Chapter 186: Meeting Ceremony

Jin Bing stood before the altar, clad in a pure white cassock with a dharma ring hanging from a gold chain around his neck. He prayed solemnly, holding scriptures in his hands.

His fleshy face, adorned with gold-rimmed glasses, gave him an air of both intellect and brutishness, creating an odd juxtaposition.

Tony Stark's unexpected appearance didn't startle him. Jin Bing calmly closed the book and pushed up his glasses.

"Tony Stark? It's indeed rare for the famous Iron Man to visit such a humble abode in the middle of the night."

Tony removed his steel mask, surprised by the scene before him. "I had no idea the notorious criminal Kingpin had turned to religion and scriptures. Are you repenting for your past sins?"

Unfazed by Tony's typical sarcasm, Jin Bing's expression remained serene, making him seem harmless despite his imposing figure.

"Repent? No, Stark, I don't regret my past actions. They were necessary," Jin Bing replied calmly. "I didn't create those sins; they created me."

Gwen, watching from a rooftop, clenched her fists. "I shouldn't have let him go."

But why had she let Kingpin go in the first place? The memory was hazy.

Peter's touch brought her back. She refocused on the scene below.

"I'm not here to discuss religion," Tony continued, his tone serious. "I'm here because there have been sightings of alien symbiotes near this prison."

His target was the symbiote.

Jarvis had uncovered videos showing symbiote activity in the vicinity, and Tony intended to capture it before it could cause harm.

Kingpin's eyes narrowed. "Stark, I take my church seriously."

He waved a scripture at Tony. "I've engaged theologians and philosophers to help me write this book, providing them with everything they need."

Tony frowned, momentarily uncertain. This was an unexpected side to Kingpin, who was more associated with crime than theology. "A church that doesn't even know its own beliefs?"

Tony's investigations revealed that during his six months in prison, Jin Bing hadn't been idle; he'd established a church, seemingly out of place in modern society.

His initial reaction was to dismiss it as backward and anti-intellectual.

Despite delving into magic himself, Tony still found religion perplexing. "Magic exists, but gods? They're not what people think."

His suspicions grew upon learning of Osborne Enterprises' involvement. Perhaps these seemingly opposed forces were collaborating for some hidden agenda.

His taunts hit a nerve. Jin Bing, once calm, now looked furious, his expression darkening.

"He exists," Jin Bing asserted vehemently, leaning forward. "We've all forgotten, but one day, he will return."

Tony regarded him skeptically. "Sure..."

"I'm not interested in your religion," Tony interjected, eager to steer the conversation back to the symbiote.

Jin Bing remained unperturbed. "You were seen battling that monster during the day. Your Justice League suffered a defeat."

"Temporarily," Tony retorted.

Kingpin smirked. "But what's that got to do with me?"

Tony's patience wore thin. "I found symbiote activity here. You can't pretend ignorance."

"Symbiotes? Even if they're here, why should I help you?"

Tony seized on the opportunity. "If we don't stop them, everyone will suffer."

Up on the rooftop, Gwen glanced at Peter for guidance.

Peter shrugged. "Consider it a little gift from me."

Gwen sighed. "Your 'gifts' are always surprising, Peter."

"Sometimes a little hardship pushes us forward."

Their reunion had overwhelmed her with emotion, but now doubts crept in.

"Is it right to oppose Mr. Stark and the others like this?"

"Trust me, Gwen."

What more could Gwen say?

Downstairs, Kingpin dismissed Tony with a wave. "Your threats won't work on me."

Tony felt a twinge of frustration. Time was short, and unlike previous symbiote encounters, there was only Riot left. According to Phantom's intel, Riot was particularly dangerous.

And Jin Bing seemed equally unyielding. This confrontation could only end one way.

"Highly likely, Kingpin," Tony warned, "that you'll be the first to suffer. These symbiotes aren't benevolent."

The tension between them escalated, both sides preparing for the inevitable clash.