Chapter 147: You Should Thank Us

Peter and Diana swiftly received an invitation from the Godfather of the Grave Mafia.

Diana's immediate response was to decline the invitation. She had no interest in dealing with these troublesome individuals. If they dared to bother her again, she wouldn't hesitate to demonstrate the strength of an Amazon.

Peter, on the other hand, decided to accept the invitation.

"I have a strange feeling about this, Black Superman. What exactly do you plan to do there?" Diana poured two glasses of water and handed one to Peter.

Seated comfortably, Peter took the glass and replied, "No, I'm not going. You are, Diana."

"You're making decisions for me again without asking! When did I agree to go?" Diana retorted sharply.

"Why not go on your own then?" Peter smiled at her and remarked, "You're my spokesperson now."


Though she felt used as a tool, Diana couldn't deny the satisfaction she felt at being entrusted with this role. Frowning slightly, she asked, "But I have no idea what to do."

"Come closer, and I'll tell you," Peter beckoned to Diana.

After listening to Peter's instructions, Diana's expression turned peculiar. She hesitated before saying, "Is that really okay?"

"Of course. After that, I leave it all to you. Oh, and don't forget to make coffee next time," Peter added casually.



Grave Mafia Headquarters

Diana promptly accepted the Godfather's invitation and arrived at their designated meeting place.

She reverted to her Amazonian attire, meticulously adding a pair of stockings and a dark fur cloak. A servant escorted her to the manor.

Inside the manor's most luxurious room, the Godfather awaited.

He was visibly surprised to see a young, beautiful woman arrive alone, yet he maintained his composure and greeted her politely, "What a lovely lady. Where is your companion?"

Unmoved, Diana replied expressionlessly, "I am sufficient on my own."

The Godfather frowned slightly, sensing an air of disdain in her demeanor, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time.

Not one for small talk, he got straight to the point, "For newcomers, it's unwise to attract attention."

"Are you threatening me?" Diana stared intently at him.

"No, just a friendly reminder." The Godfather's calm demeanor returned as he gauged Diana's reaction.

Despite her fierce gaze, a result of battles endured, Diana muttered under her breath, "Why does everyone like being kind..."

Recalling Peter's advice, she quickly adjusted her demeanor and stated flatly, "I disagree. Strength is often the only language that gets results."

Her arrogantly delivered lines, coupled with her emotionless tone, came off more comical than intimidating, like a third-rate actor reciting lines poorly.

The Godfather too sensed something amiss. Beyond the strange delivery, her unwavering confidence and lack of interest in dialogue were troubling signs.

Growing uncomfortable with the situation, Diana decided to cut to the chase, "Enough of this. If you want the newspaper, try taking it from me!"

Her straightforward challenge resonated with her Amazonian tradition of settling disputes through combat.


It was unusual for anyone, especially a woman, to challenge the Grave family so brazenly. The Godfather, though amused, couldn't help but chuckle at the audacity.

"Madam, do you understand the implications?" He couldn't help but laugh at the idea of someone challenging the Grave family single-handedly.

Unfazed, Diana nodded resolutely, "Let's get on with it. I have coffee to make."

Perceiving her provocation as a slight to his authority, the Godfather couldn't let it pass. He signaled for his men to intervene, considering sparing her for appearance's sake.

Before he could act, however, one of his men accidentally knocked over a cherished vase, prompting Diana to retaliate swiftly.

"I guess it's time..." Diana muttered, loosening her fist.

Realizing the gravity of the situation too late, the Godfather attempted to diffuse it, but Diana had already launched into action, causing chaos and destruction.

She incapacitated one thug after another, smashing through the manor's interior without restraint.

Though Diana refrained from fatal blows, her prowess in combat was undeniable. The Mafia's hired thugs, armed and trained for such scenarios, proved no match for her.

In her mind, Diana cursed Peter for his brash tactics, but soon realized their effectiveness in forcing concessions.


As the last thug fell, Diana surveyed the wreckage around her. The Godfather remained seated, his expression a mix of disbelief and resignation.

Mindful of Peter's advice, Diana refrained from targeting the elderly or children. With a measured tone, she remarked, "You should thank us."
