Chapter 150 Additional Update

Three weeks had passed in a flash, and today marked the release date of the third issue of Marvel Weekly. Diana efficiently arranged the newspapers and called the newsboys to collect their bundles.

Over this time, the newsboys had become familiar faces at the Marvel News Agency. They eagerly discussed the latest developments in the comics, particularly enthralled by Iron Man's adventures and technological innovations.

"Sister Diana, did you see Iron Man this week? Mark 2 was amazing last week!"

"I can't wait to find out more about Tony Stark's story."

The popularity of Marvel Weekly continued to grow steadily in Gotham. Loyal readers emerged, and newspaper vendors began contacting the agency to stock their stalls with copies.

Meanwhile, the Grave family, after their confrontation with Diana, remained subdued. Reports indicated they were cautiously investigating the events that had transpired.

In Gotham, beyond the comics' influence, significant events were unfolding. One of the chief engineers tasked by the major families to build Gotham's iconic "Gotham Gate" bridge had tragically died in an accident. The bridge, crucial for Gotham's future transport infrastructure, highlighted the city's ongoing development and its attendant challenges.

Diana, while aware of these broader events, focused on Marvel Weekly's progress and impact. The comics had garnered attention, even from influential figures like Edward Elliott, head of the Elliott family—one of Gotham's four major families.

Edward, a newspaper tycoon, sat in his mansion, engrossed in the latest issue of Marvel Weekly. He marveled at its artistic quality and storytelling, recognizing its superiority over traditional comics in his own newspaper.

Putting down the newspaper, Edward summoned his butler. "How is the investigation proceeding?"

The butler reported diligently, detailing their findings. "Sir, we traced the origins of Marvel Weekly to a small, nearly bankrupt family newspaper until two strangers arrived and transformed it. We haven't uncovered much about these strangers yet."

Edward frowned at the unknown variables. "What about their connection with the Grave family?"

The butler continued, explaining the recent turmoil involving the Grave Mafia and their alleged defeat by a woman associated with the newspaper's creators.

"The entire Grave family defeated? By a woman?" Edward's concern grew. Though he had underestimated the Graves, he now recognized the potential threat posed by these mysterious outsiders.

Despite the uncertainties, Edward maintained his confidence as a leader of Gotham's elite. "Send someone to establish contact."

Back at the Marvel News Agency, Diana wrapped up her tasks and cleaned the office meticulously. She then prepared coffee, adding milk and sugar, before presenting it to Peter—a routine she had grown proficient in.

But today, instead of moving on to other chores, Diana looked at Peter expectantly. Sensing her anticipation, Peter produced the latest issue of "Iron Man" comics.

Unlike previous editions, this issue included a complete magazine format. It compiled the previous three issues of Iron Man along with new stories detailing Tony Stark's battles against adversaries like Iron Overlord.

Diana was momentarily taken aback by the comprehensive update. "More updates? And such quality!"

The evolution of Marvel Weekly was becoming more profound, attracting attention and reshaping the landscape of comics in Gotham.
