### Chapter 115: Superhero War

"You Earthlings are completely unethical! Damn it! You actually abuse prisoners of war! You barbaric Earthlings!" Loki shouted miserably from inside the fighter jet, his hands bound behind his back.

At this moment, he had lost all the elegance he had at the beginning. His face was bruised and gray, his once proud long hair now looked like a disheveled chicken coop, and his once magnificent Asgardian robes were in tatters.

For the first time in the past fifteen hundred years, this pampered prince of Asgard was subjected to such inhumane treatment.

It wasn't just the punches and kicks; the damn Tin Man even used the excuse of testing the hardness of Asgardian bodies to blast the Destroyer's energy laser at him, deliberately adjusting the energy level from low to high, slowly increasing it bit by bit.

Damn it, if only ordinary Asgardians would have given up long ago!

The worst part was that while shooting lasers, Tony also hit Loki with the iron fists of the Destroyer. Those are the fists of the Destroyer!

The guy with the shield wasn't much better either. Loki got a good beating from him too.

Tony, feeling extremely satisfied after the beating, couldn't tolerate Loki's complaints and directly threatened, "Do you want to go another round?"

Loki's lips moved, but he ultimately stayed silent. His innocent eyes stared at Tony and Steve, looking as aggrieved as a small animal, as if they had done something terrible to him.

Although Steve had to admit it was a bit satisfying, he still looked away, a little embarrassed when Loki stared at him.

Tony, however, was different. He was thick-skinned and had a dark heart, and it only worsened after meeting Dark Superman.

He finally understood why Dark Superman liked to talk with his fists. It was truly effective, not only for the enemy but also for relieving one's own emotions and soothing the mind.

Natasha drove the fighter plane expressionlessly. Her impression of Tony was already filled with negative comments like lecherous, arrogant, and now she had to add violent maniac to the mix.

She glanced at Steve through the rearview mirror with some worry. "Captain, you must not be contaminated by them. We at SHIELD cannot lose you."

At that moment, there was a sudden thunder in the sky, and everyone felt something heavy fall onto the fighter plane.

Tony immediately put on his mask and opened the back hatch fully armed. Then, a familiar figure, Thor, the God of Thunder, landed on the hatch.

Hearing from Heimdall in Asgard that Loki had returned to the Nine Realms and was now in Midgard, he rushed over non-stop, vowing to take Loki back to continue his imprisonment.

Well, this is pretty much the same as the unfolding in the MCU, so I won't overdo the repetitive parts.

The difference was that Thor was stunned for a moment when he saw Tony's armor. He didn't understand why the Destroyer, whose head was blown off by Dark Superman's hammer, suddenly appeared in mortal hands, modified to be extremely cool.

Then, he saw a tattered Loki in the corner. Loki looked at him with innocent eyes.

Thor's blood pressure surged in an instant. He thought his brother had suffered some inhumane abuse in Midgard. In fact, Loki had suffered inhumane abuse.

Thor turned his attention to Tony without hesitation and glared at him.

Tony was on guard, wanting to ask who the other party was. Unexpectedly, the next second, a hammer hit him directly.


Tony was pushed out of the fighter plane.

Thor walked up to Loki and said, heartbroken, "Loki, come, follow me and we'll go home."

Loki's eyes widened, and he shook his head. His plan had not been completed yet. Once he was taken back to Asgard, all the suffering he endured would be in vain.

He would still be that utterly defeated, despised loser.

How could Thor care so much? After recalling the Mjolnir, he took Loki and ran away.

Captain America couldn't stop Thor at all, but he didn't want to give up, so he picked up the parachute on the side and prepared to catch up.

"Stop, Captain, you are no match for him!" Natasha said quickly. "That big blond man is Thor, the legendary one. That is not something we can handle."

But Steve just said, "If I don't go here, then what's the point of me coming here?"

Natasha was stunned for a moment.

Steve continued, "Someone once promised me the meaning of my arrival in this era, but he disappointed me. Now I can only find it myself."

With that, he jumped off the fighter plane.


Natasha could only look helplessly at the big hole in the fighter plane that Tony had smashed and the air was leaking.

"Okay, I originally wanted to ask him to help me, but now it's all up to me."

On the other side, Loki was quickly landed and thrown to the edge of a mountain cliff after being carried away by Thor.

Loki clutched his chest in pain. Though he knew Thor had been careless, he still couldn't help but wonder if he did it on purpose.

Thor came up and asked, "How are you? What did they do to you?"

"Do I need to tell you?" Loki just stood up with difficulty, spread his hands, and gestured to all the embarrassment on his body. "I thought you would ask me more directly about the Cosmic Cube."

"Don't be stupid, Loki!" Thor picked up Loki and said, "I thought you were dead."

"Isn't this what you expected?" Loki sneered.

Thor was stunned for a moment and looked at Loki in disbelief. "Why do you have such thoughts? You are my brother!"

"No more, my father has already told you about my life. Oh, by the way, he is not my father anymore. I have nothing."

"No" Thor wanted to say something else, but suddenly, a figure rushed up, knocked him away, and fell into the woods at the foot of the mountain.

It was Tony, who had been smashed away by the Mjolnir.

"Okay, it's even now," he said after landing.

Thor got up from the ground and looked at the Destroyer Armor. "No matter who you are, you've really pissed me off now."

"Then, what can you do? Discharge?" Tony habitually taunted. "I once met a guy who liked to discharge electricity. Now he doesn't know where to cool down."

Thor took a deep breath. "You are ungrateful."

Then he threw the hammer and smashed it towards Tony.

Tony took off instantly, trying to avoid it, but didn't expect the hammer to have an automatic tracking function and was shot down hard.

But he was not a pushover, and he quickly responded with an energy beam to Thor.

Thor took a hard hit and felt the divine power on the beam. He couldn't help but frown. "Why is the Destroyer in your hands?"

"I'll tell you if you lose." Tony said perfunctorily and went directly to the fierce fighting ahead.

Loki sat on the cliff, not anxious at all, watching the battle between the two below as if he were watching a good show. Though his bruised nose and face made him look a little funny.

However, the Destroyer still has its upper limit, especially since Tony is just re-developing and utilizing its corpse and is not very skilled yet.

The Destroyer Armor was okay if it was used to deal with the previous Thor, but it was no match for Thor, who had now awakened his divine power.

Now Thor and Mjolnir can compete with Captain Marvel. Whether they can beat her is unknown, but they are always on the same level.

Therefore, Tony was quickly suppressed.

At this moment, Steve arrived again and interrupted Thor's offensive with a shield.

He wanted to break up the fight, but at this time Tony and Thor were both a little on edge, and it would be difficult to stop them for a while. Steve sighed and had no choice but to join in.

Generally speaking, Steve's combat power is the weakest. Even if he joins the battle group, it will be difficult to have any impact. His combat power is quite different from the two of them.

But the strange thing is that as soon as Steve joined, Tony started to be able to fight back. Unknowingly, the two sides actually returned to a situation of balance.

After the two sides returned to equilibrium, Steve began to try to break up the fight again. "That's enough! We should stop and talk."

Thor and Tony also calmed down a little and were about to respond. Unexpectedly, at this time, the sky suddenly saw another big guy fall down, making a deep hole in the ground and knocking several people away.

"Ah! Hulk is here, Hulk is eager to fight!" Hulk, who finally arrived, roared like a storm, and the scene suddenly became chaotic again.

Steve was desperate. He rolled his eyes and said, "I knew these guys..."

As informed, they were in the same building, which was very convenient.

However, compared to Tony's precise flying, Banner's slow driving and Hulk's flying and collision were a little slower, and he didn't arrive until now.

Hulk looked around, then he smashed Thor in the face without hesitation. Thor also had a temper, and there was no way he would give in after being offended again and again tonight.

The fight between these two enhanced versions was completely different from Tony's inferior version of the Destroyer Armor. In an instant, various hills were smashed, and thunder and lightning surged. The degree of destruction was greatly enhanced.

If left alone, they would have no problem destroying a city directly.

Tony also realized something was wrong, mainly because Hulk's destructive power far exceeded his own, and it also brought out more of Thor's potential.

"We should tell them to stop," Tony said.

Steve responded angrily, "What have you done?"

From the beginning to the end, Steve was the one who worried most, almost like a father to these guys. Damn it, is the purpose of his coming to this era just to break up fights?

The two soon joined the fight, trying to break it up, but this didn't work on the Hulk, who was throwing punches left and right.

Hulk would just beat up Tony and Steve as well.

Tony and Steve were covered in bruises, but Hulk was on their side, so they couldn't help Thor beat Hulk. Suddenly, the four of them were all fighting together.

At this moment, they missed Black Superman a lot.

But Loki, who was watching from the sidelines, was stunned. He just wanted to watch a show, but he didn't expect people to leave the stage directly.

He was suddenly confused.

His original plan was just to pretend to be caught, then use tricks to drive a wedge between these Earth heroes, creating chaos and opportunities. The threat of chaotic heroes would be greatly reduced.

He didn't expect that his trick hadn't even been revealed yet, and they started fighting immediately. What does this mean? Where does this put his reputation as the God of Conspiracy?

Loki scratched his head and held it in for a long time before he came up with a sentence, "Shall I go?"

After all, the Earth's heroes were already fighting, and the destruction was getting bigger and bigger. It seemed like nothing happened because of him. Damn it, he felt so unsatisfied, and there was no sense of accomplishment at all.

On the other side, SHIELD also discovered the heroes fighting in a group.

Fury didn't expect that before the soldiers he invited started fighting, they were already falling apart due to internal strife.

And SHIELD agents were all ordinary people, so they were even less likely to have the ability to step forward to break up the fight. Didn't you see that Tony and the captain were dragged into it? Fury felt his head hurt.

At this moment, Coulson finally came over to report and said, "Sir, Spider-Woman is here."

Fury waved his hand impatiently, "What's the use of Spider-Woman's arrival?"