Chapter 145: Drawing Comics in DC

Stepping onto the streets of Gotham, Diana observed the bustling scene around her. Workers of all kinds hurried past in various shirts and overalls, carrying assorted goods. Occasionally, the upper class rode by in elegant carriages, their true faces obscured.

Despite its unique architecture, Gotham, at first glance, seemed no different from any other city. If Diana had to sum it up in one word, she would choose "prosperity."

"This city is thriving," Diana remarked, her gaze sweeping over a newly completed bridge in the distance.

Peter couldn't deny her assessment. Such prosperity provided the fertile ground that would eventually spawn crime and nurture gangs in the decades to come.

"What's our next move?" Diana inquired as she followed Peter.

Peter led her through several streets until they arrived at the entrance of a somewhat dilapidated newspaper office. He stated simply, "First things first, I'm buying this."

"Huh?" Diana looked at the nearly bankrupt establishment before her, baffled by the connection to their mission. She couldn't fathom it.

Seeing Peter open the door and enter the office, Diana followed suit, albeit reluctantly.

The interior of the office was disorderly, with printing equipment scattered about. A disheveled man, looking worn-out, sat hunched over a desk, scribbling away.

Upon noticing them, the man asked, "Who are you?"

"We saw your notice of sale outside. We're interested in acquiring your newspaper," Peter explained.

The man's face lit up with surprise and delight. The newspaper had been a family business, struggling under his mismanagement and the encroaching influence of nearby gangs. He had posted the notice as a last-ditch effort, never expecting a serious buyer.

To his amazement, things proceeded smoothly. Peter swiftly completed the acquisition, leveraging his accumulated points effortlessly.

"Are you sure about this?" Diana asked anxiously after the man departed.

She could see the myriad issues plaguing the newspaper—it seemed like an imprudent choice no matter how she looked at it.

"It's all manageable for us, Diana," Peter reassured her calmly.

His confidence eased Diana's worries. Black Superman had repeatedly proven his ability to overcome challenges that would thwart ordinary people.

"So, what do we do now?" Diana asked, curious about their next steps.

"It's not about what we should do, but what you should do," Peter replied cryptically.

"Huh?" Diana tilted her head, puzzled.

"I need you to tidy up this office," Peter clarified.

Though it seemed beneath Wonder Woman's stature to do menial chores, Diana recognized her role as his companion now.

She took a deep breath, shooting Peter an annoyed glance before dutifully setting about the task.

As an Amazon princess, Diana was no stranger to physical labor, but mundane chores like these were a different story. It took her considerable time and effort to clean and organize the messy office.

Examining her work nervously, she awaited Peter's inspection.

Fortunately, Peter didn't criticize her efforts. He simply said, "Do better next time."

Relieved, Diana resolved to familiarize herself with these domestic tasks as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, Peter had already prepared the tools he needed during this interval.

Diana noticed him arranging paper, pens, and paints on the table.

"Are you drawing something?" Diana asked, curious.

Peter had already begun sketching on the paper. He replied, "You're halfway there."

"What's the other half?"



In this era, comics were still emerging, mostly featured as side content in newspapers rather than standalone publications.

Being new to human society, Diana had little exposure to comics.

With his superhuman speed and intellect, Peter swiftly completed several comic strips.

Fascinated, Diana picked up the first comic and examined it closely.

"Iron Man... Tony Stark?"

She quickly grasped that the comics were sequential visual stories. The first issue depicted a future where Tony Stark, a wealthy playboy and arms dealer, became a superhero to fight against the misuse of weapons and wars.

In this era, the concept of superheroes was still nascent, including for Diana, but she recognized parallels between them and Black Superman.

Engrossed in the story, Diana eagerly flipped through each panel.

When she reached the end of the issue, she looked up at Peter with anticipation. "What happens next?"

The story had ended abruptly with Tony revealing his uncle as the mastermind behind the very crimes he fought against.

Diana felt a pang of disappointment at the incomplete narrative.

Peter chuckled at her eagerness. "That's all for the first issue."

"What do you mean, that's it? I want to know what happens next! Can't you draw more?" Diana pleaded, clearly hooked on the storyline.

"You just whipped up this comic in less than two seconds. With all your powers, you could keep going all day!" she insisted.

Peter raised an eyebrow, amused. "You're quite the demanding assistant. Don't I get any rest?"
