Chapter 129: Descend, No Matter the Inquiry

The sudden heat vision blasted a gaping hole through the building, plunging the once-noisy conference room into stunned silence, soon replaced by escalating panic.

"What in the world!? Is this the work of the devil!?"

"God! Sir Morgan..."

"Guards! Guards!"

"He's an assassin sent by the enemy!"

While crashing through a roof and falling from the sky could be somewhat explained, the searing heat vision was beyond the comprehension of most present.

Reactions were mixed, and hostility toward the unexpected intruders flared up again.

An authoritative officer demanded of Steve No. 2, "What is the meaning of this, Trevor!? Have you betrayed us to the enemy?"

"Who is he? I saw it with my own eyes—his eyes shot lasers!"

Steve No. 2 felt crushed. They had come to assist the military, with clear intentions, but who could have predicted that their arrival would result in the immediate death of Sir Morgan, the most esteemed among them... It was over, and now the war would only grow more tangled.

He turned, his face a mask of despair, and cried out, "Hey! What is the meaning of this!? You killed Sir Morgan!?"

"Wait, are you from the German army? Did you deceive me? Damn it! What have I done?"

His mind raced, for the first time feeling outmaneuvered in his spy profession.

Bringing such an enemy into the heart of the camp and launching a suicidal attack like this, he would surely go down in infamy.

Meanwhile, Diana frowned at Peter, asking, "What are you doing...?"

In her mind, though the Black Superman seemed aloof and distant, he should not be one to indiscriminately kill innocents.

As some were evacuated, more guards rushed in, aiming their weapons at the group.

Everything seemed obscured, and several assailants seemed destined to pay with blood.

Amidst the chaos, a voice echoed from the hole, "Who are you? We have no quarrel with you." Sir Morgan emerged, singed and disheveled from the heat vision, glaring at Peter as he spoke.

Glancing at Diana, he added, "Or is this about her?"

After all, if anyone present would have reason to clash with him, it would be his half-sister—the offspring of Zeus, their tangled bloodlines and prophecies notwithstanding.

This revelation stunned Diana. "For me?"

Peter did not respond directly to Ares's inquiry, merely stating, "Just passing through."

This nonchalant response irked Ares. As the God of War, even Zeus would not dismiss him so lightly.

"Sir Morgan, what are you..." the boss interjected, baffled and increasingly numb to the unfolding events.

It wasn't just him; events twisted and turned, leaving most present bewildered.

What began as an assumption that the dark figure across from him was an assassin or demon or some new German weapon was now complicated by Sir Morgan's unexpected involvement.

Upon realizing Peter had exposed his identity, Ares abandoned any pretense and unleashed his divine power, commanding debris to assail Peter.

Of course, Peter easily deflected these attempts, recognizing them as mere tests and feints.

Though unfamiliar with his adversary, Ares felt threatened by the earlier red beams and remained cautious.

Without hesitation, he expanded his divine power, cracking and crumbling the surrounding walls. The roof, stripped of support, began to collapse.

Ares intended to raze the entire building, burying all evidence of the day's events.

The dense crowd of ordinary folk had no time to flee. They cried out:

"Morgan, what are you doing!?"


But Ares, now back in his divine element, soared skyward, indifferent to their pleas for help.

He harbored no fondness for humans and felt no compunction in watching them perish by his hand.

It dawned on Diana that the figure before her might not be what he seemed.

"Are you Ares?"

Ares acknowledged her with a solemn nod. "Diana, my sister. I regret that we meet under these circumstances, but you must pay for defying the gods."

Diana's eyes widened at the mention of "sister," but before she could respond, debris rained down upon them.

The political center collapsed within moments, becoming a ruin before the shocked onlookers, unaware of Ares in their midst.

As a god, Ares easily obscured mortals' perceptions with minimal divine effort.

Yet, Ares remained vigilant, eyes fixed on the quiet ruins that now entombed everything.

As expected, another heat vision burst forth from the wreckage. Though prepared, Ares was still pushed back, feeling an unusual burn.

As the god of war and a descendant of Zeus, mere flames and heat should not harm him. He scrutinized the ruins.

Peter nonchalantly waved away the surrounding debris, leaving a clear space around him.

The recent collapse had left him unscathed, his demeanor unchanged, even his hair.

Near the water terrace, Diana and Steve No. 2 were similarly unharmed.

"My God," the seasoned spy finally muttered, "What is happening?"

He had initially feared bringing calamity, but now it seemed their adversaries were far from ordinary.

Could it be... Sir Morgan truly was Ares?

Still reeling, he struggled to grasp the reality of these extraordinary events unfolding with dizzying speed.

Diana, undaunted, prepared for battle, proclaiming to the heavens:

"Ares! I will defeat you and bring an end to this war!"

"..." x2

Peter and Ares exchanged incredulous glances.

Had this girl always been this reckless? Ares silently pondered.

"End the war? Quite preposterous. Humanity's evils are of their own making."

He turned to Peter, his tone probing.

"And you? I place no faith in idle words."

"You may call me Black Superman. I have questions for you."

"Then perhaps we should converse..."

"No," Peter cut Ares off bluntly. "I'll knock you down and ask again."
