Chapter 76: Stark Expo

The formation of the Justice League didn't create much of a stir.

It wasn't aggressively promoted by any of the parties involved, and since the team was just getting started without major incidents, it naturally flew under the radar.

Most importantly, Peter didn't force anyone into it.

They were all lone heroes, and expecting them to unite so quickly was both unrealistic and unnecessary.

The next day, New York was abuzz with another event that shook the city.

Early in the morning, the renowned philanthropist and businessman, Mr. Wilson Fisk, turned himself in at the police station, revealing his true identity.

He was none other than the underground kingpin of New York and the emperor of the American criminal empire—Kingpin.

Instantly, numerous media outlets reported various rumors about Kingpin, his past, and the crimes he had committed.

The young police officer who processed Kingpin's surrender was reportedly shaken by the experience.

"Yes, I deeply regret the crimes I've committed. I will spend the rest of my life in prison to atone for them," Kingpin told reporters, his hands in shackles.

He recalled Black Superman's words from the previous night, "SHIELD has come knocking. Your actions have raised their alarms. The only option left for you now is to build a prison for yourself and stay in it, never to step out again."

"What do you want from me? Why don't you just kill me?" Fisk asked.

"It's simple. Keeping you alive for now serves a purpose. I will end you, but not yet," Black Superman replied, looking at him.

"In this world, people are constantly committing accidental, coercive, eliminative, and clandestine acts. Some do so willingly, while others are compelled," he continued.

"In a broad sense, fighting crime is simply enforcing the majority's justice on a small minority," Black Superman explained.

"I don't belong to either group. In my eyes, they are all cogs in society's machinery. Whether good or evil, they each have their reasons for existence."

"A boy forced to avenge his family picks up a knife and slays his enemy. Legally, he hasn't committed a crime against my enemies. Whose fault is that?" Black Superman questioned.

"Only when they break the rules and target the innocent with their knives do they become my targets," he concluded.

"Except..." Black Superman chuckled. "As long as those who meet their end deserve it, does it really matter how many perish?"

He glanced at Fisk and added, "And you can organize these individuals into a group. Hierarchies sustain them, be it through violence or otherwise."

Kingpin sat in stunned silence for a few moments before regaining his composure.

He raised his head and smirked, "So, they were right, weren't they? What you do is play the role of the only god in this world who judges everyone?"

"The greater the power, the greater the responsibility, isn't that right, Fisk?" Black Superman retorted.

"Hahaha..." Kingpin burst into laughter, finding himself strangely captivated by Black Superman, even when the latter insulted him.

He had indeed provided job opportunities to many desperate individuals who couldn't survive otherwise (and not necessarily through arson, murder, or theft—many were involved in logistics).

Yet, he had also caused countless families to suffer.

Still, this duality in his actions didn't diminish his complex feelings toward Black Superman.

"I... I will surrender to the police tomorrow. I hope... I hope you won't disappoint me," Fisk said, trailing off.

Tony turned off the video interview about Fisk and asked, "So, how did Black Superman manage to make him surrender willingly?"

"You'd have to ask him yourself, Mr. Stark," Peter replied.

At that moment, Tony, Peter, Gwen, Harry, Felicia, Banner, and Connors were gathered in an office break room.

This room belonged to Stark Industries and served as a temporary meeting place.

The Stark Expo, planned for over a month, had finally concluded successfully today—though it had been delayed significantly due to Tony's month-long vacation.

Now, everyone was assembled. Connors glanced at Peter with a hint of admiration, saying nothing.

To be in the presence of Black Superman without knowing it was exhilarating!

"Dr. Connors, are you ready?" Peter inquired.

"I... I think so. I'll give it my best shot," Connors replied, taking a deep breath.

After days of debate, Stark Industries and Osborn Group had recently finalized their terms, even upgrading the healing serum to enhance stability and effectiveness.

The version released to the public would only cure diseases, disabilities, and injuries, with minimal side effects from enhanced abilities.

It was decided to announce this breakthrough at the World Expo—a grand and widely acclaimed stage that Connors would host.

This revelation was bound to cause a stir and raise numerous questions.

After all, Osborne's serum project had previously stirred much controversy, and Connors' transformation into the Lizard had been quite alarming.

But why should that matter?

Tony thrived on excitement and challenge.

In addition to this, Tony's core project—his vision for the future of Stark Industries—was clean energy engineering, designed from the ground up using new elements.

Interestingly, whether it was the World Expo itself, the serum, or clean energy, all seemed to tie back to Peter in some way.

The rest of the exhibits were mostly fragments of inventions and discoveries, with Banner contributing a few as well.

There was even an exhibition featuring Tony's Iron Man armor.

However, despite the grandeur of the occasion, Tony appeared troubled.

"Mr. Stark, you don't look well," Gwen observed, grasping Peter's hand.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just a little issue," Tony replied, wiping his face.

"Pepper's been on my case all day, insisting we start a family."

Gwen blinked in surprise. "Isn't that a good thing? She must really love you."

"Kukukukuku," Connors chuckled.

"Gwen, it's good for others, but for Stark, I'm not so sure," he remarked.

"Hey, Connors! Not so sure about what? I'm just... not ready," Tony defended himself.

"Miss Pepper thought Mr. Stark might not have much time left, so she wanted to do something meaningful..." Peter explained to Gwen.

Gwen widened her eyes, looking at Tony in disbelief.

"Mr. Stark, you've been on vacation for a month and still haven't told Miss Pepper?"

"Uh..." Tony hesitated, feeling embarrassed. "You know, Gwen, some things are just hard to say, you know?"

As he reflected on the absurdities he and Pepper had engaged in during their time off, he could already imagine Pepper's reaction when she found out the truth.

He might as well be signing his own death warrant.

"But hiding it only makes things worse," Gwen insisted. "It'll only get more difficult if it goes on like this."

Tony sighed, realizing she was right. "You're right. Maybe it's time to face the music."

The tension in the room was palpable.

The speeches at the World Expo began shortly thereafter. As Connors took the stage and introduced the healing serum, he elicited gasps from the audience and the media.

The serum's official launch created an even bigger buzz, drawing more attention and controversy.

"Mr. Osborn, aren't you concerned about consumer safety? Allowing the man-turned-lizard who once threatened New York to develop a serum... It's a disaster waiting to happen!" one reporter accused.

"No, it's quite the opposite. This serum will save lives. Thousands have already benefited from it. Our clinical trials prove its safety and effectiveness," Connors countered confidently.

"But he's a lizard..."

"Next question," Harry interjected smoothly, handling the press adeptly as Osborne's representative.

Tony stepped up next, delivering his speech on clean energy. Banner departed with his girlfriend Betty, Felicia slipped away on her own, and the others dispersed to their assigned roles.

Soon, only Peter and Gwen remained.