Chapter 72: The Chosen People

Gwen marveled as she examined the shield in her hands. "This is just like the real thing! Whoever made this must be a huge Captain America fan!"

"You'd think so! I mean, if someone shows up dressed exactly like him, chances are they're a fan," she pointed out.

"That's true," Steve conceded with a sigh, adjusting his shield.

Maybe he was really out of touch. His first foray back into the world hadn't gone quite as planned.

Were all young people today so exceptional... and so unique? The one in black with white hair, a hood adorned with cat ears, and a furry tail seemed alright.

While she had a striking presence, her agility and dangerous claws made her a bit easier to handle.

The guy in the white hood was caught off guard by the sudden burst of power. Damn, why couldn't he have grown into a muscular man? Maybe he was just a bit old-fashioned.

Although his technique still had some rough edges, he was very nimble and showed promise.

And then there was that spider-silk move—unexpected and well-played. Only through cooperation did they manage to catch him off guard for a moment.

"I'm Captain America," Steve announced.

"Um..." Gwen and Felicia exchanged glances. "We get that you're a big fan of Captain America, but maybe don't get too involved... it might not be good for your health."

Steve was at a loss for words. "Well, waking up after 70 years in ice only happens in stories. It's hard to believe it myself."

"I guess I'm a little out of touch, huh?" Steve sighed, shouting to the sky, "Sam!"

Gwen suddenly tensed, her spider-sense tingling with danger from above! She swiftly dodged, but the figure descending was too large, blotting out the night sky as it landed heavily.

She couldn't avoid the attack range in time, but fortunately, the target was just the shield.

Sam, also known as Falcon, retrieved the shield and handed it back to Steve, teasing, "Thought you had it covered, Captain?"

"I'm a bit rusty. Young people today are something else," Steve admitted, replacing the shield on his arm.

Gwen finally got a clear look at the newcomer. "Vulture!? Aren't you supposed to be dead?" she exclaimed in surprise.

Despite the drastic change in appearance—no longer green, with upgraded gear—Gwen refused to accept that this was anything but the original Vulture's biological battle armor.

"No, I'm not Vulture... I'm Falcon," Sam clarified, positioning himself between Steve and Gwen. "Okay, I think there's been a misunderstanding here..."


Meanwhile, on the other side of town...

Kingpin, the underground kingpin of New York, maintained a pristine public image as philanthropist Wilson Fisk.

His office, situated atop a luxurious skyscraper in an affluent area of New York City, was spacious and bright.

Through the expansive floor-to-ceiling windows, he surveyed the city below like an emperor.

Yet, despite his opulent surroundings, his countenance was etched with gravity and concern.

His vast underground empire was typically under his control, but tonight was different. Tonight was significant.

His metahumans were convening to discuss their inaugural team crime.

Kingpin had recognized the increasing danger of superheroes banding together, necessitating a united front among super-criminals.

Forming a supercrime team was an ambitious yet promising endeavor.

After all, while superheroes fought solo, uniting villains could deliver a substantial blow to the status quo.

Additionally, by leveraging their abilities to conquer cities and territories, Kingpin could utilize his wealth and influence to shield them from legal repercussions.

Even incarceration posed little threat when he had the means to secure their release.

His trusted confidant, attorney Murdoc, oversaw operations tonight, ensuring everything ran smoothly.

Initially, everything had proceeded according to plan.

After enduring the suppression by Black Superman, Kingpin had devised new avenues for profit and power.

But just as victory seemed within reach, everything threatened to unravel.

At that moment, Black Superman stood before him.

Well, not exactly stood—he seemed suspended in the air.

"Kingpin, long time no see," Black Superman greeted him.

"Black Superman..." Kingpin muttered, lowering his voice. "So, you saw me that night."

"Given your extensive knowledge of Superman comics, you must know Superman has exceptional vision," Black Superman noted.

Kingpin hadn't considered his obsessive study of Superman comics would one day be exposed to Black Superman himself. It left him feeling a twinge of shame.

His clenched fist loosened and tightened, but ultimately, he couldn't release it.

"I knew this day would come," Kingpin admitted, eyeing Peter. "Reality isn't a comic book. There's no kryptonite. Confronted with Black Superman, no one has the ability to resist, only to delay the inevitable."

"Oh? And yet you persist with your little schemes?" Black Superman challenged.

"What choice do I have?" Kingpin stood defiantly. "Will I surrender and meet my end at your hands?"

His feelings toward Black Superman were complex.

Initially driven to defeat him, Kingpin had obsessed over strategies to resist and eliminate Black Superman.

As time wore on, he came to realize his powerlessness against him.

Inevitably, he became fascinated with Black Superman's power.

Unconsciously, his mindset shifted, and lately, he lamented the scarcity of news concerning Black Superman.

In some circles, they might call this transformation a fall from grace.

Kingpin believed himself one of the foremost experts on Black Superman.

Now, faced with Black Superman in the flesh, he couldn't help but feel a mix of resignation and relief.

At that moment, Black Superman uttered unexpected words.

"No, I'm here to offer you a way out," Black Superman proposed.

Kingpin was stunned, his eyes gleaming with intrigue.


Back on the other side...

"Captain, you should keep up with the news more. Spider-Woman's quite the celebrity in New York now. She's saved the city several times," Sam informed.

"Sorry, I'm still catching up," Steve apologized.

After Sam's explanation, both Gwen and Steve finally understood—they were all here to take down Kingpin.

They were on the same side.

"So, you really are Captain America!?" Gwen exclaimed in astonishment.

"Yes, it's true."

"Incredible," Felicia chimed in, her ears twitching. "So, are you like, ninety years old now?"

"No, just slept for seventy years..." Steve replied wistfully.

"That must've been disorienting, Captain," Gwen empathized.

Steve paused, touched by her concern. It was the first time anyone had expressed understanding since his awakening.

It resonated with him, and he managed a faint smile. "At least I'm still alive."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Gwen faltered.

"No, in a way, I should thank you."

"So..." Gwen turned to Sam, "If I recall correctly, the equipment you're wearing..."

Sam shrugged. "Sorry, I'm not entirely sure. This gear was provided by SHIELD."

Gwen frowned. It was hard for her to warm up to an organization that had tried to take Peter away from her the first chance they got.

She was about to press further when her spider-sense suddenly flared.

A shockwave rippled through the air, catching everyone off guard.