't sense a demon kyojuro . It have some kind of skill to make it seems dull and plain . The Demon nested here is definitely a uppermoon . It will be really flashy to kill it don't you think ?"

" Yes , it will give demon slayer corps another advantage against Muzan . We are finally getting to uppermoon one after another . If we kill it and Tomioko founds uppermoon 2 and kills it . It would greatly weaken Kibutusji forces . " Kyojuro supported Tengen statement with his own way of thinking .

Killing Uppermoon to weaken Kibutusji forces would result in great benefit for DSC since there hashira have to fight only see demon that don't stand chance against them like lowermoons . Muzan have to Stop his Demon activities too because of his loses.

They both have different reasons but end goal was same and if what Tomioka said became true and nezuko conquered sun then it would be better to weaken Kibutusji forces first before fighting him . They both were keeping eye's one the house to get even a little information about uppermoon identity but nothing was coming handy they were stuck at it .

House Ogimoto :-

Inosuke was listening to the conversation two women were having while hiding behind wall . They were talking about Uzui 's wife


" Is Makio alright ?"

" She's holed up in her room and wouldn't come out ."

" She said she didn't feel well , but didn't want to see the doctor . The Okami will drag her out . "

" Still , she have to eat something , I left the tray outside her room . "

Inosuke understood that they were talking about Uzui's wife . He thought ' Makio !! That Uzui's wife . Now I know where she is . The woman said she was not feeling well , could that explain the reason of her silence ? I should check on her . That woman came from that direction . "

He started walking towards her room but currently he was extremely annoyed because of this kimono . It was hard for him to wear clothes because of him being raised in mountains . His sense were dulled because of it . Tengen told him to stay quiet because of his voice , they will immediately know that he was a boy .

For him living in building and wearing clothes were some kind of torture . If he can't talk , it hard to gather information .

Inside Makio room :-

Currently inside of room was quite distroyed . Things were displaced and there was Obi and Makio was tied up by it . She was injured and her mouth was covered with Obi . It's one corner had a face on it which was talking to her .


Makio was Thinking ' somehow, they found me and l've lost my contact with other two . I have to get out somehow... and get my information to ...Tengen !'

Obi sensed Inosuke coming and said " SOMEONE COMING !! AGAIN . HOUSE OGIMOTO IS FILLED WITH BUSYBODIES . " Obi tightened itself around Makio body and said " MAKE A SOUND AND I WILL CRUSH YOUR GUTS !!"

While being outside of room , Inosuke got a weird feeling which told him that there was danger nearby . ' Hold on! am I in danger? I am getting a strange feeling that I don't know . It's Makio room right , why does it gives me weird , creepy sensation ? ..."

He rushed towards the room and open the door but it was empty . There were slashes on walls and all things were messed up .there was sudden breeze at the time , when he opened the door of room . ' A breeze ... But the window's closed. Up in Rafters , I knew it ! A demon ! It's daytime so it's hiding up there ! '

He picked up the bowl of soba and throwed it at rafters while saying " raahhhh I know you're there !!" . Suddenly whole room started shaking . There was sound of something crawling above him. " I won't let you go way ! " Inosuke ran towards the noise while thinking ' there it goes ! Where's it headed ?

Is it moving from ceiling through the walls ? Maybe I can punch through walls and drag it down!! Here ! ' Inosuke throwed a punch but a drunk man came between his punch . This scared the women's near him who shouted " WAAHHH SHE PUNCHED HIM !!" Inosuke lost the track of Demon Obi . ' Gahh I messed up because of that idiot . Its coming down !! That way ! No that way, rhhhhh it's hard to follow . '

" Damn it !! because of that idiot coming in my way , I lost track of demon !!" Inosuke was angery at the drunk man and started to go back to his own room .

At house Kyogoku :-

Currently Zenitsu was walking in hallway . He was thinking ' I lost my head there for a bit . Improving my shamise and koito skills wouldn't do me any good .... I'm supposed to be looking for Uzui's wife Hinatsuru. But what can I do ? I've been listening closely but there is no words about Hinatsuru .maybe it was the Roshu wife who died two days ago .

Everybody's sad and isn't talking about it .' he was listening to voices of people through his ears. Zenitsu hearing ability was really high that he could tell what people were thinking about him just by listening to rethem of there breathing and heartbeats.

He suddenly heard voice of a crying girl. This caught his attention and he put everything aside and went towards that direction . He looked inside the room a little girl was crying and room was a mess . He said " hey ! What a mess ! What going on here ? " little girl looked towards him while having tears in her eyes .

Zenitsu paincked and asked " huh? Was there a fight in here ? Did someone hit you? are you alright ?" Little girl started crying again. Zenitsu tried calm her and said " calm down !! I didn't meant to scare you ! My bad ! You are in some kind of trouble - "

Before he could complete his sentence there was a presence behind him. Zenitsu heart skipped a beat , He knew what was behind him .it was Oiran of house Kyogoku Warabihime and she asked him " what are you doing in my room? "

' I ...I know that sound , humans Don't make that sound . The person behind me is a Demon !! Until she spoke to me , I didn't notice her at all !! How did that happen ? Is it upper rank demon behind me ? It's a weird sound but so quiet that it's actually scary!! ' Zenitsu was thinking all of this when she said " hey . Did you hear me ? Are you deaf ?"

Two girls that were hiding behind sliding door said "oh !! Warabihime Oiran ! That girl just arrived two days ago ." She looked at them and said " So ? What does that matters to me ? " Those two girls froze at there places . Zenitsu gathered courage and said " sorry I came on my own . The room was messy and girl was crying so- "

Before he could complete his sentence she said to him " you are ugly and creepy , maybe you are better off dead , no ? What with that hair color ? Trying to stand out ? Yes , you are right the room is really messy and I left the room with order to have it cleaned ."

She grabbed the ear of little girl and she cried in pain but demon woman said " SHUT UP ,YOU! NO YELPING ! CLEAN YHE ROOM. " The girl said in pain " sorry!! sorry!! I'll do it right away ! Forgive me !!" Suddenly a hand grabbed her hand. It was , Zenitsu and he looked serious and said " please let her go !! "

She Punched him and said " Don't be insolent to touch me ever again . This bart is bold and willful . she requires discipline !! Harsh discipline !!!"

About two day ago she was the one who killed the okami of house Kyogoku because she came to known of her real identity as demon . It been four months since the death of uppermoon 3 and they have been at there ranks same because master was to a replacement first before changing the ranks .

If Daki wants to rise high with her brother then she have to kill a hashira and receive more of lord Muzan blood . If she can kill hashira and then they will definitely ranked high . So she decided to lure one by Letting known that there was a demon at entertainment district .

She understood that Zenitsu was not normal person because he struck defensive posture before collapsing . He might not be hashira but he was strong . He was surely a member of Demon slayer corps and afyer her disappearece , they surely will send a hashira in entertainment district.

She put good nature make in front of house owner and sent Zenitsu to his room for being treated . And said that she forgave zenko because she was new here . Master of house was also aware of her now but didn't want to end up like his wife so he went with her request .


(Sorry for any grammatical mistakes and thanks for reading this chapter ....)