Chapter 104: Buy One Get One Free

Hulk had completely lost control and was furious. 

Almost without pausing, he rushed towards Felicia and Natasha. 

At this last moment, Felicia finally admitted defeat and shouted, "Woohoo, okay, we'll be pets if it saves our lives!"

"What kind of pet?"

After Felicia shouted those words, she seemed to have lost all her strength and was already lying flat.

She said, "Didn't you say that life is more important than dignity?"

"But you didn't say it was for being pets..."

While the two were talking, Hulk rushed directly in front of them, lifting his fists to smash down.

Felicia and Natasha both closed their eyes subconsciously. In the face of absolute power and speed, any resistance was futile.

Natasha felt despair. After being an agent and spy for so many years, she had performed countless missions and played with the enemy at her fingertips. Was this finally her turn to meet her end?

Then, she heard a bang, and a huge collision exploded in her ears.

Fortunately, they were not the ones who were hit.

Hulk's blow didn't even land on them. Instead, Hulk himself was punched away again and blasted out of the manor.

After surviving the disaster, Natasha happily opened her eyes and saw a white cloak suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

She was stunned for a moment before saying, "Black Superman?"

So this is Felicia's trump card? So, Felicia just said pet, is this what she meant? I told you earlier, with the Black Superman thigh hug, let alone being a pet, buy one get one free plus one of hers is fine!

Wait, why is Black Superman still holding someone in his hand?

Betty, who had just been thrown out, was in the hands of Black Superman.

At this time, Felicia was not happy about surviving the disaster at all. Instead, her face was filled with despair.

"It's over. My future life will be dark. What will he do to me? Will he play with the cat? How will he do it? Where?"

Her tail swung uncomfortably.

Thinking of ordinary people's actions of stroking a cat, Felicia felt an electric current flowing from her brain along her spine, through her entire back, to her tailbone, and then to her tail.

All of a sudden, her legs felt weak and sticky. Somehow, there was even a sense of expectation hidden in the strong resistance.

This made her feel even worse.

Peter also turned around and looked at the two people condescendingly.

Natasha was looking at him and Betty in his hand with surprise.

The Hulk's home run just now was perfect, maybe at least even for a baseball player. 

It was a pity that she met him. Not only was Betty caught, she was almost intact except for a little skin injury.

She seemed to have fainted due to excessive fright.

Peter wouldn't go out of his way to watch Betty die because of Hulk's explosive seed.

After all, there are many ways to stimulate, and if it doesn't work, it's good enough to use another method of torture next time. 

This approach, which would permanently scar Banner Hulk, is not the best option.

However, it seems that the results this time are still good.

As for Felicia... Peter also gave her a strange look.

This kid did a pretty good job tonight, at least he did a good job in the first half, so he was considered qualified.

When Gwen first dealt with the Green Goblin, she also made mistakes or did something less than perfect.

He was willing to give everyone the opportunity to make mistakes, choose, and grow.

But what does it mean when Felicia is twitching her body and shaking her hips to rub her legs? Shaking his head, Peter threw Betty directly to the two of them, saying, "Take care of her."

Then he disappeared.

Because the speed was too fast, his entire figure seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Natasha quickly caught Betty and said, "Since nothing happened to my girlfriend, we just need to let Hulk know, and he should slowly calm down."

Although Felicia had slowly recovered, she was still immersed in the fact that she was about to be raised as a pet, making her feel a little complicated.

She said, "No, you don't know... Black Superman has his own unique way of dealing with things."

Natasha was stunned, "What way of dealing with it?"

This seemed to be a big piece of information about Black Superman's deeper way of doing things.

At this moment, they felt a heavy tremor coming from outside the house, as if an earthquake was coming.

Natasha was a little confused, but Felicia just said calmly, "Look, this is how he dealt with it."

Outside the manor, the furious Hulk was about to get up, and then a foot suddenly appeared again, stepping on his chest, pinning him to the ground.

He recognized Peter and remembered being beaten by Black Superman several times, even to the point of becoming autistic at one point.

But now he was no longer what he used to be.

Hulk could feel that the original boundary he had been unable to break was broken through in one fell swoop during this transformation.

In his current state, he was fully capable of confronting Captain Marvel.

What's even more amazing was that his and Banner's states were completely integrated. The two personalities had never been so connected, even becoming inseparable.

This transparent state could even be called an evolution, unique to the Hulk's evolution.

With the killing and catharsis, Banner, as the main personality, would be swallowed up bit by bit, leaving only a more powerful new Hulk with Banner's wisdom.

This was also Banner's choice.

After seeing Betty hit a home run, he was devastated and realized his own incompetence.

Everyone was looking forward to Hulk and needed Hulk. Instead of letting him continue to be incompetent, it was better to leave everything to Hulk and satisfy everyone.

So, Hulk thought he could do it again.

With the anger of Betty's death, he would definitely beat this annoying guy in front of him to the ground this time.

He roared angrily, and his strength surged again, trying to catch Peter who was stepping on him.

But the ferocious expression on his face quickly froze because his huge, thick palm was lightly caught by Peter again.

Peter shook his head and said, "It's a pity. It should be interesting after you evolve, but I don't want Banner to disappear."

Hulk immediately felt an ominous premonition.

But at this time, he was stepped on by Peter and held by one hand. He was completely unable to move or resist.

Peter stretched out his other hand and cut Hulk's chest, then gave it a hard push.

The huge power invaded Hulk's limbs and bones in an instant, even penetrating into the ground through his body.

This blow directly incapacitated the physically powerful Hulk and interrupted his evolution.

At the same time, people throughout New York also experienced an unprecedented small earthquake.

New York had never experienced any earthquakes in its history!