Chapter 143: Diana's Emotions

Diana found herself under scrutiny by a suspicious soldier as she navigated the streets, still in her civilian disguise. Aware that her actions could complicate matters further after dealing with Rudolf and Dr. Maru, she quickened her pace, attempting to evade the soldiers trailing her.

Her efforts proved futile as more soldiers closed in, cornering her in a dimly lit alley.

As dusk settled, one soldier stepped forward, addressing her cautiously, "Madam, your behavior is rather suspicious. Please come with us."

Diana frowned, feeling the inconvenience of her civilian attire. She weighed her options, considering a forceful escape, but before she could act, the soldiers ahead suddenly collapsed.

Momentarily stunned, Diana swiftly turned, only to find Black Superman leaning casually against a nearby wall.

"You caused quite a commotion," he remarked dryly.

Diana snorted. "Well, I did manage to eliminate the target perfectly!"

Peter's expression twitched. "Perfectly?"

Glancing back at the chaotic scene in the command post, Peter shook his head. "If you kill everyone, no one will know about your 'perfect' assassination, right?"

He dismissed the thought, suggesting, "Let's go."

Diana complied, extending her hand as Peter led the way. Curious about his delayed arrival, she inquired, "Why were you so late?"

"Just had something to take care of," Peter replied vaguely, his attention briefly caught by information displayed in his system.

After accumulating a million points, he decided to invest in the Marvel Universe Anchor without hesitation, sensing its profound connection to his location within the Marvel Universe.

Despite purchasing the anchor, Peter realized it merely marked his coordinates, lacking an immediate return method.

Sensing Peter's reluctance to delve further, Diana refrained from pressing for details.

In the ensuing days, she and Black Superman continued their crime-fighting endeavors, extending beyond Germany to global escapades. Their exploits in the war-torn DC Universe, contrasting with the orderly Marvel Universe, proved lucrative in earning points.

Diana initially derived satisfaction from aiding others and exploring human culture upon leaving Themyscira. However, her mood gradually soured.

She initially blamed Ares for the war, believing humans fought only due to his instigation. Over time, she encountered relentless injustices, observing crime and exploitation worldwide.

Initially finding joy in aiding the oppressed, Diana grew disillusioned. The world's systematic oppression and cruelty began to weigh heavily on her conscience.

Her most troubling moments occurred amid the Allied Powers, witnessing the aftermath of defeated nations. Soldiers returned home shattered, their families suffering dire consequences.

Diana empathized deeply with civilians bearing the brunt of wartime hardships, questioning whether their adversaries truly deserved enmity. She wrestled with profound doubts, pondering the true motives behind the global conflict.

"This war," Diana voiced to Peter after resolving yet another conflict, "it's just a scramble for power and resources, not justice."

Peter, noticing her somber demeanor over recent days, nodded knowingly. "You've become more thoughtful since we met."

Diana refrained from venting her frustration, knowing Peter's training shaped her disciplined responses.

"I feel like," Diana began, struggling to articulate her evolving sentiments, "no matter how much we intervene, nothing really changes."

Surprised by Diana's existential crisis, Peter countered, "Why should it change?"

Caught off guard, Diana hesitated, expecting Peter to share her sentiments. "Shouldn't we strive for change?" she queried earnestly.

Peter diverted the conversation, probing, "Have you ever fought beasts?"

"Of course," Diana affirmed, recalling her training as an Amazon warrior.

"How did you perceive those beasts when you were weaker?" Peter pressed.

Reflecting, Diana recounted her encounters with formidable creatures like wild boars and cunning wolves. "I was weaker, but I won in the end," she affirmed.

Peter drew a parallel. "Humans were once just another beast, surviving through cunning and brutality. Their progress mirrors the natural order of survival."

Diana frowned, grappling with Peter's perspective. "But does kindness have no value?" she challenged.

Peter clarified, "It's in the darkness that kindness shines brightest."