Chapter 183: So Many Tricks

"This isn't a joke, Tony. Don't push yourself too hard," Steve's concern was evident as he spoke seriously.

"I know, I know," Tony replied defiantly, though his tone betrayed his exhaustion.

"I can still hold out for a bit, but you better move fast," he added.

It was impressive enough that Tony had lasted this long against Carnage, a formidable opponent akin to a black Superman.

Gwen, observing from another angle, chimed in, "He's definitely the toughest enemy I've ever faced."

"Yeah, I agree," Phantom sighed, "Carnage seems different this time."

"Different?" Gwen was intrigued.

Phantom continued, "Yes, the previous Carnage was powerful, but not this resilient. With so many of us attacking, we would've defeated him by now."

Gwen sensed a revelation dawning. "Phantom, is it possible this Carnage isn't the one from your world?"

"What? No way," Phantom initially dismissed the idea, then reconsidered, "Are you suggesting he's changed hosts?"

"Yes, exactly!" Gwen pondered aloud, though she didn't immediately think of Peter. She suspected someone who knew her was now possessed.

Phantom shook her head, "Changing hosts can happen, but such a dramatic change in power suggests something more."

"Gwen, Carnage doesn't bond with hosts like us symbiotes do. He prefers to dominate and control rather than form a partnership. The host is just a vessel," Phantom explained carefully, "It's paradoxical. Unless he finds an extremely powerful host, he can't become this strong so quickly. But a host that strong could potentially overpower him."

The distinction was clear to them on fundamental levels.

Steve's voice broke through their conversation via communicator, "Tony's not holding up. We need to act fast."

"Hey! I never said that!" Tony's protest was futile; his condition was plain to see.

"What's the plan?" Felicia asked, turning to Gwen.

Gwen blinked, recalling their clash with Carnage at Green Whip. "I might have an idea."

Peter, observing Tony lying prone, anticipated a change in strategy. Would they counterattack now? It was a ripe moment—both Tony and Carnage were nearing exhaustion.

Steve, known for seizing such opportunities, wouldn't miss this chance.

Sure enough, Gwen dashed towards Peter.

Her timing was impeccable; Gwen boasted the strongest defense among them in her vibranium suit—a formidable asset in this "Earth" version.

Peter could only fend her off, creating a gap that allowed Tony to escape.

But Devour intercepted him, meeting Peter head-on.


Their symbiotes clashed violently. Devour alone couldn't overpower Carnage; it was a risky move.

"You're trying to help Tony escape?" Peter taunted, unsurprised by their plan. It was indeed the perfect moment to strike back.

Even as Steve and Felicia closed in from behind, the two at the forefront rotated in combat, with Catwoman's agile maneuvers keeping Peter on edge.

"You shouldn't have done that," Peter remarked, tearing through Devour's defenses effortlessly.

Steve retaliated with his shield, but Peter caught and hurled it back. Steve stumbled, unable to withstand the force.

"Is that all?" Peter taunted.

"It's not over!" Devour rallied, despite injuries, halting Carnage's advance.

"You're making a mistake," Peter said, his tone uncharacteristically calm.

This rattled Devour, who feared their strategy had been exposed.

Suddenly, a voice called from above, "Get out of the way!"

It was Jessica and Ice Blue

They descended forcefully, landing blows that staggered Carnage. Ice blues icy symbiote attempted to encase Carnage, aiming to immobilize him.

Their intentions were clear—to restrain and control, preparing for the final strike.

True to form, Gwen surged forward after Ice Blue

Her battle suit's spider silk patterns glowed intensely, charged with energy—energy transferred from Tony's Destroyer armor.

Though Tony's armor was nearly wrecked, it still managed to boost Gwen's power with residual energy. Peter sensed Carnage was in for a reckoning.

Despite Ice Blue's temporary ice grip, Gwen confronted Carnage, hands crackling with electric power.

"Let's see who you really are," Gwen's voice echoed with determination.

Peter hesitated, opting against a counterattack. He stirred up dust, obscuring vision.

Meanwhile, Gwen unleashed her stored energy, electrocuting Carnage.

Carnage convulsed in agony, struggling to maintain form.

Gwen watched closely as Carnage writhed, shrinking under the onslaught.

Then, a chilling realization washed over her, freezing her in place.


Her voice wavered, disbelief etched on her face.

"No, it can't be..."

"Sorry, Gwen." Peter grasped her hand, preventing her retreat.

In an astonishing turn, her vibranium suit deactivated its protection—something only two people in the world could achieve.

Gwen's mind raced, unable to process it all.

Before she could react, Peter seized Phantom, the entity possessing her.

"I've got you," Peter declared.

"Wait!" Phantom protested, bewildered as Peter swiftly separated her symbiote and hurled it toward Carnage.

For Carnage, freshly wounded, it was a feast. Phantom trembled, helpless against the onslaught.

In moments, Carnage absorbed the symbiote, restoring himself completely.


"What's happening, Gwen!"

Their intended coup turned into a devastating reversal. The heroes were left reeling in shock.

Peter stood, addressing the baffled group, "You did well. Almost took Carnage down."

Carnage, though revitalized, seethed with indignation, still reeling from the injuries.

This unforeseen shift left the Justice League grasping for options.

Tony's armor was on its last legs, Steve was battered, Devour injured, and their allies no longer posed a threat.

"What more tricks do you symbiotes have?" Tony's frustration was evident.
