Chapter 123: You Come Again!?

Peter's message was clear: humans could go about their business freely, but anyone who dared to covet what was his would face his wrath.

While Peter found small crises amusing, he was always ready to tackle bigger problems head-on.

As Peter spoke, the situation on the battlefield outside underwent a dramatic shift.

In the heart of New York City,

Thor and Hulk finally wore down the Black Dwarf under their relentless assault. Hulk breached his defenses with a powerful blow to the jaw, followed swiftly by Thor's hammer smashing the dwarf's head from one side to the other.

Thor and Hulk worked together with a synchronicity born of battle-tested camaraderie, overwhelming the Black Dwarf until he could no longer resist.

Thor, pleased with their victory, raised a hand to high-five Hulk, saying, "Well fought, brother!"

Unexpectedly, Hulk ignored the gesture, instead leaping skyward toward a Chitauri command ship, ready for more action.

Thor, somewhat embarrassed, withdrew his hand and glanced toward Stark Tower. He needed to address the matter of his younger brother.

Arriving at the tower's summit, Thor spotted Black Superman standing on Loki.

"What are you doing?" Thor demanded as he approached.

Peter glanced up at Thor. "I'm subduing him, of course."

Thor hesitated, then said carefully, "Loki is an Asgardian."

"Are you trying to protect him?"

"No, that's not what I meant." Thor scratched his head, frustrated. "He's caused trouble even for our father. I mean, even Odin couldn't handle him."

Loki, unmoved by Thor's plea, sneered, "Don't pretend. You want Black Superman to finish me off, don't you?"

Thor looked at Loki in surprise. "Why would you think that?"

"Isn't it obvious? Oh, right. I'm just a traitor now, no threat to you. Saving me would earn you Odin's favor, wouldn't it?"

Thor was taken aback. "Is that how you see it?"

Loki continued bitterly, "That's the truth. The portal's open, and the Chitauri will overrun Earth. Even if you kill me now, it won't change a thing."

Peter frowned, growing tired of Loki's antics. He kicked Loki toward Thor and produced a recording.

Both brothers looked confused. Then the recording played, featuring Black Superman's voice.

"Concerned about future troubles? There were many ways you could've eliminated him while Odin slept. After all, Loki once plotted against you."

Thor interrupted, "Wait a moment!"

"Why entertain such wicked thoughts? Like some malevolent spirit!"

"Otherwise? Weren't you worried because of him?"

"Yes, but I'd never... harm him. He's my brother!"

Both brothers were stunned. Loki hadn't realized Thor had spoken those words.

Was it true? Or had Loki misunderstood? Thor had never intended harm, yet Loki continued to provoke.

Thor stood there, his eyes wide.

A familiar sensation rose within him, akin to when Mjolnir had been forcibly taken up by Black Superman, yet different.

It felt like he was being manipulated by Black Superman.

His grip on Mjolnir trembled, knuckles turning white.

He stared at Peter. "You recorded that conversation. You anticipated this?"

"Loki's always prepared for trouble, isn't he?"

This sudden revelation, exposing Loki's control over his younger brother, left Thor feeling conflicted.

Unable to face Loki's mocking gaze, Thor grasped his dilemma.

Eventually, Thor realized his mistake and sought Black Superman's aid.

Banner: →_→

No wonder everyone had a complicated expression when Black Superman was mentioned.

Yet, the ordeal wasn't over.

Thor sensed Mjolnir tremble uneasily in his grasp. Suddenly, it was wrenched from his hand, or flew of its own accord, into Black Superman's waiting hand.

Thor's eyes widened. "You're still going?"

Peter swung Mjolnir, channeling lightning through the air. With a throw, it soared upward, smashing through Stark Tower's roof toward the portal.

The portal, guarded by hordes of Chitauri soldiers and massive warships, faced the hammer's onslaught. Mjolnir pierced through like a super-electromagnetic cannon shell, obliterating everything in its path.

Chitauri soldiers swiftly reacted, attempting to block Mjolnir's advance. However, they were incinerated by its potent lightning as they drew near.

Despite their sacrifices, the Chitauri continued to swarm forward, defending the portal at any cost.

In Stark Tower,

Thor stood dumbstruck. He stared at Black Superman, unsure how to process his emotions.

Though Thor knew Black Superman's immense power, seeing him wield Mjolnir again, without hesitation...

At least a warning would've been nice!

Most importantly, Mjolnir seemed to respond more intensely in Black Superman's hands, beyond Thor's capabilities.

"I'll handle the soldiers," Black Superman declared. "The rest is up to you, Lord of Asgard."

With that, he vanished.

Thor felt conflicted, yet all he could do was ascend into the sky to reclaim his hammer.

Loki, meanwhile, picked up the discarded recording, found a seat, and sat, staring into space.

At the portal,

Thor retrieved Mjolnir amid the now-clear skies. The once-packed Chitauri forces had been utterly decimated, leaving only silence and a profound sense of loss.

Thor noticed Mjolnir pulsing with renewed vigor, radiating a potent divine power, unmistakably infused by Black Superman.

This newfound strength made Thor's own abilities feel meager in comparison.

As he contemplated the implications, Thor's melancholy returned, deeper and more lasting than before.

Sometimes, the most despairing realization was knowing you could never reach that same depth.

Tony arrived, intending to attack the portal. However, faced with overwhelming Chitauri numbers, he could only admire Thor and his powerful hammer.

"Thor, you really outdid yourself. I never knew you had it in you."

Thor: (_)— —