Chapter 121: The Battle of New York (Part 2)

Thor wielded Mjolnir with a strength that now surpassed cosmic levels. Despite Black Dwarf's formidable resistance, Thor's blows held him at bay. His thick skin and flesh allowed him to retaliate, but Thor was relentless.

Meanwhile, Tony Stark, occupied with the Chitauri army pouring into New York, couldn't assist Thor directly. The scattered enemy forces rendered his firepower ineffective compared to earlier.

"Gwen, where are you?" Tony spoke anxiously over the comm.

"I see them, Tony. The Avengers are here; we're on our way," Gwen replied amidst the sounds of battle.

With the Justice League's arrival, Steve Rogers assumed command, directing their efforts against the Chitauri.

"Gwen, use your webs to create barriers. It's effective!" Steve ordered, prompting Gwen to swing into action.

Countless webs shot from Gwen's hands, obstructing the Chitauri's aerial advances and ensnaring several of their soldiers.

No longer the inexperienced Spider-Woman, Gwen's presence bolstered their defenses, alleviating pressure on the ground forces.

"Felicia, cover Natasha. Work with Gwen to eliminate the enemy," Steve directed Felicia, who despite her initial nerves, adapted quickly with Natasha's guidance.

Tony, encountering the team, found himself grateful for their support. As he took to the skies, Gwen's webs still affected his movements.

"Sorry, Tony. You're on aerial duty. Hawkeye, assist him," Steve instructed, acknowledging the strain of the high-altitude battle.

Despite the danger, Tony understood his role and focused on his task. He feared what might happen if New York fell or if Earth resorted to mass destruction.

"Watch out!" Hawkeye's warning snapped Tony to attention as a Chitauri soldier approached. Before it struck, a missile launched by a figure in a suit resembling Black Superman's armor intercepted it.

"Harry?" Tony questioned, recognizing the distinctive suit.

"It's me, Stark," Harry Osborn confirmed, joining the fray and sharing Tony's burden.

In his modified armor, Harry unleashed a barrage of explosives, easing the pressure on New York's panicked citizens.

Witnessing Harry's intervention, the public speculated, some mistaking him for the Green Goblin. The confusion spread even as George, the police chief, rallied his forces on the ground.

Amidst the chaos, hospitals faced dire circumstances. Aunt May, working part-time as a nurse, confronted a Chitauri soldier threatening a young girl in a coma, presumed to be Gwen's classmate.

Aunt May, though fearful, stood her ground, using a fire extinguisher to protect the girl.

Aunt Mei, trembling slightly, held the fire extinguisher close but stood her ground. "Monster! You can't hurt her!"

Though powerless and fearing for her safety, Aunt Mei mirrored Uncle Ben's kindness. The young girl lying in the bed was even more vulnerable, compelling Aunt Mei to shield her. This girl was Gwen's classmate, recently awakened from a coma caused by a car accident a month ago.

The Chitauri soldier ignored Aunt Mei's defiance and redirected his attack. She closed her eyes in terror, bracing for impact, only to hear a resounding "boom" nearby. When she opened her eyes, the Chitauri soldier lay motionless against the wall, struck down by an unknown force.

Turning to the bed, Aunt Mei saw Jessica, wide-eyed and bewildered by the scene unfolding before her. Just as Jessica regained consciousness, she saw a monstrous figure threatening Aunt Mei. Acting on instinct, Jessica hurled an object, embedding the creature into the wall.

Surprised by her newfound strength, Jessica glanced outside and saw chaos spreading. Confused, she asked, "Is the world ending now that I'm awake?"


Returning to Thor's battle with Black Dwarf, the two clashed relentlessly, their cosmic-level powers evenly matched despite Thor's relative inexperience in wielding divine power. Their struggle mirrored the intricate power dynamics between heroes and villains in this cosmic conflict.

Black Dwarf seems to be too powerful.

The protagonist group and Thanos' villain group in the MCU have actually been greatly weakened.

The typical protagonist group is Thor and Hulk.

Thanos' side was even more weakened.

Not to mention that Obsidian's five generals became four generals, the strongest Deathblade generals and Proxima Centauri were reduced to little more than miscellaneous soldiers.

In the comics, they are the ones who can destroy the X-Men together.

Only Ebony Marquis can still see it, but it has been greatly weakened.

Thanos himself was even crippled. Among other things, he could emit powerful cosmic energy rays without relying on gems.

The strength of the black dwarf in front of me seems a bit like that of a comic book.

And this is much more interesting.

MCU's Thanos collects gems to give birth to the universe, while comics' Thanos collects gems to lick the goddess of death.

And with the goddess of death, it seems that another annoying guy is not far away.


Peter did not step down to help Thor because his helper was on the way.

A huge green figure fell from the sky and hit Black Dwarf heavily, intervening in the battle between Thor and Black Dwarf.

Thor looked at the third person in front of him and said happily: "Banner, are you here?"

"I am Hulk!" Hulk roared dissatisfied, and then directly raised his fist and hit the black dwarf.

Black Dwarf was stunned for a while. He finally kicked Hulk away and looked at the player in front of him who was in the same weight class as him.

At this time, Thor also surrounded him and blocked his escape route,

"You can't run, you... Um, who are you?"

Black Dwarf spat and said, "I am Obsidian Five under Thanos. Black Dwarf, one of the generals, and the people of Earth, surrender obediently to the great Thanos."

"You can't stop Thanos."

"Thanos?" Thor was confused and continued to talk.

In the past fifteen hundred years, he had been more involved in the nine realms and didn't care much about affairs outside the nine realms.

Peter's attention then turned to Gwen, who fought valiantly against the Chitauri on the streets of New York. While relieved of her safety, Peter's inability to assist her weighed heavily on Gwen's mind. As Jessica and George, now empowered, joined the efforts to protect civilians, Gwen's concern for Peter's safety grew.

Despite her faith in Peter's resourcefulness, his absence amidst the chaos left Gwen feeling uneasy. Her superhero identity clashed with Peter's ordinary status, evoking a sense of melancholy despite her understanding of his capabilities.


At Stark Tower, Peter confronted Loki, signaling an end to Loki's games. It was time for Loki and his brother to depart and for order to be restored.