Chapter 131: Apology

Paradise Island.

After seeing Diana and the others off, the Amazons didn't linger. They promptly returned to their duties, dispersing to their respective posts.

Except for Hippolyta. She stood alone, gazing out at the rocky sea, lost in thought.

Her reverie was interrupted when an unexpected guest arrived by sea. Hippolyta's initial startle turned to relief as she recognized the newcomer.

"Has this day... finally come?"

Diana was her child with Zeus.

Many years ago, she had ascended to become queen of the Amazons. At the time, though skilled in combat like all Amazons, she was more warrior than ruler. She had been the strongest Amazon warrior then, craving battle and revering power.

But even amidst her strength, she had felt a loneliness none in her clan could match.

Until one day, a man appeared unexpectedly.

Hippolyta remembered vividly the first time she saw him, shirtless and exuding strength.

What followed was predictable.

They fought together, fulfilling Hippolyta's longstanding need for battle. But in the aftermath, she discovered a different kind of emptiness within.

Their fights escalated from battleground to bedroom, the intensity matching their passion, entwining flesh with flesh day and night.

Time passed unnoticed until the man broached the idea of departure.

Only then did Hippolyta learn his true identity. She chose not to hold him back, knowing she couldn't.

She understood one thing: falling in love with a god was easier than making him love you in return.

Soon after, she realized she carried his child. Without hesitation, she bore the child and named her "Diana."

Diana's presence changed her, teaching her the highs and lows of motherhood and shaping her into a capable queen.

Over the years, however, Hippolyta lived in constant dread of Diana's true lineage being exposed and drawing the ire of Zeus's jealous wife, Hera.

Even when the gods vanished, her fear persisted.

Today, faced with the arrival of Queen Hera herself, Hippolyta found unexpected calm.

Perhaps it was because she had just sent Diana away.

Days earlier, when Diana inadvertently triggered the protective magic of her silver bracelet, Hippolyta had worried. She feared discovery of Diana's true nature and Hera's inevitable retaliation.

That fear had led her to reluctantly send Diana away.

Now, as Hera approached in her peacock-feathered attire, Hippolyta met her gaze without fear, almost as if she awaited the inevitable.

She had often wondered about the legendary Queen Hera's appearance.

As Hera removed her feathered hood, revealing a delicate yet stern face, Hippolyta understood immediately: Zeus's wife was a woman scorned.

"I apologize for my actions. It was never my intent, Goddess," Hippolyta bowed her head respectfully.

"Do you now know how to show me respect?" Hera's voice dripped with scorn. "Save it, Hippolyta, after what you've done."

"I did it to protect my daughter. I had no choice."

"My husband's daughter! My husband's!" Hera exploded, her anger palpable.

"I am the queen of gods, a goddess among women, but ultimately, I am just a woman..."

Hippolyta bowed her head further, attempting to appease the queen's wrath.

Though queen of the Amazons, she was merely a stronger mortal, powerless against Hera.

"I care not for your intentions. Your actions have angered me deeply."

Hera's tone softened, though the pressure remained.

"Tell me, Hippolyta, why have you done this to me and to another woman?"

This wasn't the first time Hera had faced such circumstances, given Diana's numerous half-siblings and the varied intrigues surrounding them.

Yet Hippolyta knelt before her, pleading for mercy:

"Hera, my goddess, please forgive me."

Coldly, Hera regarded her. "Wrongdoings demand punishment. Punishment..."


London, night.

In the Intelligence Agency's prison, Diana gripped the iron bars of her cell, peering outward with confusion in her large, lashed eyes.

Countless times she had considered tearing the iron apart with her strength.

Lately, her powers seemed to be growing stronger; it wasn't entirely impossible.

But in the end, she loosened her grip. Turning, she faced Black Superman, who stood quietly beside her, seemingly unaffected.

"Don't you have anything to say?" she asked, suppressing her emotions.

Earlier that day, after admitting to killing Morgan and Ares, the officer's boss, previously stern, had ordered soldiers to arrest them.

Ultimately, the soldiers failed, and Peter had refused to comply.

Yet, foreseeing potential escalation and conflict, Diana had chosen to surrender.

She had hoped for dialogue to resolve the situation quickly.

Instead, they found themselves in this prison, confined until now.

"What is there to say?" Peter responded casually.

To him, this prison was like paper. It didn't bind him; he entered willingly and could leave at any time.

Diana, by comparison, seemed far more intriguing now.

"Hey! How can you gloat at someone else's misfortune!" Diana glared at Peter, suddenly incensed.

"You're imprisoned too!"

"But you surrendered voluntarily."


Understanding she was at fault, Diana added, "I thought we could talk... I didn't want to harm innocent people," she explained, looking at her clenched fists.

If she chose to resist, the soldiers wouldn't stand a chance.

But then what? Endless pursuit and wanted posters.

As a demigod, not fully awakened, she couldn't combat a human army.

That wasn't her intent.

Now, facing this outcome and dragging Black Superman into it, Diana bit her lip and apologized:

"I'm sorry, Black Superman. This is all because of me."

Peter shook his head. "You don't need to apologize, Diana."

She was taken aback.

"It's a rare feeling. Rather intriguing."

In Marvel, it was commonplace. Observing Diana navigate the norms of the human world in secret was an interesting diversion.

This was her initial experience of integrating into the human world, provided Peter didn't cause trouble.

"I know you mean well. Thank you," Diana said, touched.

She sensed a misunderstanding, but Peter didn't explain. Instead, he gazed at her as...